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An honest and raw collection reminiscent of Kaur and Lovelace; following a journey from Trauma to Hope.


A debut book of poetry to feed the soul

Meg Bloom's first book of poetry, Signs of Life, explores the feelings and experiences that make us alive: trauma, grief, loss, love, learning and hope. It offers moments to reflect on both the pain and joy that fill our lives, and what we can learn from them.

Bloom’s debut collection is immediately reminiscent of Kaur and Lovelace as she combines pithy thoughts with extended pieces which demonstrate Bloom’s talent for creating raw and honest imagery.

At times, this similarity let the collection down. My issue with the work of Kaur and Lovelace is how often the words read as discarded thoughts instead of poetry consciously crafted to evoke emotions within its readers. I often wish the four line poems in this collection, and others, were fleshed out - explored further - because instead I am left uncomfortably wanting.

Yet, Bloom illustrates a gorgeous talent for words in many of the pieces in Signs of Life. I loved the idea of the narrative journey - from Trauma to Hope. A journey one could experience in the short space of a year, or across a lifetime. The strongest chapters were Trauma, Grief, Loss and Hope.

Bloom drew metaphorical blood in nice boys

In fact I wish I felt as guilty
because resentment at my own
from the place you invaded me
to the back of my throat

and tugs on heartstrings in for your children.

She reminds us all of our past heartaches in tears:

on the night you left
the ocean
your footprints clean
from the sand
and I thought of you
as your sandcastles
from shore
like lost ghosts

and to my unborn daughter is a beautiful reminder of the fears and hopes which accompany creation.

Thus, despite lacking originality in places, Bloom is clearly finding her voice, and I look forward to watching her blossom.

Reviewed by

I am a writer and freelance editor/proofreader based in the UK. I have self-published two poetry collections (Between the Trees and Flowers on the Wall). I enjoy reviewing poetry, short stories, literary fiction and historical fiction. I am the Editor-in-Chief for Free Verse Revolution magazine.


A debut book of poetry to feed the soul

Meg Bloom's first book of poetry, Signs of Life, explores the feelings and experiences that make us alive: trauma, grief, loss, love, learning and hope. It offers moments to reflect on both the pain and joy that fill our lives, and what we can learn from them.


silk red

is the river between us

a dark pool

brimming with crimson splendour

atop the ash and dust

life wilds softly


just moments after

the violence ensued

in the pale light of the morning

your sudden absence

an unfamiliar void

I cannot fill

your white, soul-less gaze

cold and inescapable

where does life and death begin

along this river of culpability

where love turns to pain

in its merciless end

– silk river

please don’t cry

too much

I haven’t cleaned the gutters

and I don’t want

to cause a flood

– repression

I’m afraid

of opening the box

the ribbons

are deceptively colourful

but I know

the darkness inside

is endless

and will crush me


under its power

– pandora

sometimes I lose the present

like a lace curtain

has fallen

between me and the world

I am neither here

nor gone

but somewhere in between

where the damp air fuels the rot


through a cold vacuum

from the last

vestiges of my body

like a lost ship

drifting in exile

calling out to life

in the distance

– dissociation


are the hardest

to say

time has stolen

and frozen them

in my throat

like cement


in a mine shaft

– frozen

find me

in the space between

the light

and the dark

in the crevices

where lonely hearts hibernate

to survive

this taut body

a soft cloak of armour

to repel all wondering eyes and

wondering hands

that follow me through

the days

and the nightmares



the only thing more bearable

than the truth

spoken from the crib:

that which is unspeakable

in this life

– the body keeper

the truth is, I love to lose

the pain is familiar

like cutting myself

when no one is watching

– counting losses

tell me

how you feel

let me comfort you

carry you

tell you everything

will be ok

lean on me

when the world

is too much

when the stress

and the pain

cripples you

depend on me

to lift you out of bed

to dress you

nourish you

push you

trust me

to always be there

to keep you

from falling apart

expect me

need me

use me

then watch me break

underneath you

– burdens

I wish I could get angry

like you

so unfiltered

and alive

it must be good

to feel things

in your own body

– filtered

I think I heard you say

that was nice

though I’m not sure who you were trying to convince.

maybe what you meant was


I thought you were just here for me to do what I want with


excuse me, I hope you don’t mind if I just rip you open

stuff myself inside you and sew you back together again


that was nice

as you glanced back

with a pang of guilt

swiftly buried for the sake of your own

conscience –

I’m sure

that was nice.

In fact I wish I felt as guilty

because resentment at my own




from the place you invaded me

to the back of my throat

where I have to carry you around

inside of me

long after you picked up

your clothes

and left.

– nice boys

I can still feel you

inside of me

I never wanted you there

– scar

I see you


in the crevices

stroking the follicles

on the back of my neck

with your breath

an absent face

in an ethereal dream

picks me apart

piece by piece

and defeat

grips me

the exits have faded

and we are alone

eclipsed by your shadow

I drown

in your hunger

tonight, I will let you take me

– depression

don’t look at me like that

so shrill

and discerning

you’re not allowed to see

what I hide

in the cupboard

– secrets

your bones

are just

a frail cocoon


a slowing heart

losing rhythm

calling out for





between my fingertips

unsung secrets



from your lips

– bones

eating is overrated

she said

no matter how much

or little

I feed my body

it is still ugly

so I might as well stop


and yet

only love can feed beauty

– hunger

I’m so tired

of being your sponge

soaking up

all the feelings

you spill out onto the table

– sponge

no matter how much

you reject me

in the end

I’m always there for you

what would I know?

I’m just

someone with an opinion

– contempt

I must be your mirror

you hate everything about yourself

and you see it

in me

– conflict

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About the author

Meg Bloom writes poetry to reflect on life's journey, drawing from her own experiences and those close to her. She enjoys getting lost - be it in books, music and nature - and learning along the way. view profile

Published on October 01, 2019

Published by Bloom House Press

3000 words

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆


Reviewed by