I enjoy reading historical fiction surrounding World War II. Most of the time, it's fictionalized accounts of real events and people, or composites of people, and stories that actually happened during the war. This was a little different - this was a look at some of the possibilities that could have happened if things had gone differently.
The Germans had some very real plans for weapons that were never used during the war, and there were a lot of battles that could have gone the other way. This book starts out within the context of D-Day not exactly going as planned. The remainder of the book follows one key figure, Mike, and tells the tale of a very different war largely in the context of Mike's life.
I enjoyed most of the book, even though it was much more speculative than most historical fiction. There was one relationship Mike had that seemed a little odd, and kind of forced, but in the context of the overall plot line, which involved some things not directly related to combat but still related to the war, that relationship needed to happen. The ending of the book was fairly open-ended but also still mostly satisfying.
Overall the book was intriguing. I have read other "what ifs" about World War II, and this has different scenarios play out, but still makes for a fascinating question and reflection - what if things had gone differently? How would the rest of the war played out? Mike's character is generally well-written and consistent, and there's clearly been a fair amount of research into the time period to make the story believable overall.
The book was a very fast read because it was so engaging, and I definitely enjoyed it. Anyone who likes speculative historical fiction will likely enjoy this book.