Rule No. 1: The Dead are to remain dead.
Rule No. 2: The Deaf can hear, don't talk too loud to them. The Blind can see, don't wave them down. The Mute can speak so don't let them ramble too much or they'll literally talk your head off.
Rule No. 3: Refill the coffee maker. If you drink it, refill it.
Rule No. 4: Always close the door behind yourself.
It goes without saying, Rule No. 3 applies whether you're dead or still living or just in a bizarre dream - like this one. Have a little courtesy!
Yet there are those who bend and even break that rule believing there is no consequence. Until they find a bunch of soggy coffee filters in their desk drawer, or worse, the coffee maker simply disappears one day with a ransom note left in its place demanding someone else foot the bill. Not that that’s ever happened, but if it had, I would certainly not be the person to ask if I saw anything. There are simple rules we live by or society as we know it crumbles into chaos. And for some of us, coffee is the elixir that binds the universe together. A fact Dolores should have known before drinking the last cup and leaving the last few teaspoons left burn to the carafe, cracking it and destroying everyone’s already miserable day.
And much like that infamous day for the staff, mine’s been surreal. Like the in between stage of sleep where you think you’re awake but still sleeping but might not be. The thing is, I can’t tell if I’m still dreaming, or if whatever this is may be real. I’m not sure I wanna know. Everything was disjointed. I’m inclined to go with hallucinations brought on by leftovers and stale beer.
Somewhere in my exhausted foggy brain I wondered if hallucinations could actually hurt? Can they really be this painful? The memory of what I can only explain as a pulsing blue and white aura cocooned me; my eyes stinging and watering a lot at the intense brightness while everything was out of focus. A familiar dreaded sensation swept over me from head to toe of being wrapped tightly, mummified. Trying to stretch my arms and legs was near to impossible at first. I could barely sense my limbs as the muscles and tendons creaked like the wood flooring of an old house.
But getting the gumption to move and actually committing the act was a different story. Every joint snapped and popped, everything ached like the flu and every sound was waffling - either too muffled and soft to hear, as if I’d been swimming underwater, minus the chlorine up my nose, or banshee ear piercing scream level blaring in seconds. Then came the all too familiar, distinct rich smells of coffee from almost everywhere around me, and some guy in a sharp tailored suit talking a mile a minute in my ear, leading me brusquely by my limp arm across some street named Cragston. My legs were as heavy as lead, so here’s where I got the idea I’m dreaming because waking up with the blankets swaddled around our legs kinda feels like that. Like you’re trapped and weighed down and feeling panicky when really we’re simply tangled in our sleep. We’ve all done it. Right?
Anyway, here was this guy handing me a book about an inch thick, rambling with a polished and professional accent like he was a lawyer from New York or somewhere up East, chatting a mile a minute about seeing someone named Vanessa. If that wasn’t weird enough to be unforgettable, since I haven’t known anyone from the Bronx in ages, then the way he shook my hand briskly like a CEO then none too gently pushed me in the direction of a set of double glass doors definitely was. I think he said good luck before he abandoned me there. Going on pure instinct alone and still pretty confused, I didn’t even ask, I just shuffled my zombie feet, one in front of the other inside. Now, I'm no stranger to the after effects of moderate-to-severe drinking after a night out with my friends but this was excessive and made me wonder if someone had slipped me something in my drink. There was no way I could still be this sluggish all over as if I’d overslept from a nasty hangover. Even my mouth didn't work right and felt like someone had stuffed it with cotton balls after knocking the crap outta my jaw. It’s not a particularly pretty vision but hey, it’s my dream, right? Here's hoping it's just a dream and I'm not hallucinating in some hospital from an overdose of whatever it was I ate in my fridge. Besides, my ears were beginning to ring, clearing up and so were my other faculties.
Here’s where I thought it was weird, not that waking up feeling like a cross between a hangover and the flu is normal for me but, I tugged self-consciously at my collar and looked around the room. It was oddly familiar. Not the type of familiar you automatically recognize when you wake up from a weird detailed dream and go, “Oh, hey I must be in my bedroom,” or self-realization that you must have sleep-drove on autopilot into the office today and wonder how many red lights and stop signs you accidentally missed.
Such remarkable similarity in details to the awake version of my office downtown, all the way down to the crappy green carpeting and old-fashioned walnut paneling. Announcing her presence by the clicking of her high heels as she walked, some Barbie doll looking woman in a tight size ten or twelve yellow dress that looked like a throwback from the 1960’s or 70’s, scowled at the still revolving door behind me before clipping over and holding out her hand, offering to escort me to an office. Somewhere in my memories I think I remember seeing it only a handful of times before - you know, when I’m awake. Sitting behind the desk she offered the chair in front and I sat obediently across, staring wide eyed, holding the book for no apparent reason, thrumming my fingers respectfully.
"I suppose the jerk simply dumped you off at the door and rushed away,” she huffed aloud, blowing a short disgruntled breath into her bangs. “You poor kid. Dump and run. Who does that?” Her voice sounded a bit like the guy who, according to her, dumped me here a few moments earlier but with a twinge of maybe New Jersey or Queens thrown in. It was hard to tell, but I pegged her as a cross between the Queens and Brooklyn type, like in the movies - a little nasally, enunciating the vowels more than necessary and with her looks, it fit.
Exasperated, she sighed, shaking her head, grabbing a pen and opened a manila folder. “The effects you’re feeling will pass soon enough: dry mouth, bloated all over, general fogginess, fatigue. Until then we’ll just have to muddle through the orientation,” she said, nodding. I didn't want to stare but there was something odd about her face making her difficult to read. Normally you can tell what type of person is talking to you by their smile or frown, squinting eyes - movements. But that’s what was missing. All those little quirks. If it hadn’t been for the change of tones in her voice, I’d say she had a good shot at being a robot. A very good looking feminine robot. Which meant she was way out of my league, especially in a dream. “Okay, the paperwork is boring but a necessary evil formality so let’s get right to it.” Her voice resonated with that perkiness that comes from having been rich, pampered, or a high school queen. “Do you remember your name?” That’s stupid, of course I know my name. My inner voice cackled and huffed until I tried pulling my name from the place inside my brain that says, ‘you are’. I blinked rapidly and tried harder, shaking my head. “It’s okay. It takes most newbies about a week to get oriented. Your name should come back to you in a day or two.” Again I shook my head, confused, numbly agreeing this time. “Do you remember precisely what you were doing last?” This time I licked my chapped lips, thinking hard. These should have been easy, even in my sleep. How far under refrigerator influence was I? I didn’t remember drinking at any bars or taking any medications or smoking anything that’d put me out this far.
“Could've been home.” That didn’t sound right, “No - somewhere else.” I'm usually out with one of the people from work. There was this girl, Gina? Tamara? Maybe we had drinks. No, wait- was I with the regulars at the bar? No, they haven't been around much lately. Reaching harder into my memories, my brows pulled tight. A bead of sweat began forming at my hairline, threatening to spill and make a run straight for my eye. Was I sick at home or something? Oh wait! As inconceivable as it seems, I squirmed in the seat, at the mere suggestion forming, I'd probably worked late. “I, uh, might have been at my desk, I presume.” The words formed through my speech impaired tongue but coughing a bit seemed to clear that up.
“You can’t presume. You either know for a fact or you don’t. Now, do you remember your last whereabouts?” Clicking the pen in her hand she waited impatiently, but something flickered in her eyes. Something vague that disappeared as soon as she realized I had been staring back. “At my desk. Definitely at my desk. At work.” The expression she’d given left as quick as it had slid into place. What if she’s testing me or checking to see if I’m paying attention? I’m taking the moment as a hint. What else could it be? If I’m still at work, then maybe that’s where I’ve fallen asleep. Maybe that’s what the look means. She’s in my dream to warn me I’ve dozed off on the job and about to get into serious trouble. Because I definitely don’t remember leaving the office. Oh crap, I’m probably in the bathroom. Oh gods, I hope not! That means this is one of those off the wall dreams where my boss is about to walk inexplicably through the doors, open this stall, and carry on an awkward conversation about something inane he did golfing he was proud of or smoke a cigarette while just standing there - staring, judging me. I bet my pants are around my ankles, or worse, I’m about to find out I’m naked with nothing but my neck tie, socks and shoes on. I think I wanna throw up!
“Good,” she said, clicking the pen again and scribbling her notes, bringing me out of my temporary distracting nightmarish thoughts. “Your file doesn’t mention hobbies, sports, friends, family, wife,” she paused inquisitively, peering up, “girlfriend?” Again I shook my head negatively. What? I had all those things. Didn’t I? I mean there was what’s her name and that guy at that place that time and…oh lord. “By the look on your face, you’re probably still in shock. I suppose we should put this off for a day or two, until you remember more. Until then, we’ll assign you a desk job, much the same thing you had been doing in your old routine. Maybe that’ll help jar things a bit.” Standing, I shook her hand and didn’t know why I was thanking her but somehow I instinctively knew I needed to follow her and do as I was told. “This will be yours for now. Copier is in the corner, supplies in the cabinet there and I will remind you to please read the book you were given and pay special attention to Rule No.3. People can get mighty pissy about their caffeine.”
As she turned to leave I finally found my voice, “Where am I?” Peering at me beneath perfectly curled blonde bangs, a small sad smile played at the edges of her lips.
Sliding her pen behind her ear she replied, “Have you ever heard of a little place called Limbo? That special slice of time between between here and there?” Expressionless I waited for the punchline, looking over my desk, watching her tap the files in her hands with exquisite manicured nails.
“Uh huh, right. Limbo-o-o,” I drawled, adding a disbelieving courtesy nod. It was all I could do to keep from laughing. “And, why am I here?”
“Well, the best I can tell you is you died and sort of ended up in the Bureau’s Awakening room. No one really knows how someone’s chosen to be here; they just - are.” Her short blond hair barely moved as she spoke, accentuating her porcelain face. Maybe too much hairspray or something but it was a cute 1960’s cross between Jackie O and Marilyn Monroe look on her where someone else might not be able to pull it off. “It was really something to see Props work so fast on you. And let me tell you, they had the work order in hand before your body hit the slab. Somebody must have thought you were worth it.”
I wasn’t buying whatever story she was selling, “But why? Why here? Wherever here is.” Uncomfortably, she shifted her gaze, thrumming her nails in a soft, quiet, rehearsed pattern across the tops of the files.
“When we die, we’re sorted into here and there, the ultimate places we end up. You, like some others, have no here or there. Most likely a glitch in your file. Until we get it sorted out and you accept the results, you’re to remain in Limbo. Then we can send you on.”
“You mean heaven and hell? I’m dead and in one of those two?” Blowing a harsh breath between my lips, I shook my head, “I knew I shouldn’t have ate that old spaghetti. It tasted kinda funny,” I chuckled, smacking my lips, rubbing my stomach. “This dream is so weird. Okay, let’s say I believe you - which I don’t. I’m stuck in hell until you can send me back to my bedroom and I wake up on the floor of my apartment with a hangover and stomach ache. Man, I hope I’m not out of antacids.”
“No silly, I mean here and there. Heaven and Hell are concepts; imagination if you will. An individual’s need to have labels for their final destinations. It all depends on your personal beliefs as to the sorting though, and it can get pretty interesting around here around the holidays. No, what I’m talking about is a place you reside between those two places.” Screwing up my face I knew I looked like I’d just eaten a piece of squid that’d been laying in the sun too long and marinated in lemon juice then deep fried in tobacco and stale tempera. Eww! “On occasion, people die of horrendous deaths, mysteries, or even, dare I say, boredom. In those cases, the Bureau has no idea what to do with them until their case is investigated and given a formal determination.” At least she looked like she took pity. “Don’t worry. It’ll all come together for you. For now, try to do your best, fit in, and don't be too late for work.”
“Bed?” Great, I was monosyllabic, even in my dream. I have to remember to work on that when I get up. That, and clean out the fridge.
“Oh, my!” She exclaimed laughing, “I’m a space case, aren’t I?” Reaching into her front pocket of her dress, she pulled out a key and a card. “Here’s your backup key to the apartment and a card to use when you need anything. As for the key, it’ll work on all kinds of doors, but you’ll have time for that later. The address is already programmed inside the card. The map appears when you ask the card to show you where to go. Just follow it and you’ll be fine.” Waving she abruptly turned, her shoes tapping away in high heels. Maybe she was in a hurry to follow up on another case or start another tour of, what’d she call it, Limbo?
By habit, I reached to adjust my glasses and found they weren’t there, but I could see fine. Another tick which means I’m still in some dream state. I hate my glasses; hate I have had to wear them all my life. But so as long as I’m here, and I have near perfect vision, a place to work and sleep, I might as well enjoy the trippy ride.