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Stop Your F#cking Whining (and Do the Damn Thing)

By Kevin Jiggetts

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In his debut book, author Kevin Jiggetts writes with unabashed sincerity to embolden the faint of heart to reach their fullest potential.


Inevitably, within every life, there will be times when you get knocked on your ass. It’s a fact and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you’ll get off that newly bruised butt, stop the whining and complaining, and deal with it. This is a life saving, heavy handed, in your face approach to Self Development because some people need a kick in the ass. Written by a Decorated United States Marine Combat Veteran, this “no holds barred” approach to self-development is not the usual soft handed self-help book. By putting a mirror to the faces of whiners and complainers, the author hopes that they might see and boldly face the convenient lies they’ve hid behind that have held them back for too long. This uncut and often entertaining, boot camp approach is based on real life experience and observations. It is an effort to inspire all (or at least one) to greatness. You have entered the “No F#cking Whining Zone.”

Fear is not a feeling Kevin Jiggetts allows to have any authority in his life. 

As soon as it creeps up, say when the idea of pursuing a dream comes to mind, or while entertaining some kind of drastic life change that could carry the potential for massive happiness, he treats fear as a fleeting emotion that he looks dead in the eyes while uttering three pulverizing words: “Fuck You, Bitch.”

Jiggetts, who many may know from his role as an incident commander on 2014’s TV drama “Those Who Kill” to his role in 2015’s “Concussion” in which he plays an FBI agent, among his many television and film credits, he is also a former corrections officer and marine who survived a vicious life threatening bombing while serving in the United States Marine Corps in the early 1980s which earned him the Purple Heart. 

Having lived through heroic experiences both on and off the battlefield, he has learned a thing or two about life’s dichotomous nature that is both unforgiving and rewarding — that is, if one can find a way past the self-limiting dimensions of your their own head.

In his debut book, which he bluntly calls “Stop  Your F#cking Whining (And Do the Damn Thing)," Jiggetts assumes the role of your own personal mentor and life coach — using the wisdom he’s acquired from his own life — drilling down in-your-face principles about reality, the dangers of negative influences, the necessity of perseverance, and believing in and embracing your individuality to encourage, motivate and inspire even the faintest of heart to live their best life. 

Throughout his cuss-wrought rants that will crack a light-hearted smile, Jiggetts reminds readers of the Mike Tyson in us all, challenging us to tap into the strength we all have to face our demons and our worst inner critics and emerge from the other side a kinder, more patient and responsible version of ourselves. 

Jiggetts’ book is not only hilarious and told from a no-nonsense narration, readers will recognize the meaning of true power by taking the high road in life’s circumstances, summoning the courage to pursue your dreams, and giving yourself a break as you map your nonlinear way to success. 

His intent, after all, is to “turn the whiners into winners” — this coming from a man who believes in the power of words and the breakthroughs that can come with every self-affirming proclamation. 

To quote Jiggetts, “You have the power of inspiration.”

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A seasoned journalist and editor, I've written for the weekly division of the North Jersey Media Group covering municipal government to arts and entertainment. Currently, I serve as the editor of DiningOut New Jersey Magazine and a correspondent with


Inevitably, within every life, there will be times when you get knocked on your ass. It’s a fact and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you’ll get off that newly bruised butt, stop the whining and complaining, and deal with it. This is a life saving, heavy handed, in your face approach to Self Development because some people need a kick in the ass. Written by a Decorated United States Marine Combat Veteran, this “no holds barred” approach to self-development is not the usual soft handed self-help book. By putting a mirror to the faces of whiners and complainers, the author hopes that they might see and boldly face the convenient lies they’ve hid behind that have held them back for too long. This uncut and often entertaining, boot camp approach is based on real life experience and observations. It is an effort to inspire all (or at least one) to greatness. You have entered the “No F#cking Whining Zone.”

1 - It’s All Bullshit

The following is an excerpt from a powerful movie. I you missed the message, here it is again, this time, give it some thought.

“The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth... Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.” - Morpheus / Actor / Lawrence Fishburn / The Matrix

Unfortunately, there are those among us (aka the majority) who believe the negative ideas about themselves that have been passed onto them, via parents, peers, society, stereotypes, and so on. Even more sadly, this majority seeks out experiences and people that further sup- port their current state. This traps them in a box. Within that box they find comfort, regardless of how ugly, destitute, or even mediocre the surroundings might be, and they fear anything even slightly beyond that box and that’s some bullshit.

They believe and say stupid shit like “this is just how it is and that’s that.” Many have heard and welcomed from childhood into adulthood that they are too black, too white, not black enough, too fat, too gay, too dumb, too lesbian, etc. The list goes on and on, seemingly without end. Many of these cruel statements have somehow been allowed to dictate your yesterday, your today and tomorrow.

If you don’t recognize what’s happening and put an end to this bullshit right now, you are destined to continue down that same fucked up path.

To continuously act as if these negative labels are true, is crazy. These labels have been fixed upon you by a group of assholes. Yes, assholes! I KEVIN JIGGETTS

urge you to beware. They come disguised as family, friends, society, you name it. That’s right, I emphasized, FAMILY. Those mother-fuckers can be the absolute worst. Family will fuck you over like no other, just because you’re family. You’re familiar, so they’ll feed you the worst negative shit, with a big spoon, for years and years, just to keep you with them in their world, in their box of mediocrity. It’s because of their own negative programing, but I’ll address that later.

If anything ugly, mean, negative, etc, has ever been said to you, and you have acted upon it, that is some more BULLSHIT. You are better than that. If you believe that success, on any level, is reserved for special people, then guess what, you too, are on that special list. We are all born of the Universe. WE ALL have something special within us. It’s up to each of you to recognize this, and work that shit.

Story: This is Some Bullshit and Fuck the Matrix said Gaga and Adele

The media, those mother fuckers, will tell you there is no hope, and that too, is some bullshit.

Need an example? Take the music industry. Shit, artists have always had an impossible time trying to maintain steady footing in the indus- try, especially lately.

But even in music industry hopelessness, two women, no older than today’s recent college graduates, managed to force the industry to pay attention, give it its first sales increase in years, and make one of the most popular Youtube videos of all time. Ever heard of Lady Gaga or Adele? Both are total fucking superstars now, and not by accident.

In 2005, Lady Gaga was just 19 year old Stefani Germanotta. She dropped out of New York University’s prestigious Tisch School of the Arts, in order to become a successful recording artist. Her dad gave her one-year to figure out how to do this, and after that she would be forced to return to school.

Instead of resting on Daddy’s financial comfort, Stefani worked her ass off making records, pitching herself to record labels, and perform- ing in dirty, sweaty dives in New York’s lower east side. To say the least, the blood, sweat, and tears paid off. Less than a year later, she landed a deal with Def Jam Records, but just when things were looking up, the label dropped her for no reason, and young Stefani fought against a deep depression.

So how did a sad 19 year old become the biggest pop singer in the world? Instead of whining and fucking crawling back to her parents, Stefani stood on her own two goddamn feet. She dyed her hair blonde and insisted everyone call her Lady Gaga. To be honest, she might have gone a little crazy, but she did it without fucking whining.

And as a result, Interscope Records later signed her. After that, she took over the mother fucking music universe. Now her music videos are Youtube events. Who hasn’t seen the “Bad Romance” video? It was awesome. Her tours sell the fuck out, venue after venue and year after year, coupled with a string of number 1 hits. She put aside the bullshit, and worked her ass off until she was the mother fucking superstar she always wanted to be. And you know what, nothing, absolutely nothing, is stopping you from being as great as Lady Gaga, in your chosen arena, except your whining, complaining, blaming, and bitching.

And how about Adele? Even younger than Lady Gaga when she started out, she went from indie-rock nobody to Grammy-sweeping superstar. Fearless and plus-sized in an industry where stars don’t eat, Adele never once gave in to the bullshit, and is now the standard for what’s gorgeous in pop music. Oh, and have you ever heard of a song called “Rolling in the Deep” just one of her hits? That song revived the music industry, boosting sales the first time since 2004. Did Adele bitch and moan when industry officials told her she was too heavy? Fuck no. She pushed through, forced the industry to listen to her, and before long, everyone was/is listening to Adele.

The reason I bring these women up is because they are no different from you. They both started out as no-names, struggling college students, and through fierce determination and confidence, they rose above the whining of so many of their peers. Another reason I bring up these two women is that they are in one of the toughest industries in the world, music, and they persevered despite the odds. They looked the industry in the face and said, this is some bullshit and I’m not taking no for an answer bitches.”

And no, we are not all built for celebrity, but there is something that you are passionate about, I guarantee it. They did it, and goddamn it, so can you. And here’s the biggest secret: it’s easier than you goddamn think.

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About the author

Kevin Jiggetts is a recent graduate of Grantham University with a BS in Multidisciplinary Studies (Cum Laude) is a Combat Decorated U.S. Marine Veteran (Purple Heart Recipient), former Corrections Officer and has more than twenty years’ experience as an Actor on TV, in Film, and in Theater. view profile

Published on April 06, 2019

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50000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Self-Help & Self-Improvement

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