Do you believe the “Money Making Market” is too crowded to succeed in real estate or any business? Do you wish to create wealth without working in constant “hustle mode,” hoping one day you’ll be rich and happy? If you answered “Yes” to these questions, please read on. I’m not here to sell you something unnecessary. Instead, I’m here to offer you a chance to change your life and avoid the mistakes that cost others years of precious time. Over the last decade, I’ve developed the M.P.B.E. method. I’ve used it myself and taught it to countless students worldwide, especially those who are passionate about real estate or business and want to follow their passions while leading a happy, fulfilling life. Why M.P.B.E.? Early in my career, I thought money was the answer to everything. The more I made, the happier I’d be, right? Not quite. I neglected my health and relationships, which affected my overall happiness and business success. That’s when I dedicated myself to creating a system where I could be happy, rich, and healthy simultaneously.
During my time as an entrepreneur and investor I found out that (as Tony Robbins, one of my mentors, stated) my biggest business and emotional failures have always sprung from my psychological side and from being oblivious to what was going on in my life at that very moment.
This is how it happened. When I was 26 years old, I thought I had the world at my feet, I had founded a chain of stores in Italy out of nothing, generating millions of dollars in sales, and I had invested in real estate. Meanwhile, I was also studying the American market and was about to graduate in Economics. I had a great family and a wonderful girlfriend who loved me and were proud of me.
I went back and forth between Italy, Florida and Africa, but I hadn't fully understood why I was getting all this and I didn't comprehend why my business was generating so much money: I was beginning to believe that I had the touch of King Midas.
The truth is that, no matter what you want to call it, God, Buddha, Mohammed, the Creator or the Universe, there is always a reason why the Lord at that very moment offers you something that is either positive or negative. The manner in which you see it, depends solely and exclusively on how you decide to interpret it because at the end of the day, only you are responsible for your emotions. Think about it objectively for a moment and analyze some of the events of your life that could help you understand what I'm talking about.
In my case, after some prosperous times, my stores started to suffer, the real estate business in Italy was coming to a standstill, my romantic relationship was falling apart and my entrepreneurial friendships were slowly vanishing. It was a very adverse and pessimistic moment in my life and only today, years later, can I bring a clear answer to all those strong transformations that forced me to leave my country, my family and my past. I have realized that only by asking the right questions can you achieve a life full of joy and satisfaction. Quality questions lead to quality Actions and Results.
Why was I losing revenue? What was changing in the market? What was happening to the Italian real estate market? Why were my business relationships undergoing changes? How was my mind changing about these events? How was I talking to myself? What were my values? What was I evaluating as success?
How much attention was I giving to other people's comments? Why was my relationship changing? What actions or behaviors could I take for my relationship to change?
If I had asked myself these questions at that time, I probably would have saved my past self a lot of heartaches. Today, however, I prefer to call this heartache Change, a change that has led me to choose a positive attitude and correct stance for myself and others. Factors that, in my opinion, influence the psychology of the human being, as shown by a study carried out by Harvard Health University:
Today I realize why I made that change and I prepare for it every day so I have more strength and energy, both as an investor and as a human being.
I'm pretty sure you're saying, "OK Jacopo, that sounds great, but how do you do it?".
This is not an easy or quick path, you will require a lot of patience and perseverance, but you can do it.
Here is my M.P.B.E. method, a waterfall of energy that will lead you to a revolutionary change as a human being, in your relationships with others, in your work and business; it will also launch you into the awareness of how changes in your life occur. As for myself, thanks to this method, my life today has bright colors and intoxicating fragrances.
Then again, you may ask, "What does a book about real estate investing have to do with these topics?"
I believe deeply, that the Latin saying Mens sana in corpore sano is the real answer. With a healthy mindset and good health you can absolutely achieve the happiness and success you desire, both as a human being and in the real estate market.
So what is this miracle method all about?
M is about the importance of the morning.
Thanks to the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Erold, I discovered what happens through the constant practice of waking up early in the morning. M also stands for meditation, MIT transcendental meditation, a practice that has changed my life completely. Although my mother had always practiced yoga and meditation, I personally never had any interest in those strange postures, evidently because I wasn't mature enough or ready to welcome them into my own life.
It was Engineer Domenico Credendino, a great friend of mine, who unveiled the secret of his constant vigorous vitality. Almost by chance, one day when I was feeling tired and exhausted, my friend introduced me to this discipline that, I can say, saved my life.
P is about the ritual of prayer.
No matter what you believe in, praying will help you feel less lonely, have more hope for the future and life in general.
Every day I repeat to myself these simple but powerful phrases:
God remove anger, frustration, envy, resentment and fear from my heart. God give me love, joy, health, energy, happiness and the strength to do something every day that can help both me and my neighbor through entrepreneurial activity, concrete words and deeds.
B stands for Biohacking.
This is a way of regulating one's body and mind through breathing, healthy food, supplements and proper use of sleep.
It also includes the use of specialized machines that control various vital functions, such as Dr Patrick Porter's Braintap which stimulates the mind through positive messages. I always use it after my meditation because it helps me relax and think positively about the present and the future by combining the three senses of sight, touch and hearing. I also use Red light, a very powerful form of external energy. This energy is transmitted through the use of a lamp, which emits red light that penetrates the skin stimulating and nourishing cells and tissues.
Brain electrostimulation is another thing I use. This consists of small shocks to the front of the hippocampus, also known as focal brain stimulation (FBS), and a form of electrotherapy through direct or indirect stimulation, using an electric current.
In addition, other used tools are Bright light Therapy: a lamp used for research and therapeutic purposes that replicates the functions of the sun by stimulating and helping your mood
(, as well as Oura, a very powerful ring that controls the various phases of the body, helping to improve pulse and heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, sleep and strength.
B also stands for Brain.
It is very important to feed the mind with information about the real estate market in order to understand the present and learn to make predictions about the future, by studying the wealth of information on the Internet from established sites, through newspapers and podcasts specialized in the topic.
E stands for Exercise.
Every morning, as soon as I wake up, I do a few workout sessions, alternating between weight training, breathing, kickboxing, swimming, and breath-holding in ice water. The latter helps the oxygen circulation in the body offering a sense of well-being throughout the day. I recommend doing about 3 face dips in a bowl of ice water for 60 seconds (start with fewer seconds) and take a cold shower or ice bath at least once a week.
Why is this so important?
It's imperative because your mental and physical state is the first step towards getting results in real estate investing and life in general. They make the foundation, without these two components, you would be a car without wheels.
Why do you need to start immediately?
You need to start immediately because I have seen the staggering changes in my life and having received this gift, I want to share it with as many people as possible.
Why is it important to be consistent?
Consistency is one of the greatest skills you must have to achieve your goals. The good news is that, like everything else, it is best trained through sticking to set rules on a daily basis.
Use a planner, I have found The Winners Journal by Dr. John and Pam Carls
to be very useful. (, Set and establish personal, sentimental, growth and investment macro-goals from now until the next 5 years, 10 years or more. Then slowly define your annual, monthly, weekly and daily goals. Then plan your week every Sunday, plan your next month at the end of each month based on your annual goals, and plan your goals for the next 5 years each year.
In addition, to be constant and productive in my work, I organize 1-hour sessions in which, if I don't have to communicate with anyone, I generally listen to sounds that will induce a sense of focus and, after each hour of work, I take a 5-minute break during which I do some stretching exercises.
As mentioned earlier, in order to be successful in business and real estate investing, it is of paramount importance to lay a solid foundation.
Here is just an example of a specific plan that I want to share with you, so you can start seeing changes right away.
Wake up at 4:00 am
Drink 3 glasses of water with lemon and a pinch of pink salt
Take a shot of apple cider vinegar with a pinch of pink salt, lemon and baking soda.
Make some green tea by adding ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and lemon
Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Practice Transcendental Meditation for about 20 minutes after you wake up and then for another 20 minutes at about 6 p.m.
Practice 7 minutes of deep breathing after meditation in the morning and evening.
Do a BrainTap session for about 11 minutes as soon as you wake up, in the afternoon after lunch, and in the evening before you go to bed.
Listen to a podcast for 10 minutes as soon as you wake up in order to feed your mind. I recommend one by Hal Erold or Dr.Wayne Dyer. Do this while you shower or while you hold your breath in ice water.
Eat nuts, almonds, raspberries and blueberries. They are fruits that supply energy to the body
Read a book about the housing market for 30 minutes, perhaps while listening to sounds that help your brain to concentrate.
Nourish your body with coconut water, lemon, pomegranate, red beets and greens.
Try to study the real estate market, its possible crises, innovations and the numbers for an hour and a half.
Create a Podcast or a blog where you can share what you have learned with the world.
Do 30/45 minutes of exercise or go swimming.
Take an ice bath once a week, it will help you lower your body temperature and rest better. It'll also help lower the stress you've accumulated during the day.
Eat a healthy breakfast.
Set an alarm to a specific time of the day, with your favorite music or song. When you feel your energy drop it will help you to be present at that moment.
Try to eat at least 2/3 hours before going to sleep or do not eat at all, this will help you to have a deeper sleep.
Try to get at least 7/8 hours of sleep, but first ask yourself these questions to understand what you have learned from your day:
What did you learn from what you did today?
Did you put yourself in the other person's shoes before you said or did something? What did you learn from what you saw today?
What did you learn from what you heard today? What did you learn from your experiences today? What did you learn from your mistakes today?
What did you learn from who you met today? Why do you do what you do?
What did you do correctly today?
What could you have done better today?
To whom did you transmit your energy today? For how long did you speak positively today? For how long did you speak negatively?
Another important aspect of instilling strength in yourself and achieving your goals is to be grateful. Yet, what is Gratitude?
Gratitude comes from those positive feelings you feel in your heart that your heart transmits to your brain, causing a state of well-being. This feeling is driven by joy, love, hope, beauty, freedom, dreams, and family.
Gratitude has been scientifically measured as a very low electrical signal of 0.10 Hz or
0.10 cycles per second. When we experience gratitude, we become kinder and less aggressive.
When we are in a state of gratitude, we are actually more willing to solve problems by discussing them constructively. When we are in a state of gratitude, our willpower and determination become very strong, we are able to think better, solve our problems and those of others. We feel positive, we are hopeful, we can improve our lives on a personal and business level.
All this may sound like a utopia but it is reality. Personally, I always try to get to the bottom of things, by always asking myself why I do something.
This study illustrates the importance of eliminating stress in life:
Let's look at an example of what stress can lead to.
Imagine you are driving in traffic, you are irritated because someone cuts in front of you and you start insulting him and looking for a physical confrontation. The person in the other car is a hardened criminal, he shoots at you and you are disabled for life (this happened to a person I met in Miami). You will then need treatment, you will have expenses, you will have created sorrow for your loved ones and you will create an unnecessary burden on the health care system.
Furthermore, let's say you were also waiting for an important business call at that very moment and everything ends in that instant when you took the wrong decision, driven by stress.
Imagine instead what could have happened if you had decided to let go and go forward. What would happen to your life and the world?
You will not suffer physical pain, you will not make your family suffer, you will not burden the health care and economic system, you will answer that call that will take
your business to another level, being able to generate income for you, your family and community by helping others.
The same framework, different choices: one induced by stress, the other by gratitude. But the question is: how to practice gratitude?
Firstly, Meditation and Breathing are important.
Also, we can check if we are in a state of gratitude through extreme equipment. If you're like me and you want to figure out what direction you're going in and need extreme control, I recommend two very powerful tools:
A ring called Oura, ( controls your heartbeats and has the ability to control your state during Meditation and Breathing. In addition, you can control your energy at the beginning of the day and also your sleep.
Another vital tool is Heartmath, a sensor that gives you the ability to monitor your state of gratitude, it also gives you a range of insights into whether your sense of gratitude is increasing and how to improve and reinforce this feeling of extreme well- being. (
Another thing you can do to increase your sense of gratitude is to write 10 sentences in which you describe what you are grateful for that day.
Here are some examples:
I am thankful that I saw the sea or the mountains. I am thankful that I talked to a loved one.
I am thankful that I spent time with the one I love. I am thankful that I can breathe.
I am thankful for another day that has been given to me. I am thankful for sunshine.
I am thankful for the strength that the Lord instills in me. I am thankful for the life that I have, etc...
The important thing is to feel these feelings with your heart and if like me, you have some difficulty in feeling these feelings, I suggest you use music to help you out.
These aspects are fundamental to being a Biohacker Investor who can navigate market changes and personal changes.