So Late in the Day

By Claire Keegan

Lisa Ard

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024

Loved it! šŸ˜

Spare writing evokes the strongest of feelings

First off, I have loved everything Iā€™ve read by Claire Keegan. Her writing is spare and giving, evoking the strongest of feelings, and a depth in characters not seen with more flowery prose. This short story collection doesnā€™t disappoint. The first story, So Late in the Day, was my favorite because the insights into the protagonist are subtly suggested but create this full picture of a man who through his own personality flaws and actions has missed an opportunity for companionship. The second story, The Long and Painful Death, didnā€™t resonate with me - I didnā€™t see a strong connection with the protagonistā€™s experience and her final act. The last story, Antarctica, was eerie, suspenseful, and stayed with me. Overall a worthwhile read and interesting collection.

Reviewed by
Lisa Ard

Lisa Ard is the author of the historical fiction novel Brighter Than Her Fears. She shares her love of history as a bike tour docent with the Palm Springs Historical Society. She and her husband live (and golf) in both Palm Springs and Portland, Oregon.


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