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This writer, unsuccessfully, uses the vehicle of poetry to preach his narrow ideologies. The few poems dedicated to love seem uninspired.


Poetry is powerful because it's free; free from the constructs and constraints of prose. It permits those wielding it to explore anything, go anywhere, without restriction.

Desperately buds sought in vain
Watering beyond drenching rain
Fertilization far past every need
Foolish ever more killing creed

By legend, by lore, a bud doth show
Gripping, crushing, before it can grow
Overly needing of the absent flower
Prettily alluring, myself I devour

In this book of poems, the writer uses poetry for manifold purposes, from wrestling with his inner demons, to seeking that elusive angel amongst his muses, to evoking every color of the emotional spectrum, to pulling progressivism from the greed and controls of prevailing culture and politics, to seeking the nature and imparted wisdom at the very source of all truth and being: the eternal Self: Spirit, or God.

This “poet” writes in a highly ornamented way, placing polysyllabic words (like “multiplicatively,” which is not a word) together for alliteration and interior rhymes, without an eye towards a concrete meaning of the words or its effect on the poem as a whole. I am convinced he has not felt the particular pleasures of poetry.

Take this line from “The Prophet Khalil”:

And in friendship, know of reciprocation
Of symbiotic endowment in sharing creation
Every grower growing from mutual cultivation

The second and third lines are more or less the same, though overall it’s a convoluted way to express the benefits from relationships.

For the pointless use of alliteration, see “The Sharpest Knife”:

Immaterial illusions; preventative preconceptions proven pretend

This is unconscious rambling.

The height of soap-box talk comes at the first line of “Pretenders of Piety”:

Servants of Avarice, Of Self-Righteousness and Ego

I can forgive these poems as products of sincere enthusiasm for ancient religions. What is harder to forgive are poems of social protest, like “A Land Without Honor”, which is politically dogmatic and embarrassingly juvenile, with lines like:

Where a total ass hat, narcissistic pig played president


Where non-critical-thinkers are raised to see socialism as evil.

Or take the self-righteous line:

Where most are mentally enchained without having a clue

Oh the irony!

From Earl Daniels’ thoughts of social protest poems in The Art of Reading Poetry:

Propaganda which is principally propaganda dies when the cause for which it was written ceases to be vital to men and women. That is why those [social protest] poems are seldom read today, why they do not deserve to be read even as much as they are. Poetry, literature, can come out of propaganda and protest; but it must be poetry, literature, first. The protest must be translated by the deep sympathy and broad understanding of the poet.   

The collection ends with a postscript: “I Sat Beside Siddhartha on the Riverbank”. Here the writer gives himself the opportunity in prose to restate and clarify the themes he preached throughout the collection. 

At the end of Rosebud there is a link to the website infiniteofone.com. There is a video that uncovers the author’s ideology. You realize this poetry collection simply served as yet another outlet for him to ramble, and again he goes on and on, rehearsing the same general ideas as unconvincing as ever.

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Hi. My name is Nicholas Jaramillo. I am a writer/poet. Criticism is a fundamental part of literature and reviews have an important role to play. My goal is to write reviews that are attuned to the common reader, and makes them interested in picking up the book.


Poetry is powerful because it's free; free from the constructs and constraints of prose. It permits those wielding it to explore anything, go anywhere, without restriction.

Desperately buds sought in vain
Watering beyond drenching rain
Fertilization far past every need
Foolish ever more killing creed

By legend, by lore, a bud doth show
Gripping, crushing, before it can grow
Overly needing of the absent flower
Prettily alluring, myself I devour

In this book of poems, the writer uses poetry for manifold purposes, from wrestling with his inner demons, to seeking that elusive angel amongst his muses, to evoking every color of the emotional spectrum, to pulling progressivism from the greed and controls of prevailing culture and politics, to seeking the nature and imparted wisdom at the very source of all truth and being: the eternal Self: Spirit, or God.

The Prophet Khalil

Every beginning is an end

A tearing of the tether we mustn’t mend

Forever moving outward, the inward bend

That which I’ve felt, I cannot say

For words to feelings are as dark to day

Yet I need for you to know me, for this I pray

Only in separation have I despaired

Yet nothing known until departure dared

No contrast without incompletion compared

And approaching every love, I know

As the mountain gathers the fallen snow

That from mounting beauty do landslides grow

For none of ye shall see the heights

Without gravity’s self-revealing flights

Only knowing the sun in the moonless nights

For there be no harvest free from rot

No free passage without risk of being caught

No truth purely in pleasure successfully sought

Only in freedom from risk is there regret

Only creatures of the darkest seas flee no net

Only in safety of certainty are full lives left unmet

So of every future lover lent

Be they of every unknown torment sent

Every vision of direct ascension to be bent

And if struck by a shot from Cupid’s bow

Pierced by every pain for a pleasure to know

From fertilizing blood shall your greatest self grow

And when love finally does embrace you

Become of its surrounding sweet imbue

As the dawning mist blankets the leaves in dew

With great joy, make of it a coronation

Yet demand of it not your emancipation

For breath too tightly bound brings suffocation

And from life does love produce its renew

Every future from which every yesterday grew

All journeys pulled from every passing through

And be it for charity to condemn the chaste

For only promiscuously may loneliness be erased

Give of yourself freely, highest power embraced

And know none may own any earthly delight

To us, they’re as ships passing in the night

Lustrous leavings only when absent from sight

And be there no giving with expected return

Ashen ego from the fire's unquenchable burn

Forever hollow, for all fullness shall they yearn

For to retain is not to gain

As deserted self absent one’s own rain

Emptied coffers bring wealth without refrain

And being of a flesh to be sustained

Make not of other lives to be contained

Be they of the holiest sacrifice ordained

Eat of sickness, your sickness made

Mother Nature herself be thus betrayed

In self-plowed furrows, seeds of flourish laid

See of every season in your reaping

In the soil of the Earth lies all life’s keeping

Fall harvests grow even as we’re sleeping

While to work is to fulfill your freest will

For the miller finds his purpose in the mill

In valuable endeavor, no regret to kill

A love of anything to make of it more

A better existence, through toil implore

Reciprocal improvement, find what you’re for

Put it to production, else it’s purposeless loot

Absent application, all knowledge made moot

All passion wasted without the means for its pursuit

For, to pour your heart into everything you do

Is for your every making to bind the sacrament to

By blood and brow shall your worth soak through

And know that the more sorrow that you feel

The more ecstasy that you’re bound to conceal

The deepest dry wells, fullest wellsprings reveal

Your pleasure always masquerades as your pain

Always two sides of one coin for everyone’s gain

Every piper paid, no rousing song sung in vain

And be wary of your own secure entrapping

Let it not become your constrictive wrapping

Unwrapped presents, lost lands made for mapping

For fear, your natural home forsaken

Anxieties over certainties to be taken

To waterfalls and forest dreams, never awaken

Accruing mechanisms made to rust

Stockpiling amassments gathering dust

Walling-in walls closing, flee ye must

For you’re the owner of everything owning you

How your debilitating dependencies doth accrue

Surrounded by what you must fight your way through

Shield your ears from the contemporary din

For the untamable want beckons the wolf within

Hearing the call of the wild not, an unnatural sin

And know that every sword calls for its shield

As every hidden wound aches to be healed

So shall everything concealed ultimately be revealed

And make the marketplace to serve the man

Rather than to take from him all that you can

Or by soft enslavement, bind him to greedy plan

And be of the conscience to treat transgression

And of the purified self to demand its repression

As crimes against others bring your own oppression

And yet, ever be merciful to the convicted

For in every image of evil is all man depicted

Of pain, hunger, desperation, none restricted

So study the spurring of the wrong

As the conductor toils to balance the song

Punish weakness not, seek to make it strong

And know that every law is relatively made

Just as callings are heard by only those bade

As every sun-warming tree casts cooling shade

For all too often does piety’s pretense offend

And by honor the vilified lawbreaker commend

He who writes the law, to his aims must we bend

And be not so certain your freedom makes you tall

For many an unguided ascension leads to a fall

As being entirely free to act is to be subject to all

First, free yourself from your own weakness

For from weakening action is born the bleakness

While oft is enlightened listening judged as meekness

For there be no yin without pairing yang

No melancholy tune of which love never sang

No defense against the beast without fearing the fang

And delve into the heart’s discord with mind

For only in their accord is there any peace to find

Caught up in their war, by the ego confined

Agreement finds humility, hostility seeks pride

Purpose rides passion, reason’s balancing guide

Never be it for the surfer to make the waves he’ll ride

And from your suffering do you evoke the sage

For of the brightest love is born the darkest rage

And from the most trying times do we come of age

And make not of yourself something to be defined

For every vision of truth will inevitably be refined

As you're your past, present and future combined

While that of what you essentially are

May never from you be but near nor far

As inseparable as the nucleus from the burning star

And when the star burns out or explodes

The makings of every function of form it unloads

Paving the overlap of every connecting crossroads

And there be no teaching born purely without

Only revelations of springs hidden in drought

A fertilizing of buried seeds sunning to sprout

Of ignorance, only the self intercedes

Even the greatest guides be but your leads

To taste Sophia’s fruits, you must water her seeds

And in friendship, know of reciprocation

Of symbiotic endowment in sharing creation

Every grower growing from mutual cultivation

From utility may we ever find our way

And to use each for the other, ye lovingly may

Only in the one-sided gain may love we betray

Love your friends by adding to their life

Of their burdensome binds be as the knife

Shelter them from their storms and steal their strife

And pay heed to your need to always speak

For from inner disquiet is this need of the weak

And the loss of complete thoughts you forget to seek

To refrain from speech grants great insight

So flee not from quiet spaces in lonely fright

The hushed inner truth sparks elucidating light

And know that of all speech, a truth is told

A fear of coming across as meek in affecting bold

Between the lines readings, wrapped-up to unfold

And beware the illusion of passing time

Which but the finite in you conceives as crime

You’re both sand and hourglass, hollow and chime

The love of whom you most are is ever unbound

Forever beseeching you without making a sound

Forever revealing the straight as coming around

And know that from deprivation does evil descend

From festering wounds many care not to mend

From fissures and fractures of unmitigated bend

And when all of you is in self-accord

When body and mind are heart-implored

Then of every goodness granted can you afford

For, of much evil is goodness made

Of biggest lessons, small judgments forbade

Of subsuming transgressions which finally fade

For of the ego, of greed infused

Of hopeful folly that becomes abused

Of every such vileness has virtue used

And call not upon Spirit but for assistance

But in gratitude for its inseparability’s insistence

For between you and the One there is no distance

Extend yourself outward with every feeling

Get off your knees, it needs not your kneeling

Commune with the essence of Big-Self-revealing

And here know the great joyful confounding

Of the hearing of Spirit in the mindfully sounding

Oft dismissed as dreaming what’s actually grounding

And please, think upon the relativity of pleasure

For the foolish but hoard it as an accounted treasure

Dividing themselves from that pleasure beyond measure

For pleasure is both burden and boon

And may conceal the sun as the eclipsing moon

Like a double-edged sword cutting away too soon

So let your pleasures be tied to your growing

Let books be read because you crave the knowing

Let flashing lights be not only show, but showing

And be of beauty to be born in reflection

For it be the revelation of every inner inspection

And she whom gives over to one is another’s rejection

A weary traveler sees the dwelling as haven

Yet of its concealed traumas are made the craven

An unkindness abandoned by but a flock of raven

Yet, seen with unassuming eyes

All concealment of beauty shall lose its guise

For even from scorched earth may beauty arise

And be of religion to become all belief

To be of the sun-scathed, the cooling relief

To forgive generosity for once having played the thief

And make of it not a means to exclude

But a prism spreading all color for white to include

The looking glass through which our truest Self is viewed

See of Spirit all fortitude and purity

The impenetrable fortress of entrenched security

The endlessly-revelatory antithesis of all obscurity

And of death, fear not an end

But a boulder around which the river must bend

A golden currency for everlasting renewal to lend

In your heart you know all ends are illusions

That around it hover all our fears and delusions

All flying away, leaving but the naught of conclusions

For of this journey, I must say goodbye

For it is not for the seeker to in one place lie

But for all places to be as brief amnesias in asking why

Fear not of my passing, for all truth returns

The out folds into the in for which everyone yearns

The inextinguishable flame in which everything burns

Of the primordial seed, everything grew

Moving within itself by your passing through

For what dwells in timeless recess dwells within you

Lastly, let me say, certainty is darkness, doubt is day

For to fail to question is for the greater self to betray

No dungeon deeper than where you may comfortably stay

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Nick JamesonFor anyone who may stumble upon this, please know that the critique presented herein represents the very definition of ‘missing the forest for the trees,’ and that the critic looked at the work from a position of bias and closed-system-technique which made it impossible for him to understand the spiritual and philosophical essence of the writing that he’s hereby dismissed and denigrated. He's taught me a lot about the errors and presumptions of the critic, which compelled me to pick his review apart elsewhere, as well as in parts of other papers on the failures of critical analysis. With regard to Rosebud, he's against the ideological substance, thinks it has no place in poetry (ever heard of a philosopher-poet?), and is blind to the metaphysical forces ruminated upon within the work. It’s like a scientist with a fixed toolkit looking at a mystic, scratching his head and arrogantly assuming that if he can’t explain it, and it doesn’t fit into his paradigm of what poetry should be, it must be crap. So he crapped all over it, concealing all its truth and beauty beneath a mound of excrement. End of story. At one point he dismisses what was experienced mystically, as a metaphysical insight, as "incoherent ramblings," or some such nonsense. His calling me juvenile when I cite truths (Trump is exactly what I said he is), or self-righteous when I see that the majority is unaware of its mental chains (that's my continued experience, which he only ironically reinforces), or his citation of Daniels' line on political and social criticism, implying that my resistance to modern consumerist capitalism is no longer valid, all miss the point. That resistance could not be more germane to modern life, and the fact that he regards it as anachronistic demonstrates his blindness. He has no business reviewing me. Thinking he's being tough and truthful is actually his being blind and ignorant. Anyway... I deleted the book from Reedsy out of sheer discouragement; sorrow at the pretention of 'tough critics' to whom I should not be subject. But Reedsy's connection to Rosebud popped up again through messages, so it compelled these final words from me. They've been given.
almost 2 years ago
Robin L HarveyI would love to review this book. But I am unclear if I can get a reveiew copy. Thanks
over 2 years ago
About the author

Nick is a philosopher-poet and novelist with strong progressive convictions and a lifelong history of creative endeavors, including creating theories forming his ideological foundation. He's from NorCal and lives in Bend, OR. He has a BA in Business Economics from UCSB and an MA in English from ASU. view profile

Published on February 12, 2022

Published by Infinite of One Publishing

20000 words


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