Mayada: Daughter of Iraq is an excellent book and couldn't stop myself from shedding tears while reading it.
Jean Sasson’s book Mayada: Daughter of Iraq is about the life and imprisonment of Mayada Nizar Jafar Al-Askari, the granddaughter of the most famous and respected leaders in Iraq. Mayada’s family played a significant role in Iraqi history, and they enjoyed some privileges under the Baath regime but under Saddam Hussein’s regime they lost all their privileges, and were greatly suffering. Mayada is divorced and looks after her children. She was running printing business and was living a normal life. But her life is turned upside down when one afternoon she was taken away by the police officers of Saddam for the crime which she never committed. She was imprisoned in cell 52 of Baladiyat prison where she finds other seventeen women, all from different walks of life, who are imprisoned on baseless allegations. They give each other moral strength and share their stories every day to ease out their suffering.
The book gives the readers an insight into the life and everyday struggles of the prisoners under Saddam Hussein's regime. They were tortured everyday both physically and mentally. Both men and women are raped, and beaten up .The guards are all greedy monsters disguised in the form of human. Entire time while reading this book I was either disgusted and horrified or wiping. It also gives a brief knowledge about the status of women in Iraq and their condition.
It gave me a new perspective of the world we live in.
I would recommend this book to people who are ready to see the other side of the world, a bit uglier one. It can be a bit traumatic for the innocent ones but if you read it you will get know about the side of the world we usually don’t talk or hear about. It gives the reader a brief information about history of Iraq and its leaders, Saddam Hussein's family and his regime. From this book you also get to know about the rights and status of men and women in marriage, and how their social status affects it.
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