No Longer Human

By Osamu Dazai

Tesalonika Josephine

Reviewed on May 10, 2024

Must read 🏆

This novel is also very well packaged and complex in its vocabulary. This novel provides an insight into the consequences of a good life.

Dazai Osami's novel entitled No Longer Human or which has the original title in Japanese (人間失格, Hepburn : Ningen Shikkaku) is one of my favorite classic novels because it really makes me wonder about everything related to social life.

Like :

"What is a truly human being?"

"Do other people often make up expressions in front of us?"

"How many people sincerely love ourselves without any family attachments?"

"Is a good friend a friend who is still by our side even though he is the one who brings us down or is a good friend a friend who is good at smacking his tongue with just sweet words?"

"Why is Yozu, who is a smart person, so stupid, addicted to hired women and alcohol?"

“Is that really how much guilt a prisoner feels? Or is it just because Yozu is a smart person that he can have that kind of awareness?”

And many more.

This novel is also very well packaged and complex in its vocabulary. I myself don't have any problems with the language because it's still easy to understand. This novel provides an insight into the consequences of a good life and a very deep meaning.

Maybe if someone has difficulty speaking or communicating, it is even very difficult to refuse other people's requests. I really recommend this novel because this novel really provides a very valuable lesson about what bad things you will face in the future if you are still like that, because it is true that one day you will discover the wide world, get out of your comfort zone. and also get out of the safe and peaceful environment that you know.

The character development in this story is also written very well, making me understand the many meanings intended through the development of the main character in this story. I feel that this novel is the one that provides a lot of meaning in life for today's world which has turned into a very harsh world, to build our strong identity, and force us to grow up quickly.

If you are interested in this novel, please check it at your favorite bookstore or you can also search at the official Kakatua online shop to get this book in a good Indonesian translation.

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