We KNOW that our life is short and precious, and yet, we spend most of our time feeling miserable about ourselves.
We’ve been conditioned to hide our true feelings, our very essence from everyone, including ourselves.
We think that we CAN’T love ourselves.
The truth is that we CAN; we just don’t know HOW to do it.
I believe that our main purpose in life is to learn about ourselves, and then share what we’ve learned with others.
We each have a responsibility to define and pursue our own version of a meaningful and fulfilling life through a continuous process of learning to love, accept, and trust ourselves.
SoulQuest is a series of prompts and exercises designed to shift your perspective on how you think and feel about yourself, and shows you how to create simple habits that nurture your spirit.
I am by no means saying “Do things my way.” What I’m hoping to accomplish is to help you trust yourself enough to do things YOUR way.
Ultimately, I want you to stop beating yourself the hell up, because… How’s that working for ya?
Veneta Shepherd's compelling and inspirational book SoulQuest: Your Journey of Self Discovery takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Shepherd offers a road map for readers to connect with their inner selves and awaken to their actual purpose in life through her personal experiences and insights.
Awakening, Empowering, and Embracing are the three sections that make up the book. Each chapter is intended to guide readers through various phases of spiritual development. The first section, Awakening, lays the groundwork for the journey and assists readers in recognising and letting go of any limiting ideas or unfavourable patterns that might be hindering them. Shepherd exhorts readers to consider their convictions and turn inward for guidance.
Building self-confidence and utilising the power of the mind to generate favourable results are the main goals of the second section, Empowering. In order to assist readers improve their intuition and connect with their inner direction, Shepherd offers useful tools and exercises. She also stresses the value of forgiveness and appreciation in cultivating a good outlook and drawing abundance into one's life.
The final section, Embracing, talks about accepting oneself completely and leading a life in line with their ultimate purpose. Shepherd places a strong emphasis on the value of accepting and loving oneself. She also exhorts readers to live in the present and have faith in the universe's destiny for their life.
Shepherd chronicles her own personal path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening throughout the book. Her openness and honesty make the book inspiring and approachable. She also includes motivational sayings and tales from other spiritual instructors and thought leaders, which gives the book's message more depth and variety.
Shepherd's aptitude for condensing difficult spiritual ideas into doable stages is one of SoulQuest's strengths. She offers readers activities and meditations they may apply to their daily life to strengthen their spiritual practises and establish a connection with their inner selves. For instance, Shepherd offers a step-by-step manual for forgiving oneself and others in the chapter on forgiveness, complete with journaling exercises and affirmations.
The book's accessibility is another plus. The book is spiritual in nature, yet it is not associated with any one religion or set of beliefs. Because Shepherd's message is broad and all-encompassing, readers from various backgrounds can understand it.
In the end SoulQuest: Your Journey of Self Discovery is a strong and inspirational book that provides readers with useful tips and direction for connecting with their inner selves and leading meaningful lives. Shepherd's personal journey and discoveries add relatability and inspiration to the book, and her doable exercises and guided meditations offer readers a road map for developing their spiritual practises and embracing their true selves. Anyone looking for direction on their spiritual path or who wants to get in touch with their inner self should read this book, in my opinion.