Daniel Benedon's 2025 graphic novel Once & For All - Chapter One, is written for mature fans of science fiction, militaristic dystopian futures, with a touch of George Orwell's 1984, and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 thrown into the mix.
The book follows the exploits of a young rookie cop named Claymon "Ant." Reminiscent of Judge Dredd; Ant has joined a militarized police force. A self-proclaimed "hero brigade" who wears high-tech powerful armor that can be used to help the down-trodden masses or add to their misery.
The heroes do not patrol a world of petty crimes and misdemeanors. They face horrors and miracles that might be signs of heaven and hell. Ant has been trained to be a hero, but he quickly discovers that sometimes they must make hard choices for the greater good.
The graphic illustrations by Daniel Reed are outstanding and bring the story to life with a comic style that captures the feel, vibrant energy, and the graphic mastery of Heavy Metal legend Moebius. This is an absolute page turner that takes the reader from scenes of the sublime to the horrific and back again. The color palate creates a dark and desperate mood with muted greens, blues, purples, and grays. Daniel Reed is a true master of his craft who elevates the story with depth of field and rich layered imagery.
In summary of Daniel Benedon's graphic novel Once & For All - Chapter One, Benedon and Reed have created a new instant classic. The reader is left with so many questions: Is Ant strong enough to face these challenges? Will he become elevated in his new role and deserve the title of hero, or will he fall and become corrupted by power? And who is the heck is the old flying hermit dude? I do not know, but I cannot wait for Chapter Two to find out! I give the book five out of five stars (5 of 5), with a caveat. Please include the titles page. I assume the titles will be included with the complete novel, but credit is deserved for each chapter as well.