I’ve been waiting forever to read this book and it didn’t disappoint!! I’ve read books by both authors and I love their writing styles.
I’ve been waiting forever to read this book and it didn’t disappoint!! I’ve read books by both authors and I love their writing styles.
Me being Spanish, it felt so good to not see the same stereotypes as always during the characters’ tour through Europe. It’s refreshing to see them treat other cultures with respect and interest.
Zach’s character development was amazing. Seeing him figure out his sexuality -not internalized homophobia, just surprise at not seeing it sooner- and working through his people pleaser tendencies was very relatable to me.
Ruben’s relationship with his mother is extremely toxic, but the way it was portrayed felt very real, him holding on to the few good moments he gets. He’s under so much pressure, I can’t imagine having to hide such a big part (his sexuality, his personality and his talent) of yourself and having no support at home.
Angel is a funny and joyful character who always tries to have a good time, but not at the expense of others. He really cares for his friends and being supportive, even when he was struggling to play his part -burying himself in alcohol and drugs just to keep playing his part, dealing with very important mental health issues while everyone at the label ignore the big red flags that all the boys can see.
Jon is in such a difficult position, having his father as his and his friends’ manager and seeing how much he hurts them just to make more profit, and I am so glad he stood up for them in the end; for himself, too.
The relationship between the four of them is extremely sweet and heartwarming and you can really see that they love each other, that they are family. They know they can count on each other and are so mature about their friendship, calling each other out on their bullshit and apologizing when they go too far.
I’m sure I’m not the only who thinks this is based on 1D, right? I hate that this happens to real people. The music industry is extremely toxic and it’s so sad that people who start their career very young are taken advantage of by business people who only want to make money.
I've been an avid reader since I first learned how to read. Reading gives me the freedom to visit wonderful and breathtaking worlds and meet amazing characters from different backgrounds who help widen my perspective of the world we live in.
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