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A thought-provoking collection of poems approaching perceptions of life, love and all of its layers as is experienced by the modern person.


"This book has words to encourage you, to make you laugh, and to invite you to reflect. With each chapter, a lens opens, revealing a different observation."
-Leon Stevens

Published in January 2020, Lines by Leon: Poems, Prose, and Pictures is the debut book from author Leon Stevens. It is an eclectic mix of poetry, prose, and short stories that address the subjects of loss, struggle, human behavior, and environment in both humorous and thought-provoking ways. Scattered throughout the book are sketches of various subjects, many that relate to the poems and stories they illustrate; others speak for themselves.

It has already garnered 5 star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

This anthology is fantastically emotionally aware. Stevens provides a personal perception on various key aspects of living, especially the human condition and environment, both natural and urban, in a casual yet deep manner. There is a great variety in tone throughout and each poem’s rhythm is appropriate to the section it features in.

I find As I See It especially relatable and love the honesty of Stevens’ interpretations of sociability. How I See also prompts the reader to acknowledge individual’s differences because the alternative, us being all the same, would be tremendously dull. How Many’s A Crowd also expresses the importance of quality not quantity in social groups, implying that having few close friends is of more value to them and yourself than having a million acquaintances. I came away from this particular poem reminiscent of an analogy that it is better to have five-pound coins than five-hundred pennies.

People and Places is rich in urban imagery, appealing to the reader’s senses with its casually cosmopolitan descriptions. There is a certain charm to how the narrator explores the world around them, regardless of whether or not their surroundings are minimal or flashy.

I love how each individual poem throws (sometimes subtly, other times in full force) at the reader a question for them to answer about life and their own way of living. How the narrator approaches social conventions in Just Say Yes is particularly self-aware and its honesty is what pulls me in, essentially stating that in some cases it is far easier to say ‘Yes’ to people than ‘No’ to avoid any form of argument, conflict, or even just to politely hasten the conversation so that it is over soon.

In short, this anthology is an emotionally and spiritually refreshing read. It affords the reader a moment to pause, step back from the fast-paced modern world around us and appreciate the beauty in simplicity. To appreciate nature, loved ones and oneself is of utmost importance. The brevity of certain passages also leaves room for reflection, whilst appreciating the background’s minimalist aesthetic with simple stick-figure illustrations and shady charcoal doodles. 

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Publishing MA and Classics Graduate with books on my mind. If a story really grips me, I am a very fast reader! My editorial specialties are structural and developmental. If you need anything proofreading, I'm your woman.


"This book has words to encourage you, to make you laugh, and to invite you to reflect. With each chapter, a lens opens, revealing a different observation."
-Leon Stevens

Published in January 2020, Lines by Leon: Poems, Prose, and Pictures is the debut book from author Leon Stevens. It is an eclectic mix of poetry, prose, and short stories that address the subjects of loss, struggle, human behavior, and environment in both humorous and thought-provoking ways. Scattered throughout the book are sketches of various subjects, many that relate to the poems and stories they illustrate; others speak for themselves.

It has already garnered 5 star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

Table of Contents

As I See It: Personal viewpoints.

Environment: What we experience outside

The Human Condition: The environment inside us

People and Places: People and places (you don’t say…)

Ponderance and Muse: Trying to understand our place in the world

Odds & Ends, Knick knacks, and Bric-a-brac: Everyone has a shelf or a box for these

Table Scraps: Had to put these somewhere

The Surprise Page: No peeking

When Does This Become That?: I still don’t know. This one is a stumper

Short, Short Stories: From the mind that brought you all that stuff above

The End: The end of the book. No poems here. A picture perhaps?

Sample from Chapter 1


Yes, I hear it

But I’m not grabbing onto it

   It’s not mine

It’s yours. Mine’s here somewhere

I’m saving it

   (for what I don’t know yet)

A little sneaks out from time to time

It makes me smile

A brief respite

From the dusk emerges

A little light

Sample from Chapter 3

Ego (Part II)

An ego is a big cat

That needs to be stroked

By you or someone else

Smaller cats are easy to please

And the bigger the cat

The more dangerous it is

To rub the wrong way

Sample from Chapter 6

The Sock

There is anything more lonely than discarded clothing

A sign of disappointment, of rejection, of loathing

Threadbare and stained, no fight left within

Wondering what events caused this great sin

Did you wear out your welcome, what did you do?

Was it a weakness of cotton

That allowed the big toe to come through?

Was it your owner's odd gait that wore through the heel?

Taking the blame, how did that feel?

Was your partner discarded or saved for another

Pair that shares the same fate and just the right color?

Fake Testimonials!

There’s fake news, now there’s fake testimonials:

Read what people are not saying about this book.

“Opening this book is like looking into the head of Leon.

It’s a little odd…”

- Noel Snevets

“It kept my interest and it keeps my coffee mug off the table.”

- Elon Ven Sets

“Just when you think you’ve had enough, you haven’t!”

- Lone Vessnet

“I had to ask myself, where has this book been all this time?

 I then realized it had slipped under the sofa.”

- Olen Nessvet

“Wow. Just, wow. Wait, what was the question?”

-  Anon


- A. Prime


About the author

Leon Stevens is a multi-genre author, composer, guitarist, and artist, He has published two poetry collections and four science fiction books. view profile

Published on January 20, 2020

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