Solomon Kane - Complete Fantasy Collection

By Robert E. Howard

Miles Gatling

Reviewed on Apr 7, 2020

Must read 🏆

You'd better watch out, better not kill and steal because Kane is not merciful.

Solomon Kane is the one who decides if you're naughty or nice. Here is what the narrator says about him. 

"Though he did not realize it, the Wolf was more than merely an enemy to him; the bandit symbolized, to Kane, all the things against which the Puritan had fought all his life: cruelty, outrage, oppression, and tyranny." 

And this "Cruelty and tyranny to the weak sent a red blaze of fury, fierce and lasting, through his soul." 

Here is how Kane sees himself "Because you are a rogue whom it is my destiny to kill," answered Kane coldly."

I really enjoyed the author's style of storytelling. He provides details where it's needed but also allows the action to flow in the fight scenes. Solomon Kane as a character is easily understood. He fights the good fight, slaying bad guys "from mountains to jungles" as Le Loup once said. If you enjoy power trips you will probably enjoy Robert E Howard's creation, bundled up in Solomon Kane - Complete Fantasy Collection. It's dirt cheap on Google Play Books.

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Not for kids. I wrote a fantasy novel. It's on google store


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