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Worth reading 😎

A short, sweet, and spicy holiday read. I just wish I had discovered it before the holidays!


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Lucy shared one unforgettable night with Justin, and then he ghosted her. She’s been trying her best to move on - on her own terms. But it doesn’t help that her friends and family are constantly trying to set her up. In a moment of panic, Lucy tells her parents that she’s engaged to someone. Nevermind that she happens to tell them it’s Justin.

As if she put it into the universe, Justin shows up at the company Christmas party. And with a little alcohol, Lucy devises what seems like the perfect plan in the moment. She’ll bring Justin home for Christmas, putting an end to her parent’s relentless attempts to set her up with someone.

This was a short, sweet, and spicy read. Fake dating is one of my favorite tropes. Admittedly, I would have liked to see Lucy and Justin interact a bit more in front of Lucy’s parents. It seemed most of the interactions between them were behind closed doors. There was a lot of spice happening behind those closed doors, so I’m not complaining too much - but it would have been nice to see how they interacted to convince her parents they were actually together. Although I definitely appreciated how Justin stood up for Lucy and their “relationship” when it came to her father trying to interfere.

That being said, I loved how Justin was game for anything. He was willing to jump into the unknown in order to try to win her back. And while I didn’t appreciate Lucy withholding so much information from him, he acted in a very selfless way once he found out the full story - further deeming himself worthy of a second chance, in my eyes.

Overall, this was a great holiday romance. I just wish I had been able to read it during the holidays.

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I’m an avid reader with a slight obsession for anything romance or thriller. If it’s romance AND thriller, I’ll likely become your next biggest fan 😊


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“All I can think as Eli walks down the hall toward my desk is thank God I don’t have a crush on him anymore. After seeing Justin for the past couple of weeks, I’ve finally been freed of the infatuation I’ve had with my boss’s brother, who happens to have an office down the hall from my desk. In fact, after Justin rocked my world on Friday, I’ve forgotten why I was ever attracted to Eli in the first place.

It was ah-mazing. First, we went to dinner at a new Italian restaurant he remembered I’d wanted to try before ending up at my place. It was our fifth date, and I’d already decided that if Justin made the first move, I was more than ready to go further—as in, let’s get it on.”

The guy is a walking wet dream, for starters. Add in his profession… He’s a hired hitman—just kidding, he’s not. But he is a bodyguard, which is how we met. My boss hired him to protect his girlfriend. Okay, it was more like spy on her, but hey, I’d let Justin spy on me any day.

Anyway, the first time he came into the office, he was all sexy and sly, flattering me like I’d never been before. It surprised me because that kind of thing doesn’t usually happen to me. I mean, here’s this sex on a stick standing in front of me with a shaved head—I’m a sucker for that—muscles for miles, and a rigidness about him that does nothing but make me want to see what it would take to loosen him up.”

Excerpt From: Bethany Rosa. “Holidate Pursuit_Bethany Rosa.” Apple Books.

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About the author

Bethany Rosa has always been passionate about romance. After raising four wonderful daughters, she began her writing career. Bethany enjoys creating sexy tales featuring alpha males who fall for strong, independent women, making the chase irresistible. view profile

Published on December 01, 2024

40000 words

Contains graphic explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Romantic Comedy

Reviewed by