
Songs for Mrs. Tree: poems in the wake of loss

By Peter Osterhaus

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Eight powerful poems in different styles around a theme of loss and fighting against loss. A very quick read that one will pick up again.


These poems were written to an artist and activist who had experienced a devastating tragedy. I did not know this person, but was moved to reach out and offer encouragement, comfort, if not friendship. I shared more of myself than I might have, perhaps, but I share this poetry again with you.

    Each of these eight poems has its own style and potency. While a quick read, readers will turn to these poems again and again.

    To me the most intriguing one was busy, busy. busy (for three voices. These are the inner voice, the active voice, and the other voice(s), and are arranged in three columns in a very easy-to-read way. Osterhaus avoids confusion with this pattern; too often poets become so enamored of a pattern that readers have great difficulty and frustration when they encounter the poem. Gratefully, this is not the case here. This structure appears like a Greek drama. By that I am not saying anything negative, or implying that the poet envisions the poem in that way. The structure recalls a classical form, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  Cleansing the Temple covers the familiar ground of religious hypocrisy in a different way.

What religion is this

 that hooks the needy mind

bodes the wrath of hell

 that debates with only one side

that scalds with rage

           numbs with certitude

           blinds with hypocrisy

          dizzies with lies, and

         drains all power to resist?

What is this Contract with America,

and where are the signatures?

This is an explosive poem whose force literally bursts from the page in powerful writing.

helpful for readers to connect with the poems.

    That being said, it is and excellent short book of verse that is well-written and designed.

    Song for Mrs. Tree opens the book. It is a poignant lament for someone. One small criticism I have is that the person’s identity is a little too hidden. While I do not think it should be heavily-detailed, and the same for the affliction, certainly a few details would be useful in connecting readers more quickly and solidly to the book. However, this is certainly a book worth reading.


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Poet/writer with four books and two in collaboration with artist Carol Worthington-Levy. My first novel, "The Botleys of Beaumont County" appeared on Blurb in 2020 Literary fiction piece set in the Southeastern USA around 2008.


These poems were written to an artist and activist who had experienced a devastating tragedy. I did not know this person, but was moved to reach out and offer encouragement, comfort, if not friendship. I shared more of myself than I might have, perhaps, but I share this poetry again with you.

Song for Mrs. Tree

High on a hill 

near the clouds

stands a willow,

tall yet bowed

It no longer weeps

Its aged boughs

fling wide to the sky,

still begging

"Why me?"

Its trunk broad

throughout its length,

getting porous

losing strength

Take my hand,

Mrs. Tree

Rest your heart

onto me

I can bear you

Take my love

Take my youth

Take my strength

Take my truth

Live as long as you

want to be

I can't bear the

thought of losing you

Please stand tall

I'm not through

admiring you

Press your boughs

To the wind

I'm creeping somewhere

just behind,

hoping for a peek

at my future

Says the youth

to the old:

"You're a trellis

to be followed

all lifelong ..."

Stay with me,

Mrs. Tree

Last as long as

you can stand to be

When your arms

cannot hold

rest your gentle boughs

onto me

I'll be stronger, smiling,


because of you

When your buds

cease to bloom

I will still be

loving you -

dearly, gently,


Mrs. Tree

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Peter OsterhausThank you for picking up my book. Your review will be very helpful in building an audience for my work, an audience that has yet to be developed. Thank you for this important first step.
about 4 years ago
About the author

I have written in many forms, from poetry and short stories to music, screenplays, nonfiction and a musical. This collection represents my earliest poems, addressed to a real person at a particular time and place. Later, I decided to share them with readers. B.A. in Theater, Binghamton University view profile

Published on December 02, 2020

2000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆


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