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Not for me 😔

Enjoyed the author's ability to transition between the two character's perspectives, as well as the sex scenes...but that is about it.


The story of the book revolves around a billionaire and a chocolate shop owner, who meet under uncanny circumstances. The pull between them is undeniable so they keep finding themselves together. The female lead, having a bad streak with past relationships does not want to believe that she deserves a chance at true love. On the other hand the male lead believes, every single women wants him for his money and not for the person he truly is. This generates insecurities and trust issues between the couple and their relationship comes tumbling down. Situations arise where they realize how wrong they were about each other. They just wish it isn't too late for them to mend whatever is left of their connection.

       So Much For Love centres around Markus and Lizzy, and the ups and downs of

their blossoming relationship. Using eroticism and dual-perspectives, the book looks deeply into the feelings of both the characters; speaking to their insecurities, and sexual fantasies. The characters battle with villains from their pasts and the age-old question of “how do you know when you can trust someone entirely with your heart”.

           There were some things that were enjoyable about this novel, one being the smooth transition between the two different perspectives. It’s usually difficult to tell a story from more than one perspective, but I found that the transitions weren’t choppy at all, and where one character left off, another would easily begin. The author also does an amazing job at describing the many erotic scenes in this novel. The sexual tension easily builds between the two characters and hops right off the page. You can feel the heat steaming from this book. The author carefully and successfully depicts each scene so that the reader is carried into the body of the characters. I also enjoyed the banter between the two characters. The quick quips and light conversation made me at times, also feel those initial butterflies you feel when starting a new relationship.

           However, there were a number of things that I found problematic with this novel. One being that I felt the story lines and the internal conflicts of the characters to be rushed. Not even a chapter in, and I knew Lizzy’s main insecurities but not much about her personality. Many of the larger issues the characters faced were brought up very inorganically through internal dialogues. I would have liked if these issues were brought up between the characters later in the novel. I also could not sympathize with the male character as much as I would have liked. At times, he came off very possessive and angry, which left not much to be desired. Some of his reactions seemed almost too extreme with little reasoning as to why he was reacting this way. Because of the rushing of the storylines and the very angry male character, I didn’t find myself invested in the relationship between Markus and Lizzy.

           Overall, I would say this book is great for someone who is looking for a light read and maybe wants to read something with vivid erotic scenes.

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I am a 29 year-old South Asian female living in Canada that, from a young age, was taught that books were the easiest way to travel and learn about humanity. I love providing honest reviews and am happy reading various genres.


The story of the book revolves around a billionaire and a chocolate shop owner, who meet under uncanny circumstances. The pull between them is undeniable so they keep finding themselves together. The female lead, having a bad streak with past relationships does not want to believe that she deserves a chance at true love. On the other hand the male lead believes, every single women wants him for his money and not for the person he truly is. This generates insecurities and trust issues between the couple and their relationship comes tumbling down. Situations arise where they realize how wrong they were about each other. They just wish it isn't too late for them to mend whatever is left of their connection.

Chapter 1


As always I woke up before anyone and started my routine, morning jog at 4 am, gym time at 5, breakfast at 6 and then office at 7 am. This is the life I signed up for when I decided I wanted to start a billion dollar company, the success of my company depends on me and I won't let anyone down. To me, work is my first and last love everything else comes after it, everything except one person, my 5 year old niece. She is my only source of happiness, every time I listen to her laugh my soul soothes and my mind calms down. I never really liked children because they always scream and cry but Emily, she's different she always smiles and makes everyone around her happy. That's the only reason I like to spoil her every chance I get. 

At around 9 am my brother called me, "can you do me a favor?" he asked, "unless you don't want me to kill someone I'd do anything for you" I say. "Very funny, but no I don't want you to kill anybody, it's actually regarding Emily " he says and I instantly reply "I'll do it" he just chuckles and says "I knew it, I want you to pick her up from her school at exactly 4pm, can you do that? Are you free?" , "I am always free for my Em bear, you know it" I say, "Yeah, just don't take her to the zoo like you did last time, she shouldn't become a spoilt brat when she grows up and bring her home directly no wandering! Do you hear me? ", he warns me.  "I hear you loud and clear big brother, no wandering at all" it's a lie, that girl could ask me to buy the most expensive toy and I would do it in a heartbeat but I don't tell him that. 

I’m outside the kindergarten before any parent arrives, I’m excited to meet her after so long since work has been crazy these last few weeks. With the new product about to launch in a few weeks my office hours have increased vivaciously. “Uncle Mark!” Emily exclaims while running towards me with a big smile on her face, I grab her up in my arms and throw her up in the air “there’s my bundle of joy” I say and she giggles. If I wasn’t already in love with her, that sound would have made me a goner. “Where to today baby girl?” there is no way I’ll miss a chance to spend more time with her. “Movies? I want to watch Frozen 2 and then we’ll have dinner together and then we’ll eat chocolates lots and lots of chocolates” she says with that contagious smile on her face. I cannot say no and my brother has to live with it.



The morning breeze makes my hair fly across my face and covers my eyes and destructs my view, for someone who is overlooking this, you might think this is something out of a movie scene but I assure you it is not. The hair tickles my nose and an irritating feeling overcomes me. My hands are full with kitchen supplies, so any chances of getting my goddamned hair of my face are slim. 

I reach the front door of my chocolate store and stare proudly at it, it is small but it is my place, my creative space, my magic making machine. "Golosi" also known as sweet tooth in Italian is my dream shop. Ever since I found out that chocolates were my calling, I've dreamt of having my own place and blessing the world with my unique chocolate recipes. Now, all my dreams are coming true I should be happy but I'm not. My heart is not in the right place, I've been taken advantage of, been cheated on and above all I've been broken into innumerable pieces that cannot mended. Love did that to me, in the beginning it was all unicorns and fairy tales I thought I was the luckiest girl in the whole wide world turns out, I was just a plaything. 

Anyway, I struggle with the lock of my shop holding what feels like 100 tons of weight, finally it opens with a pop and the rich smell of cocoa hits me. I smile, my first genuine smile of the day. Golosi feels more like home than my apartment, with its baby pink, beige and dark brown decor it is a perfect place for a chocolate shop. There are no benches or tables of course, because people aren't going to sit and eat chocolate in front of me, are they? The shop is simple yet elegant with a see through glass container that displays various flavors of chocolate bordered with golden rims. I've a cash counter and a small see through kitchen. I'm the only one who works here, I can't afford employees right now but with time I'll give it a thought. I dump all the supplies I need into the kitchen, then fill the empty vase near the counter with white roses (they are my favorite) and get to work. 

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about 4 years ago
About the author


Published on February 16, 2021

50000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Contemporary Romance

Reviewed by