No Number Nine

By F.J. Campbell

Lauren McCallum

Reviewed on Oct 1, 2021

Must read 🏆

Just a lovely read of teenage drama, love, life and death. If you love YA then you should read No Number Nine

Hello everyone! How are we all doing this Saturday morning? I am back with another review for Literally PR on a lovely book called No Number Nine by FJ Campbell.

It took me a day to read No Number Nine. I had it all planned out, I could've taken my time and read at a nice pace. Instead, I started reading it as soon as the book was in my hands, and before I knew it, it was 3 am the next day and I didn't know what to do. For months I've been wanting to read a coming-of-age book (I don't have them anymore because I stupidly decided to give them to our local charity shop years ago) and now that I finally have, I was not disappointed at all.

I loved Pip and the way she overcame her grief and moved to a different country. I don't think I could do that at all. I loved how welcoming the Von Feldsteins were to Pip and treated her more like a member of their family. This is a great story of love, confidence, self-awareness, and friendship. Pip and her friends will make you laugh with them, cringe with them and love with them.

I loved reading No Number Nine and I'm so happy I had the opportunity to read it! If you are looking for a good Young Adult book to read then I suggest reading No Number Nine by F J Campbell. You will not be disappointed and you will gain more knowledge of sports (if that's your thing). I'm grateful that Literally PR let me read this and I am even more grateful for F J Campbell for writing this.

Now go on! Go get your copy of No Number Nine now! On your marks. Get set. Go!

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Hello there! I'm Lauren. I was stuck on reading just classics up until January this year. However, I am working on reading other genres and broadening my horizons! I started reviewing books this year and I can honestly say it's one of the best things I've ever done.


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