How to Kill Your Family

By Bella Mackie

Laura Doe

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2021

Loved it! šŸ˜

Not at all what I was expecting, but thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish.

Not at all what I expected but still thoroughly enjoyable.

We follow Grace as she describes how she murders her family, why and how she ended up in prison for a murder she actually didnā€™t commit. Graceā€™s reasoning makes sense the whole way through, and although the majority of people wouldnā€™t murder people for those reasons, she makes it seem quite normal and not at all like sheā€™s a psychopath. 

The story is written in diary form, and can flit between parts of the story and be a little confusing. But this works well with the story as it makes it seem like sheā€™s gone off on a bit of a tangent whilst giving you more of the story. I think because of this, it had me wanting to read on more and more because I wanted to know more about the part of the story before it went off on another tangent. 

It picked up a lot more towards the end, and I thought I knew where the story was going and how it would end, but right up to the last chapter I was still guessing at the wrong ending. 

One of the more interesting crime novels Iā€™ve read this year and one that has a dark sense of humour scattered throughout. 

Reviewed by
Laura Doe

Iā€™m a bookworm who has started reviewing the things that I have read. I have only been reviewing properly for just over a year so Iā€™m still getting the hang of writing longer reviews but I am enjoying being able to big up the books that Iā€™ve loved! I will read any genre if the bookā€™s interesting!


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