Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

By Yuval Noah Harari

Tiago Babo

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2020

Loved it! 😍

Good summary of our history in this planet even though some assumptions and extrapolations only mirror the author’s personal opinion.

Sapiens is one of those books that you'll find in a lot of best of lists. And you get it why: the writing is clear and engaging, and it goes through so much that it's impossible not to find something that will engage your curiosity and make you want to know more.

However, it's clear that summarizing all history in about 500 pages is a bit impossible, which makes some of the chapters a bit confusing and lacking structure. I also found the cliffhangers at the end of some chapters a bit too much for a non-fiction book.

Reviewed by
Tiago Babo

I'm from Porto, Portugal. I love to read on my kindle.

1 Comment

Matt CobbNice review @tiago , I had a similar experience!
almost 5 years ago
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