"You will find no one if you go nowhere. And of course, everyone could be everywhere. But if you really want to find someone in particular, you must look somewhere."
- Someone
Did you ever feel like you're nobody, and you have no one to talk to? If only you could find someone somewhere who could help…
This story is about nobody in particular. It got all the words mixed up somehow. It's about being and becoming and disappearing, but maybe it isn't about that at all, no one knows.
“This story always brings me to tears” - Nobody
“I didn’t know who I really was before seeing this” - Somebody.
Nobody wants to become somebody, so nobody is searching for someone to help nobody become somebody.
The story could be viewed in two different lights. It could be regarded by some as senseless – seeing how it does not really make much sense. Or it could be viewed as something deep, portraying how everyone wants to be somebody and be seen and listened to and respected and appreciated as such, even if just by one other who is someone who makes us feel like someone too. It might also encourage people to be that someone for someone else who feels like nobody; to listen to people and see them and respect them and appreciate them and let them know that they are somebody – even if just to us.
The artwork could also be viewed in two different lights. It could be seen as making use of simple, artistic shapes and bringing them to life with colors and the readers’ imagination, or it could be viewed as too random, messy, or even as senseless as the story it is trying to bring to life.
The small book feels more like a joke or a wordplay than a story with an actual message that the kids it is intended to can grasp, but it is worth reading if for nothing more than making someone smile.