Khahari Discovering the Meaning of Autism is an excellent educational book for children.
Khahari Discovering the Meaning of Autism is an excellent educational book for children. It is simple and explains the emotions of Khahari, his friend Omari, and Omari's cousin Jayden. What a way to learn then to choose and play at the same time. Can Khahari and Omari find a way to help Jayden.
The boys decide they want to play. Kharhari goes out to play basketball with his friend Omari. When they do, Omari introduces Jayden to Khahari, and they start playing. However, a misunderstood happens when Jayden goes after the ball and takes it inside. Will Khahari and Omari play again, or will a misunderstanding get in the way?
When playing, misunderstandings happen. Things go awry. Will learning about something you do not know and trying to have fun help Khahari and Omari come to an understanding? Can they help teach Jayden how to share by taking turns and playing a game?
As the story unfolds, the children learn and understand each other. This book is about Khahari, Omari, and Jayden. It shows that children with autism are not so different in their desire to play. They have a unique way of understanding. By asking questions and learning about themselves, your child can help educate all children. Khahari is learning about autism, and Jayden is learning about sharing and taking turns. And together, we're all learning about empathy and inclusivity.
Omari and Khahari strengthened their friendship and helped each other out by understanding the challenges and struggles of autism. This is a lesson all children can benefit from. The author has made it simple and easy to understand and read, ensuring children's learning journey is enjoyable. And the best part? The fun and learning continue after the book. They continue in real life, where understanding and empathy can make a difference.
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