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A comprehensive and valuable guide for any author looking to make a career out of their writing...
Marketing a book in 2021 can seem like a full-time job, what with the crazy number of things authors seem to be expected to do: social media, blog tours, advertising, price promotions, mailing lists, giveaways, you name it.
But here’s a little secret: you don’t need to do all those things to successfully set your book on the path to success. What you need is a solid plan to find the one or two tactics that will work, and start to drive sales… in a minimum amount of time. And that’s exactly what you’ll find in this book.
In particular, you’ll learn:
- How to change your mindset and sell more books with less effort.;
- How to write books that guarantee a lasting, profitable career;
- How to get Amazon’s Kindle Store to market your book for you;
- How to get thousands of readers into your mailing list before you even release the book;
- How to propel your book to the top of the charts at launch; and
- How to automate your marketing so that you can spend less time marketing and more time writing,
Finding good marketing advice about the ins and outs of indie publishing can be quite a daunting task but Ricardo Fayet has achieved this near enough flawlessly with this easy to read guide that'll I'll be returning to for reference for some time.
The subject matter ranges widely over 51 chapters from the basic mindset of readers finding you to your writing niche all the way to the intricate details of advertising on different platforms and so much more. All of this works towards the message that indie authors can be successful and can make money - there are even basic formula's that math-phobic types like me could easily understand, it's motivational and informative at the same time. From the tactic of 'going wide' to staying Amazon exclusive the information is all there and it's up to date for the modern story teller. Any budding author or even those already published will be able to take away a multitude of knowledge which is also backed up with links to the many resources that probably led to the creation of this book. While this might be perceived as one big advert for Reedsy you cannot fault it for the amount of information and the help it provides.
I particularly enjoyed the analysis of advertising books through Bookbub, Amazon and Facebook each with their strength's and weaknesses laid out. While marketing appears to be the biggest challenge for authors this book will give you no reason to believe that anymore because it's normally something way before that as said in the conclusion - perhaps the truest statement of the book and reality check many authors need.
Just what does it take to find success as an author in a crowded market? Reading this book for a start because to me it's an essential tool.
Indie author and book blogger from the UK who works in cutting edge science by day and writes by night. I know the struggle that is indie publishing so my efforts focus on spotlighting fellow authors and contributing to the writing community. I prefer books with a wordcount up to 90k or less
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