How to Get the Best Results from MindStory Inner Coach
Do you ever feel like there’s something holding you back? Maybe you sense that you could be living a life that’s more free, expressive, prosperous and on purpose. If so, then this book is for you.
Maybe your belief levels are up and down and sometimes self-doubt wins out. That happens to most of us. Perhaps you’re procrastinating? You want to take more of the actions that you KNOW you should be taking, and you’re frustrated at your slow progress. Maybe your confidence levels go up and down but sometimes self-doubt wins out.
If so, it might be a sign you’re sabotaging your own success and don’t even realize it. It’s been proven that successful people maintain a positive focus in life, no matter what is going on around them. At the same time, they also are aware of the harsh realities of life and take the necessary steps to deal with them, as best as possible. They stay focused on their important goals despite it all.
While that is the ideal, it can be difficult to maintain a positive vision and not let distractions and obstacles win. Maybe you try to stay focused on the vision of who you want to become. Then, in the early hours of the morning, you catch yourself brooding over a past failure, an embarrassing mistake, or a lost opportunity. This darkens the rest of your day. This can cause you to avoid taking important actions that would forward your business, and to not perform your best when interacting with prospects and clients. Even if you think you're hiding it, chances are they sense the "negative vibe".
If so, you’re not alone. This world seems designed to keep us stuck in negativity, distractions and self-sabotage so that we don’t realize our fullest potential. One perspective on this situation is the possibility that life is a just game, or a school you attend to learn important skills. Once you learn them, you can rise to the next level of evolution. If so, then all this negativity and sabotage can be seen as a gift; as a game handicap. If it were all so easy, you wouldn’t learn anything.
The good news is that you can break free from that mind enslavement game of the world, and set your own course in life, be your own authority and live the life you were meant to live. In that way, you learn and grow and win the game of life.
The methods in this book will help you do a regular “mind reset” so you can refocus and take inspired action, whenever you need to. The trick is to practice this over and over again until it becomes your default pattern, until it overrides the bad habits of mind you learned as a child. Many of those bad habits then got reinforced throughout your life; that’s why repetition is important to transforming them.
Use these methods over and over again whenever you feel stuck. After awhile, you won’t even need the processes. You’ll be able to do a mind reset quickly and naturally. These are like training wheels on your bike, until you get the hang of doing it yourself.
Now, I know you didn’t pay much for this book, but please listen very carefully. The worst mistake you can make is to treat this like it has little value, which means to put it on the back burner and never do anything with it. This MindStory Inner Coaching process can change your life profoundly… it can be worth tens of thousands or more in additional income for you, and it can mean the difference between consistently waking up excited about the day or dreading it.
So, we invite you to act as if you just paid AT LEAST $500 for this book. Take 30 minutes that you might normally spend scrolling through Facebook, watching a TV show, or getting lost in the YouTube vortex… and invest that time in upgrading your mind. Pay attention as intently as you’ve ever read anything before.
This CAN be the turning point for you in your quest to become more successful in the areas of life where you’re spinning your wheels. That way, you can finally feel like you’re living that which you’ve only been dreaming about up until now.
These dreams for our future - we believe are messages from your “future ideal self,” telling you the right direction to go; giving you breadcrumbs along the way if you listen and pay attention. The problem is that most people don’t listen deeply. They allow the fears and distractions to keep them off the path that would most lead to a life of satisfaction. Allow the MindStory Inner Coaching process to bring you back to your future ideal self.