One of my biggest problems with this book was the artwork. The artwork is the most important part of any graphic novel not only because that is the only distinction that makes it a graphic novel, but also because it is one of the biggest deciding factors on whether or not someone will read it. A reader could love the synopsis of your book, but if they don't like the art style they will more than likely not pick it up. I found this book's art to be pretty awful. It is on par with a Microsoft Paint creation and is very sloppy. It also combines real elements with drawn elements that give it a very juvenile feel.
My other problem with this book was the storyline. It made very little sense and left the reader feeling confused. I thought maybe this was done on purpose due to the topic of our MC dealing with PTSD, but if that was the case I don't think it was done correctly. Everything felt very flippant and random. I was hoping by the end it would all make sense, but I honestly couldn't tell you what happened to our MC for her to be in the state she is in. I also found the ending to be rushed and a bit of a religious cop out.
Overall, I would not recommend this book to anyone. I don't know many people who would even agree with the art style enough to consider reading it and once they did I don't think they would enjoy the story at all.