We live in interesting times. Never before in all of history has it been
possible to use the internet to reach hundreds of people at a time, deliver
the same sales presentation to them, and then be able to sell to multiple
people simultaneously. If this had been possible even 40 years ago, every
car salesman, real estate agent, knife salesman, and every other type of
salesperson in the world would have been foaming at the mouth to get a
piece of what is possible today. Yet, so many people still don’t take
advantage of what’s available to them with the invention of the internet.
That’s what we’re hoping to introduce you to in this book: the power of
webinars—something so powerful that it can single-handedly transform
your business and impact what you’re looking for in your life.
Who is this book for? Well, if you’re any type of business owner or
someone who sells something, you’re going to benefit from this book.
Whether you have an online business, do coaching, consulting, sell
courses, run software, or are a real estate agent orsome sort of professional
like a chiropractor or a doctor with a product or service you want to get in
front of more people—this book is for you. Whatever it is, if you can
explain to your audience why it’s a great product or service and connect
with them, then you have something that’s worthy of a webinar.
Through this book, you’ll see just how important webinars are in this
day and age. Considering how easy it can be for people to actually grow
their businesses, and with the technology available to sell things, why are
some people crushing it while others struggle so much to sell the very same
products? The difference is in the execution, and that’s what we’re hoping
to deliver for you in this book.
Maybe you’re struggling to get more leads in your business or make
more sales. Maybe you’re already making sales but want to figure out how
to make more, or perhaps you’re just looking to get that first sale and don’t
have any clue where to start. Maybe you’re still working a nine-to-five, and
you want to get out of it, and this is just a pipe dream. Maybe you’re already
selling a decent amount of what you want to sell, but you want to sell more
of it. Whatever the case, this is the playbook for you to see what it takes to
really take things to the next level.
Before we go any further and talk about webinars, there are a few
important things I want you to understand that I’ve learned on my own
business journey. These are precursors to what we’re going to be sharing
with you in this book. At the end of the day, what we share in this book is
what has worked for us for close to a decade now. We’ve honed our skills,
spending countless hours every day learning what works through self-
study, attending events and actual field practice, and running well over
hundreds, maybe even a thousand webinars, both live and automated.
So, we know a thing or two about what’s worked for us in growing
various types of businesses—from coaching to many other areas. I’ll go
into our stories in a minute. But before that, I want to share a few pieces of
If you follow what we teach you here in this book, you’re going to be
applying what actually works. This isn’t a theory taught by some professor
in a school who has never actually been in the real world. This is taught by
people who have done this for nearly a decade. So, you’re literally learning
from people who know what works. If you apply what’s in this book, it
could be a secret weapon you can use to sell just about anything. As I said
earlier, you can use this to sell everything from physical products to digital
products to programs. Whatever it is, if you can learn this skill—and I
promise you it’s not that hard to learn, especially with the way we’ve laid
it out for you in this book—you’ll have the secret weapon to take your
business to the next level.
Now, on that note, I want to share something extremely powerful that
I’ve learned over the last five to ten years. That lesson is to be very careful
about who you take advice from. At the end of the day, I want you to look
at the person giving you advice about your business and your life. The first
question you should ask yourself is, Does this person have the life or the
business that I actually want? If the answer is no, I highly advise you to take
their opinions with a grain of salt. I’m not saying to fully discount them,
but you need to understand that this person has not achieved what you
want to achieve.
So, be very careful about listening to them regarding whether what
you want to achieve is possible or how to go about it. It’s better to listen to
people who have actually achieved what you want to achieve. In my
business career, much of my success has come from modeling what has
already worked. Once I stopped listening to the naysayers—the people
who told me what I was doing was stupid or wouldn’t work—and started
connecting with those who believed in what I was doing and believed in
me, everything changed for me. So, in addition to having the right strategy,
I urge you to try to surround yourself with the right narrative and people
because it will make all the difference.
With that being said, I want to congratulate you on making it this far.
At the end of the day, you’ve taken the first step towards building your own success, which is being open-minded and willing to learn new things
from people who have actually achieved what you want to achieve. We
hope you enjoy the knowledge we’re going to share in this book.
Now, let me share why we wrote this book, which ties into what I just
said. We wanted to give you a roadmap and the confidence you need to
learn the current skill of what’s working now to sell more of whatever it is
you want to sell. By doing that, you’re obviously working toward your
bigger picture, whatever your bigger goal is beyond just growing your
business. Maybe it’s spending more time with your family, achieving total
financial freedom to travel the world, or generating a side income.
Whatever it is, this book will be your North Star, guiding you on what you
need to do to take things to the next level.
So, with this out of the way, what is this magical piece that’s going to
allow you to do that? The magical piece we’ve alluded to is webinars.
Before we get started, we want to cover how anyone can run a webinar.
One of the main points we want to make clear as you read this book is that
anyone can build and run a webinar and see great results with it. You
might think it’s an agonizing process that will take a ton of time, hard
work, blood, sweat, and tears. But as you’ll see as you go through this book,
creating and running a webinar that benefits you and your business is
more attainable than ever before. But before we dive any further into that,
let’s talk a little bit more about us, the authors, and why you should listen
to us.
Stefan’s Story
When I first started in online business, my goal was to get out of my
engineering nine-to-five job in Connecticut. I was unfulfilled, felt like I
was wasting away, and was living in a place with no one my age. I felt like
the soil was dry, and there was no garden in which I was going to grow and
thrive. At the time, the co-author of this book, Phil, a good friend of mine,
was living in New York City and working a software engineering job. I
wanted to figure out how to get from point A—boring Connecticut, where
I was withering away at a job I hated—to point B, living in an awesome
city, growing a company I actually wanted, and being able to travel the
world. I’m happy to say I’ve achieved that dream, and a big part of that was
due to webinars.
Along the journey, I started with blogs, niche blogs, and SEO
websites, where I would drive traffic and try to make money from the sites.
Additionally, I discovered there was a lot of money in selling courses. I said
to myself, If I can figure out how to sell a course and make money passively,
I could get out of my job and live the life I actually want. However, it was a
journey learning how to sell courses. A big part of it was affiliate
I connected with people worldwide who also wanted to build and sell
courses. Some were ahead of others, some were just starting out, and I
learned how to sell courses. When I started, I sold my courses for
incredibly low prices. For this, a sales page was just fine. However, as I
wanted to raise my course prices from tens of dollars to hundreds and, in
some cases, even thousands of dollars, I noticed something was missing. I
needed something that would build enough trust for someone over the
internet to trust me with hundreds or even thousands of dollars at a time,
and that wasn’t going to be a sales page. That’s when I discovered the
power of webinars. I saw them being used to sell various things online, and
I loved them for many reasons, which we’ll discuss in this book. One
reason is that you can sell to many people at once.
Another reason is that they build a high level of trust because you’re
building an actual relationship with people. We’ll talk more about that in this book, but that’s a huge part of how I transitioned from selling things
for very cheap to charging much more for my products and services. To
this day, I’ve used webinars to sell almost everything.
I was able to leave my job in September 2015. Since then, I’ve lived in
New York City and Philadelphia and spent a good part of two years
traveling the world. Over the last ten years, I’ve been to 20 countries with
no plans of slowing down. All of this is possible due to the power of
webinars. My business has taken many iterations over this time, and I’ve
sold coaching, consulting, courses, and SaaS programs—all with the power
of webinars. As we’ve talked about, we’re condensing all the information
we’ve learned that works right here into this book. With that said, let’s hear
Phil’s story.
Phil’s Story
I originally started my professional career in the corporate world,
building software for a Fortune 500 company. But I always had an
entrepreneurial streak. Before entering the corporate workforce while I
was in college, I built and sold apps and games for mobile phones in the
“early days” of the smartphone revolution.
After graduating, I even briefly considered forgoing a “real job”
altogether and giving full-time self-employment a shot before being talked
out of it by my parents and friends. Despite being talked out of that idea
and into getting a “real job” in the corporate world, I still couldn’t shake
the entrepreneurial bug. As my fresh-faced, out-of-school optimism
rapidly faded in the corporate world, and it dawned on me that I might
have to work a nine-to-five job for the rest of my life, I turned back to
entrepreneurial ventures on the side. I saw some limited success but also
faced a lot of failure in those early days. But after years of toiling away at side hustles while progressively
becoming more and more disillusioned with the corporate world, I finally
managed to turn a side hustle into something that could make a full-time
income. I built up my savings and decided to take the plunge, going all-in
on entrepreneurship. It took a few years and most of my savings before I
found my footing as an entrepreneur, eventually finding my way back to
building and selling software. That’s where webinars truly entered my life
and changed it for the better.
After building my first subscription software company, I was looking
for effective ways to get more customers and subscribers to my app. I tried
all sorts of things, but one major breakthrough that made a big difference
to the bottom line was a single webinar I created for it. The impact was
Once I saw the power of webinars, I knew they would be an integral
part of any business I had a hand in going forward.
But there was one problem. Even though I saw the power of webinars,
there was a major roadblock. At the time, webinar software was clunky,
buggy, and very expensive. Being a software engineer, I saw the problem
clearly and also saw a potential solution. I consulted with Stefan, my
longtime friend, who I’d already worked with on and off over the years.
He was already using webinars successfully in his business but
encountered the same issues I did with clunky, buggy, and expensive
platforms. We both loved webinars but agreed the market was in desperate
need of a better solution. So, we decided to partner together to solve the
problem for ourselves and others, which is how our webinar platform,
WebinarKit, was born.
I immediately dropped everything, including my other growing
software business at the time, because I was so enthralled with the webinar
opportunity I saw before us. I started working day and night to build the first version of what would become WebinarKit. Building WebinarKit
allowed me to gain a deep understanding of all the various pieces that go
into building and running a successful webinar, for which I’ll always be
grateful. Within a few months, the first version of WebinarKit was ready.
With Stefan’s marketing expertise, we successfully launched our new
business to the public, bringing an intuitive, easy-to-use, and inexpensive
webinar platform to the market that was desperately needed. The rest is
history. Today, we continue to work actively on WebinarKit and use
webinars to grow our own businesses, both with WebinarKit and beyond.
As you can probably see by now, webinars are deeply important to
both of us and have had a huge impact on our lives. But it’s not just us
benefiting from the power of webinars. We’ve continually advocated
webinars with our clients, partners, and friends.
For example, a colleague of ours, Trevor, hired us to help him create
a program to help people grow their businesses with webinars alongside
our software because many people were saying, “Hey, it’s great that you’re
giving us the tool to succeed, but we’d also like some consulting as well as
a roadmap.”
At one point, we launched a marketing service. One of our clients was
a colleague who had a small audience on Instagram, a small email list, and
a small Facebook group, helping people travel for free with credit card
hacking. I immediately knew this person was sitting on an absolute
goldmine. They hired us for our service, and within about two months, we
helped them launch their webinar. (It’s even easier to do this now, as we’ll
show you throughout the book. It doesn’t need to take anywhere near two
Once his webinar was done, he launched it to his audience, and it was
like an atomic bomb went off.
Trevor was able to get 20 new high-ticket clients from the live
webinar. He had to create a waitlist because he had so much business
coming in that he couldn’t keep up with the demand. People were
inquiring even days and weeks after the webinar about signing up for his
service. He said it was a complete game-changer. He no longer felt stuck
at $5K to $10K per month, where he had been for a long time.
He now had the cash flow to hire additional help and a marketing
strategy he could turn on and off whenever he liked to get more clients.
Isn’t that the power we all want in our businesses? The power to turn on
and off a special strategy that will bring in new business whenever you
want it. This is the skill that separates those who succeed in business from
those who don’t, and that’s exactly the skill we’ll be teaching in this book.
So, pay close attention because we’re breaking it down in a way that’s so
simple to apply that anyone can do it.
On that note, I want to share one more story about how webinars have
impacted my life. You might be thinking, What if someone knows what a
webinar is? Is this some sort of gimmick? It’s not a gimmick.
It’s actually the most authentic way to market because, at the end of
the day, even people who know what a webinar is will respond to it. I’m
the perfect example. For years, I’ve dealt with back issues. My lower back
had two extruded discs, and there was a period where I wasn’t even able to
sit down properly for about six months. Despite seeing tons of different
doctors over the years, I still really struggled at one point. So, I did a Google
search in my local area for someone who could help with my particular
issues. I found a few different businesses. All were chiropractors with
Google reviews around the same level. They all had relatively cookie-cutter
websites, making it impossible to differentiate one from the other, except
for one having maybe a 4.6-star Google review versus a 4.5-star. Then, I
came across one chiropractor who stood out above the rest, and I ended up giving them my business. Why did I choose that chiropractor over all
the others?
Well, when I landed on their website, there was one thing different
that all the other chiropractors did not have: a webinar presentation. Even
though I knew what a webinar was and could follow the marketing
formula behind it to a T, I still chose this doctor. Why? Because the content
of the webinar demonstrated that he understood my back pain so deeply,
I thought, If what he’s saying is true and he can actually relate to my
experience, then he must be the guy who can solve my problem—even
though I knew I was following a marketing format. The words he spoke in
the presentation convinced me that he understood my pain in a way that
none of the other cookie-cutter chiropractic businesses did. This just
proves that webinars work in almost any business because they’re an
authentic way of marketing and delivering your message in a format
people can understand, building that trust, and establishing the know, like,
and relatability factors. So that chiropractor got my business, and it turns
out he’s the busiest chiropractor in that area. This is another example of
how a webinar can help you stand out, turn it on or off as much as you
want to get more clients and become a powerful asset to your business.
So, why do you want to run webinars? You might be saying to
yourself, I want to get more business, I want to get more sales, right? But we
know there’s a deeper why behind this. For example, my why, Stefan’s why,
was that I wanted to have total financial and location freedom in my life. I
didn’t want to have to go to my boss to get two weeks off a year, which is
such a low amount when you think about it. I wanted to be able to travel
when and where I wanted, knowing that the income coming in was equal
to or greater than that of my old day job without having to deal with a boss
who would tell me when I could take time off. That wasn’t something I
wanted to do for the rest of my life. I wanted freedom. Some people want to keep their jobs and just make more money on the side, and that’s totally
fine, too.
Whatever you’re looking for, whatever your reason is, it’s extremely
important for you to sit down and think about what that deeper thing is
that you’re trying to achieve in your life and how selling more with
webinars will help you achieve it.
Take a moment and write it down. Remember this as you go through
the book because this is your true motivation, and it will help you get the
most out of this and apply it to change your business. What we’re sharing
with you in this book has taken us 10-plus years of marketing experience
to learn, and we’ve done our best to condense the parts you can take from
this book and apply them like a secret weapon over and over again to
generate more business. As we said, there’s never been a time like this in
history. This is the time to act and take full advantage of this digital gold
From here, what will we actually be covering in this book? We’re
going to give you everything you need to succeed with webinars. We’ll
explain how webinars have changed over time and why it’s easier than ever
now to build your webinar, market with your webinar, and deliver more
sales with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation. We’re
also going to give you a deep understanding of why webinars work so well,
rooted in human psychology, and why they will continue to work well for
as long as humans exist. We’ll be covering these topics in depth
throughout the book.
Before we move on to the next chapter, I want to thank you again for
taking the time to read this. It means you are truly working on separating
yourself from the group of people who don’t succeed in business and
joining the group who does. Write down why you’re doing this because it
will give you additional motivation. Think about what goal you have after reading this book. Ideally, it should be to have your very first webinar set
up and start using it to drive weekly or even daily sales in your business.
We’re excited to dive in.