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Love Is Love: Picture Book for Gay and Lesbian (LGBTQ) People with Dementia

By laurette klier

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No matter the tone of the photographs, it was lovely to see a collection featuring same-sex couples from years past.


Love Is Love is a beautifully curated collection of 21 vintage photographs paired with 21 classic love poems to engage and delight LGBTQ elders living with dementia. Nostalgic poetry is an invitation into the past with representation, compassion, and joy. Love Is Love invites conversation and connection, to affirm identity and awaken the spirit within. Designed to read aloud, read along, to share as a 'picture walk' with a friend, neighbor, family member, or allied health professional.
The NANA'S BOOKS series is recommended by ALZ Authors and ALZ Speaks. Featured resources in the Alzheimer's Foundation of America Teal Room, NANA’S BOOKS are the winner of a Maude's Award for Innovation in Dementia Care for Making Connections.

Love Is Love: Picture Book for Gay and Lesbian (LGBTQ) People with Dementia by Laurette Klier is a heartfelt mixture of poetry and black/white/gray photography. 

Laurette Klier chose poems written by notorious authors in the literary field, such as Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Lord Byron, expressing love between partners in same-sex relationships. Even without the poetry, the love is evident in every single photo. 

A subtle touch. 

A kiss. 

A twinkle in their eye.

A laugh. 

A loving embrace. 

Some photographs also captured couples in a more serious manner, but expressionless faces were the norm in certain periods. 

No matter the tone of the photographs, it was lovely to see a collection featuring same-sex couples from years past. 

My favorite male/male image was of the two gentlemen wearing hats and smoking cigars. They have a look on their face where I imagine they're holding back laughter, and once the photo was taken, they break out in boisterous laughter. They also have a mischievous look in their eyes. I bet these two men have/had a lot of fun in life.

My favorite female/female photo is the neighbors kissing over their shared fence. I wonder how many times did they meet there? Did anyone know of their passion? I can almost hear their giggles when they call for each other. The woman with one foot up is posed in a famous romance swoon position. Love it! 

I loved all the works of art, textual and visual. 

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I've been constructing reviews for over a decade and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Most of the reviews will be featured on my blog (Kam's Place), Pinterest, Instagram, BlueSky, and Goodreads. Don't forget to tip your waitress! :D


Love Is Love is a beautifully curated collection of 21 vintage photographs paired with 21 classic love poems to engage and delight LGBTQ elders living with dementia. Nostalgic poetry is an invitation into the past with representation, compassion, and joy. Love Is Love invites conversation and connection, to affirm identity and awaken the spirit within. Designed to read aloud, read along, to share as a 'picture walk' with a friend, neighbor, family member, or allied health professional.
The NANA'S BOOKS series is recommended by ALZ Authors and ALZ Speaks. Featured resources in the Alzheimer's Foundation of America Teal Room, NANA’S BOOKS are the winner of a Maude's Award for Innovation in Dementia Care for Making Connections.

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Kameron BrookI'll be featuring your wonderful book on my site May 1st. #KamsPlace
almost 3 years ago
laurette klierThank you! I appreciate that and your lovely review.
almost 3 years ago
R.D. NolandI log in every week on discovery to see what LGBTQ Authors have posted their new books and I upvote and follow them on their social media to show support for our LGBTQ Authors because there isn’t a lot of visibility for us on here. So, I like to try a little experiment with my fellow Authors and see how many I can get to show support for all the LGBTQ Authors In Fiction and Nonfiction under Popular and Recent to show how many of us are here. Thanks Ray 
about 1 year ago
About the author

Nana's Books is an award-winning series designed to engage and delight people living with dementia and their care partners through nostalgic art and verse. Nana's Books are crafted to ease conversation and to awaken the spirit within. Nana's Books bring back connection... one page at a time. view profile

Published on March 01, 2022

2000 words

Genre:LGBTQ Non-Fiction

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