The Wicked Witch
The wicked witch was born into a loving family environment; her introduction to dark magic, however, disrupted that in many ways. When she thought to herself, “I shall rebel against my family to see if that challenges me to find myself and my life’s purpose,” and forged ahead independently of whom she hurt on the way to success, she was punished with the worst gift—children!—that a witch could ever conceive. With a hardened heart and terrible temper that only grew worse over the years, the first obstacles in her path to greatness, the wicked witch found herself in a familiar situation: with a family, she despised, including a narcissist husband in addition to the children, and an increasingly bitter heart. “How did I get here?” she wondered. “What am I doing wrong? If I devote myself to black magic, will all my problems be resolved? What do I have to lose?” And so the wicked witch became a user of innocent souls, a despicable person who only sucks others dry, feeding on their fears. She thought to herself, “If I suppress my children’s aspirations, they will never leave me; if I demand they take care of each other, I can devote myself to my magic without further interruptions because, after all, they won’t be going anywhere.” Then, realizing that she could do all these things, she added, “If I get rid of my husband and find a way for him to pay me while I ‘take care of the kids,’ I will find purpose and a way to do my magic.” That was the second sin of the wicked witch—to develop a plan that only she would benefit from, and that would present her to others as a victim—but it’s only a first glance at the calamities and problems that cannot be reversed, like an open wound, with bandages. This is a recurring story that has coursed through generations in different forms from the beginning of time, only the wicked witch does not realize it yet. Is it too early for the wicked witch to discover this principle, that history repeats itself? If this sounds familiar, it is because the wicked witch is part of many stories; people encounter versions of her every day, with some left dry and confused, and others led astray. Are you experiencing this type of person in your life? Are you healing from the wounds of a wicked witch? Are you the wicked witch but not aware of it yet?
When the wicked take charge, people go into hiding. When the wicked meet disaster, the godly flourish. —Proverbs 28:28 NLT
The Lazy One and the Complainer
The lazy one and the complainer became friends, and soon after meeting, they decided to go on an adventure and walk together to the desired destination, getting to know one another better along the way. All through their journey, the lazy one had to listen to the complainer go on and on about his past mistakes, how nothing ever works in his favor, and how unfair life is in general. The lazy one only listened to the complainer because his lazy behavior prevented him from speaking much; after all, talking is a lot of work, but listening to the complainer does not involve much activity—or so the lazy one though. After growing accustomed to each other’s conduct, over many hours of lamentations and lazy listening, the lazy one and the complainer realized they were lost. Nothing looked familiar to either of them, and the lazy one began to complain about their situation. “Where are we?!” he exclaimed. “How can someone who is always looking for things to go wrong be so inconsiderate, and fail to mention we are lost?” The complainer replied, “I noticed that we were lost, but I just didn’t feel like addressing the problem, almost like I was too lazy to point it out.” You see, the lazy one thought it would be effortless to listen to the complainer while they walked, but soon he too learned to complain while the complainer became as lazy as his companion, and both missed their destination. Can you relate to having people in your life who are always complaining? Are there people in your life who have lazy habits? Do you believe that your associations will not affect your decisions and purpose in life? Would you rather keep your bad-influence friends than follow your destiny, listen to your calling, and fulfill your goals?
As a door swings back and forth on its hinges, so the lazy person turns over in bed. —Proverbs 26:14 NLT
How long must I put up with this wicked community and its complaints about me? Yes, I have heard the complaints the Israelites are making against me. —Numbers 14:27 NLT
Crown V
Pestilence surrounded the world and waited in the most unexpected areas of the earth, where some people were able to adjust to the changes, implementing safety measures that would keep them alive; others, however, worked with Crown V to spread the impact of the disease rapidly and without mercy. Crown V comes from a family of life-threatening diseases, each with a stronger hold than its predecessor, pushing its victims down like the waves of the sea. Crown V had the opposite impact, however, causing some people to refine their spirit, character, and circumstances; it pulled their minds up to different perspectives, and they were able to progress away from disaster toward a closer fellowship with God. These so-called unique, anointed, or blessed ones understand that everything happens for a good reason and that even atrocity and heartbreak can bring blessings. Behind the impact and devastating consequences of Crown V’s hand are many benefits, but only those who are willing to see them will be able to change their lives forever, by building a strong faith that can never be destroyed. History often repeats itself; through history, we discover that human atrocities may have beneficial effects—for instance, the terrible impact of Crown V kept the men and women of faith on their knees, praying for others. Meditating on their life choices, fasting for others’ sake, beholding themselves to take action to prevent the spread of Crown V, and spending time with their families put into perspective what is most important in their lives, and thus allowed the earth to cleanse itself from the pollution of excessive human activity. What an experience, at such a time as this! What do you take away from this event? Have you lost someone close to you whom you wish you had treated differently? Have you discovered any areas of your life that need to change? What are you grateful for? What would you do differently during difficult times? How could you bless others who are experiencing hardships? Are you a victim of your circumstances, or has life taken you on a different route where blessings abound? From personal experience, I believe there is always something to be grateful for; for instance, if you are reading or listening to this book, it means that you have ears to hear and eyes to see, independent of glasses or of hearing aids, and you are able to understand the information presented. The struggles that people experience across the globe give all of us an opportunity to bless others, even if it just means shopping online for groceries to be delivered to those who must stay at home, tithing or giving to the poor, or praying for others. My point is, all of us should be grateful for something and expressing our gratitude can help us endure struggles, attract good into our lives, and help us focus on a different perspective that only a few people in this world seem to understand. For example, I was walking the other day and thought, “What if gravity lost its grip for just a couple of seconds? Imagine all the harm that would cause! I am so grateful that gravity exists on our earth!” Can you imagine what would happen if something, like gravity, or someone suddenly disappeared from your life? Be thankful for what you have now, rather than coveting things or people you wish were part of your world; I encourage you to take a moment and make a list of the things you are grateful for, and I will give you a head start: You exist!
But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high. —Psalms 3:3 NLT
But I will keep on hoping for your help; I will praise you more and more. —Psalms 71:14 NLT
I will praise you seven times a day because all your regulations are just. —Psalms 119:164 NLT