“If Someone 'Ook the T” by Exolution Production Unit 9 is a unique picture book that quickly grabbed my interest. Not only does it contain illustrations with a very distinctive style, but it also has a message that stays with the reader long after it is read. From the very title of the book down to its colorful pages, one could sense the passion of its author and illustrator. It is like a comic book or a preview of a graphic novel you just can’t put down until you finish it.
How important is the truth? What would happen to the world around us if the truth is unrecognized or ignored? Not many picture books could present to the readers a challenge as this book does. It asks questions that allow a person to think deeper. Through its various illustrated examples, it shows in a caricature-like manner the ironic answers that should perplex those who have the habit of ignoring facts.
Is this book for adults and children alike? I would like to say yes, but I think that it would be better if children are guided by adults while reading it. There are some deep concepts that the young mind may not easily understand. But if read with proper supervision, this is an eye-opening book that could help kids learn the importance of gathering facts and searching for the truth. Such skills are indispensable for a meaningful life and should be learned as early as possible. And that is just what this book could accomplish for its readers.
If all that’s been said so far seem like a very serious matter, the reader should not fear. This is because the book is also filled with a wonderful sense of humor to tickle the imagination and to better illustrate the ideas being presented. One could easily laugh along with each illustration while pondering the deeper truth at the back of one’s mind.
In a world that has often ignored facts and has fallen into relativism, this book is a must-read. I am very grateful to have read it and I recommend it for those who want to search for the significance of truth in their lives.