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Intuitive Tarot 101 - a self-study journey through the tarot

By Claudia Amendola Alzraa

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Destiny is on the cards in this simple to navigate guide to Tarot reading


Welcome to the first step in your intuitive transition through the Tarot, a journey that will make reading far simpler and more comfortable for you. Wherever you are on your Tarot journey, this book will provide you with the lessons and clarity that will make you a better and more precise reader.

Students who read this little book will have a better understanding of how to become Intuitive Tarot Readers and can implement these skills in their readings for other people, either beginning their professional journey or for their personal journey.

Every lesson has an activity to strengthen your skill. The book is completed with a basic guide that ties each card to its botanical association, its usage, and a journal prompt to encourage personal confidence as a tarot reader!

"Even though I have been learning tarot for a little while now, I found this booklet so helpful and informative. It basically covers everything you need to know and it's written in a very easy to understand way. Thank you Claudia!"

"Great little booklet, way better than hundreds of pages of expensive books I've bought before!"

Please note: You should have a tarot deck when reading this book.

About six years ago I went through a phase when I was obsessed with reality TV. During an episode of "The Real Housewives", one of the women invited a practitioner into her house to perform Tarot card readings. I was fascinated by it (less so by the women, who for the whole five minute segment, wouldn't stop screaming).

Intuitive Tarot 101 would have been perfect for me back then. Written by Claudia Amendola Alzraa, who herself proudly boasts years of extensive Tarot reading experience (starting back when she was twelve years old), this guide aims to give its audience an introduction to the basics of Tarot card reading. Built specifically on the Rider Waite style of card design (the most popular style used by readers), Alzraa opens with a clear set of objectives. These include (but are not limited to): learning the foundation of each card and the hidden symbolism in each, trusting intuition and building those all important reading skills. The book takes readers on a journey to explain the process of Tarot reading (aka "the journey of The Fool"), accumulating in a frequently asked question section towards the end, where the author addresses some of the finer points around the act of Tarot reading (e.g. knowing when and how much to charge clients for services offered).

This is a straightforward guide, with comprehensive tables used to break down the symbolism of each card in a clear and direct manner. At just under a hundred pages in length it really is the definition of a 'introductory 101' for new joiners to the world of Tarot. The nuance around symbolism would have benefitted with accompanying visuals, as the book makes the assumption that anyone reading it will already owns a deck of Rider Waite cards.

A nicely packaged guide overall and an interesting area of spirituality I enjoyed reading on. That said, I don't see The Real Housewives trying to book me for their Tarot readings anytime soon.

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I've been writing since 2014, showcasing the best hidden gems in publishing on my website.


Welcome to the first step in your intuitive transition through the Tarot, a journey that will make reading far simpler and more comfortable for you. Wherever you are on your Tarot journey, this book will provide you with the lessons and clarity that will make you a better and more precise reader.

Students who read this little book will have a better understanding of how to become Intuitive Tarot Readers and can implement these skills in their readings for other people, either beginning their professional journey or for their personal journey.

Every lesson has an activity to strengthen your skill. The book is completed with a basic guide that ties each card to its botanical association, its usage, and a journal prompt to encourage personal confidence as a tarot reader!

"Even though I have been learning tarot for a little while now, I found this booklet so helpful and informative. It basically covers everything you need to know and it's written in a very easy to understand way. Thank you Claudia!"

"Great little booklet, way better than hundreds of pages of expensive books I've bought before!"

Please note: You should have a tarot deck when reading this book.


Hello and welcome to your Intuitive Tarot Self-Study book created by me, Claudia (Cloud) from Seeking Celestial Grace!

I’m so honoured that you’ve decided to join me on this journey through Tarot, and you’ve trusted me as an educational source for this spiritual calling. 

Before you dive into learning, here’s a little background about me: I’ve been reading Tarot since I was 12 years old, and in addition to using this tool, I’ve always known that I was a little bit different. As the years went by, I began developing my Intuitive reader skills and tuning in to that part of myself that made me different as I read for clients in casual and professional settings.

I am the author of the book The Transformational Path, and I am a clairaudient medium doing spiritual work through my business, SeekingCelestialGrace(.com).

I am also a certified educator and have worked with students of all ages, particularly in the Special Education field, so the call to “teach” is innate in me.

This self-study will differ greatly from your regular Tarot experiences, as I do not read Tarot like a standard reader. I use Tarot as a communication tool, and I have it paint me a story. You will not be expected to memorize card meanings or adhere to restrictive spreads. 

I will teach you tarot in a way that makes it a more natural and comfortable process for you that makes you a more confident reader, whether you decide to do this professionally or not. Everyone has the ability to “see” it’s just a matter of training that third eye - your intuition - and trusting you have the answers in front of you.

I do need to remind you that Tarot is not meant to be everybody's spiritual tool! It’s a calling for some people, and a discomfort for others. For example, I know I will never be gifted and learned enough in Astrology to provide that gift to others. It’s just not “my thing.” Tarot is a more open and easy tool to adapt to, so I hope the process I’ve laid out for you makes you feel as though you’re meant to be using this tool for guidance in your life.

Why Intuitive Reading?

Remember that Tarot Cards are a tool. They are not magic on their own, you are magic. 

They are meant to paint you a picture and how you interpret them is the most important process in reading cards. This is why all Tarot Readers are so different from one another; all our experiences of this universe, the details we take in, the parts of life that stand out most to us, varies from person to person. When you Intuitively read Tarot, the process is the same. What feels right to you in the moment is exactly what you or your client needs to hear. Trust yourself. You are the key, you are the magic.

Thank you again for taking this journey with me, so are you ready to begin? 

Let’s step forward, like The Fool…


About the author

A Canadian in France, a bibliophile, logophile, and Francophile. She lives driven by joy and filling her life with passion. When she’s not reading, creative journaling, or writing, she’s lending her clairaudient mediumship abilities to others through her spiritual business Seeking Celestial Grace© view profile

Published on April 11, 2023

10000 words

Genre:Education & Reference

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