Imaginations: The Last City of Men by Tara Brown-- dystopian, angsty and thrilling. I couldn't put it down.
In the Last City of Men, every day is a new day, but Gwyn questions the system when she can suddenly remember everything she shouldn't. When she meets those green eyes from across the room at the Club of the Unknown, she fears her world would never be the same; and when his green eyes show up everywhere she is, Gwyn realizes the flaw in the memory-makers design. Secrets plague her as her friends Bran and Lyle tell her the real truth about the Last City of Men. With this information, she has the choice to either save her people and defeat the city engineers or play her part to survive.
How will the daily reset impact how Bran, Lyle and Gwyn help their people? What's on the other side of the walls, separating the world from the Last City of Men? More importantly, is Gwyn's home really the Last City of Men?
Find out all this and more when you read Tara Brown's Imaginations!
This thrilling, angsty, dystopian YA novel was one I couldn't put down. I commend Tara for her steady character and plot development. This book was easy to follow, while still leaving a level of intrigue for the readers. I fell in love with the capable and passionate character in Gwyn as well as the gentle but sly Lyle who accompanies her throughout her journey!
This is book 1 of a series! Can't wait to start her sequel, Duplicities.
I’m Cassidy, an English&Writing major who adores literary art. I’ve always loved reading and writing. I’ve self-published two books, so I understand and relate to other indie authors. My love for stories and personal experience will give an amazing insight when reviewing others books!
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