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If you're a fan of fantasy with dark and dark depths – this is going to be the perfect read for you.


This exciting tale revolves around a cursed soul. Demon ruler over all vampires, the devilishly handsome and enigmatic Dark Prince. Enter his world of dramatic intrigue filled with passion and evil that lurks around every shadowy corner. You will either love or hate him, but he will always captivate. But not nearly as captivating as his stunning Queen. Their story tells of forbidden love and the ultimate betrayal. A betrayal that rocks the entire demon realm ushering in a formidable foe, the Dark Lord. A powerful sorcerer vampire who wants the Dark Prince’s throne… and his beautiful Queen. A vicious rival who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. His treachery was born out of vengeance and relentlessly he pursues his treasonous goals at all costs. Along with this treachery comes the chaotic fright of many diabolical characters from different realms and other frightful dimensions. Much of their fright is brought down upon the innocents of mankind. However, there are those precious few mortals who are willing and brave enough to fight back where others unimaginably fall in love with these deadly creatures. Enjoy getting lost in their mesmerizing world of darkness!

Included are over 30 full-colour illustrations!

Saga of the Dark Prince: Book 1 is Amanda Tremblay's debut novel (I believe), and if you're a fan of fantasy with dark and dark depths – this is going to be the perfect read for you.

There is no middle ground when it comes to the Dark Prince. One either loves him or hates him. His charm and charisma get him far but don't always succeed in covering up the evil that lies within. Though some might be willing to pretend they didn't spot it.

Naturally, some would kill to please the Dark Prince. And those that would kill to take his place. When a sorcerer steps up to do exactly that, a whole new level of chaos hits the world. Who will win?

"Have I not given you everything your heart desires? Have I not made you my Queen to rule by my side for all eternity?"

Wow. I knew that Saga of the Dark Prince: Book 1 would hit my craving for epic fantasy, but I don't think I was quite prepared for everything that came with it. And trust me, I mean that in the best way possible!

There's a lot to unpack in this read, which I absolutely adored. Amanda Tremblay mixed common threads with unique ideas, creating something wholly different – and entirely memorable. I'm so glad that this will be the first book in a series because I want to see more of this world.

As for the characters? I still have many questions regarding their goals and the like, but I enjoyed watching them develop and scheme their way through these pages. In truth, it has been far too long since I read a book with such treachery. This may sound weird, but it was oddly satisfying to dive back into something like this.

If you're debating on trying out Saga of the Dark Prince, I would hop over to Reedsy, as a sneak peek is available (I adore sneak peeks!) there. That should help you decide! Or you can take my word on it. Either way, consider giving it a read.

Reviewed by

My name is Cat (aka Liz), and I am an avid book reader and collection. I write book, comic, and graphic novel reviews for my own book blog (Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks) and comic review blog (Quirky Cat's Comics). I also write for Monkeys Fighting Robots and The Review Crew.


This exciting tale revolves around a cursed soul. Demon ruler over all vampires, the devilishly handsome and enigmatic Dark Prince. Enter his world of dramatic intrigue filled with passion and evil that lurks around every shadowy corner. You will either love or hate him, but he will always captivate. But not nearly as captivating as his stunning Queen. Their story tells of forbidden love and the ultimate betrayal. A betrayal that rocks the entire demon realm ushering in a formidable foe, the Dark Lord. A powerful sorcerer vampire who wants the Dark Prince’s throne… and his beautiful Queen. A vicious rival who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. His treachery was born out of vengeance and relentlessly he pursues his treasonous goals at all costs. Along with this treachery comes the chaotic fright of many diabolical characters from different realms and other frightful dimensions. Much of their fright is brought down upon the innocents of mankind. However, there are those precious few mortals who are willing and brave enough to fight back where others unimaginably fall in love with these deadly creatures. Enjoy getting lost in their mesmerizing world of darkness!

Included are over 30 full-colour illustrations!


The Queen threw herself at the King’s feet and begged, “Forgive me, my Master, for I have been very foolish!”

The King’s deep voice rumbled, “Leave us now!”

The bevvy of beauties bowed their heads frightfully backing their way out of the

Great Hall. He glowered at everyone else present until one by one they all vanish. The Queen clung to his arm but he cast her aside in disdain. She stared at him pleadingly shedding a mournful tear.

The King leaned forward and stared ominously into his fearful Queen’s eyes as he lowered his voice and spoke chillingly, “My evil sweet, you would dare to risk my deepest wrath?” But all she would do is cry and shake her head.

Sebastian sat back angrily in his throne and suddenly became deep in thought. His mind took him back to a time when he had first found Valentina. She was destitute and forging through a pitiful existence as a lowly scullery maid. To his dismay, she had captured his attention. And so, he indulged his curiosity and observed her unseen from afar. Night after night, he would hear her cry herself asunder. She was always dressed in the same awful rags but somehow, he saw her beauty shine through. He never thought it possible for his black heart to feel anything ever again. But there were these weird unexplainable moments where he felt a hole so deep in his heart and from what he could not fathom. Only that his most loyal and trusted servant, Murhl, swore it was upon his request that he not remember such things ever again. It all lay locked away and hidden behind a door magically enchanted at the very top of a solitary tower. Any who would so dare be foolish enough to attempt at opening it, risked immediate death! The decrepit old Witch Doctor sternly warned him that time was a vicious cycle bound to repeat itself. One where he will revisit those memories again but of when this would occur or how often, he did not know. Murhl also mentioned time was something that should never be messed with as it could lead to catastrophe. There were still remnants of a voice echoing inside of Sebastian’s mind and he could never seem to grasp who it belonged to. But in times of crises, he would always hear them say ‘no matter for good or evil, always respect the power you have been given and it shall remain’. Perhaps this was his due to suffer such disloyalty from the one he finally gave his heart to. However, he will never forget the moment he decided to make her his Queen. A beautiful moment where she had spoke these most unusual words but with such eloquence. She had touched his face so very tenderly and whispered softly, “My darling, I love you. You are the light that shines in my eyes. Always and forever.” Sebastian swore to himself Valentina would suffer no more and would want for nothing. She would rise again anew. Rise above all and the world would lay at her very feet!

Sebastian broke out of his reverie and cried, “Have I not given you everything your heart desires? Have I not made you my Queen to rule by my side for all eternity?” Then he scowled turning his face away from her melodramatically and added, “Perhaps it is time I chose another.”

“Sebastian! My love, please… do not say such things!”

However, Sebastian remained obstinate. As he looked upon her again, he narrowed his eyes and hissed, “It is time you take your leave this very second, my ‘dutiful’ Queen.”

Valentina could see his eyes begin to blaze like fire and that only happened when he was about to do something terrible. Nevertheless, she cried out to him begging and pleading for his forgiveness. Declaring, again and again, she belonged to no one else but him. However, in his enraged state, he growls at her to be gone from his sight. Valentina dramatically transforms herself into a ferocious black cat then roars fiercely at him before bounding out of the Great Hall past the fearful guards and far away from the castle.

Sebastian was seething with anger from the unpleasant news his spies informed him of earlier. He felt like incinerating his Queen on the spot. How dare that filthy fisherman takes liberties with what belonged to him. Unfortunately, he still needed the treacherous weasel for many secret trade missions. There were very few large vessels that could transport his precious cargo without raising any suspicions. The Captain had all the major trade routes with the right connections and this alliance had already cost him a great fortune. For now, he will keep his wrath in check. In due time the Captain shall pay dearly for his treasonous affair with his disloyal Queen. He will deal with the lowly mortal the moment he no longer had any use for him. An evil smile spread across Sebastian’s face at the thought of Captain Anton’s eventual slow and horrific death.

~v~ V~v~

From a lonely dark terrace, she had stolen his heart and soul
His love for the beautiful Queen he would risk all of death’s gallows
Just outside the Dark Prince’s chambers, he hears her suffer his wrath
The vampire listened raptly while hiding within the shadows


About the author

Amanda Tremblay is a Canadian author, writer and illustrator. In her spare time, besides writing, she enjoys travel, the theatre and listening to music. Music has been a great source of inspiration for her stories. For more information, please visit her website at www.amandatremblayauthor.com. view profile

Published on March 20, 2021

Published by

90000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Epic Fantasy

Reviewed by