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Haunted Fate: Book 1 Destined Lovers

By C.A. Cleary

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A unique new paranormal romance, fans of vampire lore will fall in love with Caleb and Victoria's story.


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A paranormal romance with a bit of a slow-burn, I really enjoyed Destined Mates, the first book in a new series by C. A. Cleary. For a series starter, Destined Mates has an abundance of world building. Cleary did an excellent job at creating a world full of paranormal creatures, each with their own characteristics, personalities, and challenges. While the main species were introduced in an early flashback, this book primarily focuses on the vampires, specifically Caleb, his brother Collin, and their inner circle. Comparable to the loads of details that went into the world building, Cleary also features a lot of characters in Destined Mates. If I had to find something to critique about this book, it would be the sheer number of point of views Cleary writes in; at time, it took me a moment to figure out whose perspective I was reading. However, the overall plot was intriguing, as Cleary slowly introduces the reader to the world of vampires right alongside Victoria. I loved that Victoria was much more than just a helpless female character; she had her own strengths and talents and was not afraid to stand up for herself, even against the big, scary vampires. Even stoic Caleb had a full character development, and it was lovely to watch his ice-cold heart slowly start to melt around Victoria. Of course, no romance, even a paranormal one, would be complete without some conflict, and Cleary provides plenty. With a perfect mix of internal and external conflict, both Victoria and Caleb had their work cut out for them. The personality is rife even among the secondary characters, and I can’t wait to see what adventures await Caleb and Victoria’s friends and family in future books in the series. Unique, intriguing, and thoroughly engrossing, Destined Mates is a great new paranormal romance from C. A. Cleary.

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm passionate about books. By day, I work in an academic library overseeing all of our collection development. At night, I spend all my free time reading and reviewing books.


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Chapter One

“You need to calm down.” Collin followed me into my office, stopping the door a moment before it slammed into his face.I flung a stack of papers off my desk and stormed toward the large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city.

“They’re fools!” I growled.

“Caleb, they’re afraid,” Collin countered.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. Tearing my fingers through my jet-black hair, I faced my brother. “We’re at a crossroads, Collin. You know that as well as I do. Our ancestors watched as humans evolved, believing their strength would somehow benefit us, and instead we’ve endured decades of mass killings. Hunting groups tracking down our settlements, slaughtering our kind…our parents. We’ve been hiding too long. We once numbered in the thousands. Our entire race is living in fear of extinction. It’s…unbearable! We must preserve our line. Even if it means mating with…humans.” I shuddered. “And you really believe that the creation of Dhampyres are the solution?”

Collin’s golden eyes scanned my face.

Truthfully, the idea of the half-vampire, half-human creatures made my stomach churn. “What choice do we have?”

“You look tired. Have you lost weight? You seem slimmer than usual.”

“I haven’t eaten in a few days.” I shook my head. “Don’t try to change the subject. The world needs all of us, mortals and immortals. The balance must be maintained. Tharaat knows this as well as any of us, but he’s being stubborn. The light and darkness are necessary.”

“Humans have always feared the dark. We haven’t always been civilized.

There was danger in the dark,” Collin added.

“True.” I couldn’t argue that. “But some of the most beautiful things can be found in its depths. We aren’t inherently evil, Collin. We need them to see we are not as naïve as we once were, when we let our curse, our thirst for blood, rule our actions. But we have overcome those urges. Humans have nothing to fear from us now.”

“In a perfect world, it would be easy to expect them to take our word, but humans are weaker and fear what they cannot control. It won’t be easy.”

“Nothing about this is easy. Even suggesting we mate with them…I don’t know how Father let this happen. He had to see this. Whole families were being killed.”

“I don’t think he, or anyone on the Council, could have anticipated the impact on our future offspring.”

“Perhaps. I still don’t understand why they are born such monsters. Our bloodlust has always been strong, but we’ve been able to maintain control. The offspring being born are abominations.” I slumped into my chair, my cerulean eyes shuttering from fatigue.

Collin watched with a discerning eye. “I need a drink, want one?”

I could only imagine what I looked like. Broad shoulders bent forward, head in my hands. The responsibility of taking our father’s seat on the Tribunal, as well as becoming head of the Vampire Council, was starting to show.

Collin headed to the cabinet against the far wall and poured us both a double shot of whiskey.

“I’m tired of hunting them down, aren’t you, brother? Vampires shouldn’t kill vampires.” I rubbed at my face.

“I agree. You need to give the other Tribunal members time. Let them process what you’re suggesting.”

“Vampires don’t have time, ironic as that sounds. If we are going to do this, we need to start now. I’ve done what I can. I’ve already met with all the members of the Council, and they’re in agreement. The last step is to persuade the members of the Tribunal to follow in our footsteps.”

The Tribunal comprised of myself as the highest-ranking vampire, along with Tharaat, the Elder of the Fae; Angus, the King Alpha of the werewolves; Fiona, the Grand High Priestess of witches; and Kaan, the Lord of dragons. My father helped establish it centuries ago for the purpose of maintaining peace among the immortal races. Meeting every five years, we typically alternated between each member’s domain to discuss items of concern with the ever- changing world.

“Angus, Fiona, and Kaan are on board. It’s just that stupid faerie…” I shook my head. Collin chuckled.

“He will never agree to what you’re suggesting, and you know that, Caleb. The Fae barely leave their forest. Heck, I’m surprised Elder Tharaat agreed to join the Tribunal.”

“If they refuse, the Fae will die off.” Humans believed they had eliminated vampires and turned to the Fae for the past several years. “They won’t last long. We don’t need his consent for the rest of us to move forward, but…” I gazed out the window. “I don’t know what impact the extinction of the Fae will have on the world.”

Collin exhaled. “They’ve been removed for so long, and while they are among the strongest magical creatures, they aren’t the only ones who help maintain balance.”

“The world will be much darker without them, but I do not think it will perish.”

“What will you say when you go back in there?”

“I will disband the Tribunal meeting. The best course of action now is for each leader to work with their individual councils to do what they feel is right for their people. We will move forward with the plan the Council has approved. It won’t break any of the Tribunal Peace laws, so there shouldn’t be any problems. I only hope the others will follow and do what’s necessary to save themselves.”

Collin nodded. “I’ll go speak with the other heads of households and get them started on next steps. I’ll give them one month to find humans willing to join us that suit our cause.”

“Do they understand what we are asking of them and why?”

“Yes. I’ve gone over your plan as you laid it out. Thankfully, there are several human families working and residing in our community that don’t despise us and have kept our secret. If all goes well, we will have eight human couples chosen to start reliable human bloodlines. They will contract with the Council to present their children when they come of age to all unmated vampires.”

“And they know that each of them must come willingly, no coercion or false promises of immortality? They were satisfied with bestowing the gift of immortality to their mate once they have offspring if they choose?”

“They are aware and know the penalty if they disobey. No one complained.” “Good. No one is to be turned,” I ordered. “It is not our place to play Creator.

We are giving up too many of our traditions, and we will not go against our own laws.”

“So why not bring all of the humans in the community together and match them to our unmated vampires?”

“We need to maintain control to ensure this plan works. Not every human will want to join with a vampire, and I won’t force any of our kind to choose a mate either. It slows the recovery process down, but I prefer these gatherings to be a way for our kind to mingle with humans safely and find matches naturally. Our bloodlines will become diluted over time, it’s unavoidable, but this way, it’s not as quick. Many of the Council members have questioned if we should be taking mates, or if we should merely have them bear our offspring.”

Collin chuckled, his golden eyes sparkling with mischief. “Sounds like the ideal loophole for a certain vampire.”

“Don’t start with me, Collin. I have enough to worry about. Finding a mate is not on my list of things to do.”

“It should be. Why shoulder this burden alone?” I hissed, bearing my fangs.

Collin raised his hands. “On that note, the others are waiting for you. You should get back to them and let them know what we’re doing. Our town is about to have a growth spurt.”

“Are we ready?” I turned to face my brother. “Of course.” Collin smiled and left me.

I collected the millions of thoughts filling my head as I headed back to the meeting room.

I know the Council will be expecting me to set an example but the idea of mating, least of all with a human and for life, makes my teeth itch. I’ll find a way to avoid it altogether. I have no desire to sire offspring or enter a committed relationship with anyone. I don’t have time in my life for such folly. Fate be damned. I will never…NEVER take a human as my eternal mate.

My brow furrowed. Vampires didn’t often show their emotions, and the world mistook that as meaning we didn’t have any. However, it was far from the truth. Vampires were truly passionate beings. My solution numbed me to my core, but we had little choice. I didn’t fully despise humans—they are my food source after all. I simply hadn’t met a human I wanted to spend much time with, least of all eternity.

Once I was seated again, I explained my plan and looked to each of my guests for their reactions.

“Caleb, you are suggesting we taint our bloodlines with those disgusting, idiotic creatures.” Tharaat’s green eyes held a look of distaste reinforcing his words.

“It’s the only way to ensure immortals remain a part of this world. I’m not thrilled at the idea of mixing pure vampire bloodlines with those heathens either Tharaat, but unless someone can produce a better plan, I don’t see any of us has much of a choice.”

Angus laughed. “You’re all making too much of this. Werewolves have been mating with humans for years. Would you prefer mating with us, Tharaat?”

Tharaat’s porcelain skin paled. “You can’t be serious!”

Angus upturned his nose. “Of course not. We can’t stand the smell of faeries.”

“Like you dogs smell any better?”

“Say that again…” Angus said. Standing at his full height of seven feet, he dwarfed the elder Fae. He flexed his arms, showing the network of veins beneath the skin.

“That’s enough you two. Remember Angus, after you turn your mate, they can still have pups,” Fiona said. The lithe witch squared her shoulders, firmly letting them know she would not tolerate any mischief. “We have also mated with humans in the past and have had no problems with the offspring produced by those unions. Some of our most powerful priestesses are of mixed blood.”

“That’s fine for all of you.” Kaan’s deep voice rumbled over the members at the table. “I am the last of my kind, and I am not able to mate with humans. Bearing a dragon offspring is not something the human body can survive.”

“So, find a human to impregnate, let them bear you a child, and then replace them.” Angus plopped back into his seat and drank from the stein before him.

Kaan’s coal-colored eyes glared at him. “You’re a barbarian.”

“Angus, human females can’t carry a dragon offspring to term. Both the baby and mother die.” Fiona winced. “Forgive him, Kaan. Angus is more beast than human.”

The werewolf snuffed. “Well, you are, my dear.” She squeezed his hand. “Only you could get away with saying such things to me. Anyone else

would be staring at their still beating heart as I ate it before them.” “And my point is made.”

“Back to business,” I continued. “While the others are already ahead of us, Tharaat, it remains the vampires and the Fae that must change. I’ve already given my instructions to the Council, and Collin is moving forward with the other pureblood families. We will form a system that works best for our community and mingle with humans to ensure the continuance of our race. Whether I like it or not is irrelevant. Dhampyres will be our salvation. I suggest you find yours.”

Tharaat stood. “You can do as you wish. The Fae will not sully themselves in such sordid affairs as mixing with…humans.”

“Even if it means the ultimate extinction of your kind?” Fiona raised one of her brows.

“Yes. If the Fae are not meant to remain of this world, then we will face the end of our time with grace and dignity.” With his final words, he waved his hand and vanished.

Angus growled. “I hate when he does that. Would it kill him to use the door like everyone else? Why does he always have to show off?”

“The man is a fool.”

“It’s his choice, Caleb. Personally, I don’t think they will be missed.” Angus finished off the ale in his stein and stood as well. “If there’s nothing else to discuss, I’m going for a run and then back to my castle.”

I waved him away, smirking as I watched the behemoth werewolf stoop through the doorway.

“I too must make my departure.” Fiona stood, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders and down her back like a waterfall. “The covens are meeting tonight, and my presence is required. Caleb, I wish you and the Council good fortune as you start down this new path. And thank you for being such a gracious host as always. Kaan, don’t be a stranger.” She blew him a kiss.

“Safe travels,” we said in unison.

“Well old friend…” Kaan started once she left. “Do you think your plan is wise?”

“I don’t see that we have much choice. We’ve tried everything else.” “Why not make more vampires? You have the ability.”

“It is not our way…and more disagreeable than mating with a human.” “This can’t be easy for you and the other purebloods.”

“We face extinction, Kaan.”

“Because of the same humans you now wish to bring into your community.” “The irony is not lost on me, my friend. The Council and I have come

up with some exceedingly high standards for the selected humans, and I’ve instructed that each human who forms a contract with the Council comes willingly, knowing what we are asking of them and their descendants.”

“So you’re hoping for a mutually beneficial agreement between the two?” I nodded.

“But what about love?”

“Hopefully those that find mates will find love as well.”

“And you?” Fire seemed to simmer behind his eyes as Kaan searched mine. “Why do you continue to shut yourself away? A vampire’s life is too long to live alone.”

“I have no use for such frivolous exploits. I am content with my books.”

“I must say, you continue to surprise me. I’ve known you for centuries, Caleb. We’ve fought side by side against formidable hunters. I’ve never known you to be afraid of anything and yet…”

“Love doesn’t scare me.” My fangs elongated at the accusation.

“If you say so. Don’t get worked up.” Kaan stood. “I wish you luck, my friend. I envy you. Humans are not as bad as you think. Most of them are kind and peaceful beings who see the wonders of this world that we have long since become blind to. Give them a chance. You never know, you may find—”

“Never.” I cut in. “I will never take a human as my eternal mate.”

Kaan chuckled. “One thing I’ve learned in all my years is to never say never. Be grateful you have the opportunity. Take it from this old dragon, loneliness is not something to which we are immune.”

I met his gaze, noting the sadness lying within them. “I am sorry, my friend.” “Ahh…do not pity me. I have plenty of company in my cave and forest with

all the creatures that need my protection. They are my children now.”

Kaan departed, leaving me in the Council chamber with nothing but my thoughts and his advice.

Chapter Two

"Tharaat, you’re telling us that their best solution is suggesting we mate with humans?” a gaunt looking man sitting at the Fae Council’s table asked.“Never!” several other members shouted in unison.

“I hear you, my brethren, and I agree. We have never mixed with another race and we will not start now.”

The members nodded.

“We will find another way to survive. Our war with the humans is not over.

We will be victorious.”

I found I didn’t share in my fellow Council members’ opinions. We were dying too fast to win the war humanity had waged against us. The only way to keep the Fae from disappearing from the world was to mate with a human. I left the chamber in search of our mage. Shatale would know what to do.


“If the council catches you, they will kill you, Taniel.”

“I know, but what choice do we have? The Fae cannot vanish from this world. Even if only one remains…”

“But the bloodline will be diluted.”

“Will it matter?”

“The world won’t be the same, but even a single drop of Fae blood will keep the balance.”

“Then I will find a human female of age and mate with her.” “If that is your wish.”

Noticing the solemn look on Shatale’s face, I took her wrinkled hand in mine. “Why do you look so sad? We have discussed this often, knowing how blind Tharaat and the others are to the threat that truly faces us.”

“I wanted so much more for you, Taniel. Love, a wife…a family.”

“We all have our cross to bear in these times. Do not mourn for me. I am happy doing my part.”

“There is no guarantee that your line will continue after your child is born,” she added.

“Is there a way to ensure it?”

“There is a spell that might help, but it is not without its complications.” “Complications?”

“It’s tricky. A modified love spell of sorts. Only the female descendants will inherit the Fae gene, and they will be driven to find their mate, much like the werewolves. It can make their lives difficult until they find him.”

“What do you mean?”

“If I’m right, her Fae blood will act much like a pheromone, drawing unmated men to her until she finds the one meant for her. She will find all others unacceptable. For protection, this knowledge must be passed down through the generations.”

I shook my head. “The risk of discovery is too great. This must remain secret. The first generations who carry our blood must never be made aware of it. If they ever let it slip, especially while the Fae still walk the earth, they would be killed without question.”

Shatale sighed. “We have no way of knowing how this will impact future descendants. However, that is your choice. Keep your secret and pray your plan works. When will you go?”

“Tonight. I must find a female and return before the Council reconvenes.”

“You’ll have three lunar cycles. Here, wear this.” She placed a talisman around my neck. “It will help you locate a female that is strong and ready and will shield you from the guards. Be quick and return safely.”

I nodded and left the mage’s hut, praying to the earth goddess that the Fae would live on in my descendants.

After changing into the latest human fashion, I tied my long silver white hair back into a neat gentleman’s ponytail, making sure it covered the tips of my ears. Wearing the talisman Shatale gave me, I slipped from the forest undetected, putting miles between me and the Fae community.

In a local restaurant one morning weeks later, one of the waitresses caught my attention. Her hair was as dark as night, contrasting her bright porcelain skin. She was cashing out a customer at the counter. Her smile lit up my whole world. How could a human be so beautiful? She grabbed a pot of coffee and approached my table.

“Can I top off your cup?” she asked. Her blue eyes sparkled in the overhead lights.

“Please.” I smiled at her and inhaled her aroma—jasmine. I spotted her employee nametag. “You have a beautiful name, Corrina.”

She glanced down at her apron. “Oh, thank you.” “Is it a family name?”

“Yes, it’s my grandmother’s middle name on my mother’s side.”

I watched intently as the pupils of her eyes dilated and her nostrils flared as she breathed in my Fae scent.

“You seem familiar. Have we met before?” she asked. I laughed. “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?”

Corrina giggled. “I suppose it is. Listen, my shift ends in an hour. There’s a motion picture playing at the theater this afternoon. Would you like to go with me?”

“I would love to.”

“It’s a date then.” She glanced over her shoulder. “I better get back to work before the boss yells at me.”

Corrina’s boldness was due to the effect Fae pheromones have on humans, but seeing how it enhanced her bravery made me realize she was the perfect choice.

“By the way…” she asked, turning once again. “What’s your name?” “Taniel.”

She smiled brightly before returning to the counter.

Shatale, I’ve found my human. Now let’s pray our plan works.


The plan didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped. Two months later, Corrina learned her fate. She would be married to another human to assist the Vampire Council’s idea. Their descendants would be the first to attend the monthly Legăturas and mingle with the unmated vampires.

“I know we haven’t been together very long, but I’m beginning to fall in love with you, Taniel. I don’t want to marry someone I don’t know,” Corrina cried. “My father is forcing me.”

“I care very deeply for you too, Corrina, but we cannot stay together. You know why I came here. I must return to the Fae. I can’t take you with me. But I never imagined I would find…love. We will always be a part of each other, but it is not our destiny to be together for long.”

She shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

“You will. Your true mate is waiting for you at the Legătura. He will make you happier than I ever could. You will feel a love for him like you’ve never known, and he will return that love, I promise. I have the gift of sight and can see another’s future when I touch them. I have seen your future and it is full of happiness.”

“I believe you, but a part of me doesn’t want to accept it. Is there no way we can be together?”

I sighed. “My people are dying. Soon the Fae will leave this world. I came because I have a duty, a responsibility to ensure that at least one Fae remains— even a half-blood.” I pressed my hand to her lower belly.

Corrina’s eyes widened. “What are you saying?”

“You are with child, Corrina. My child…our child. She will be the start in ensuring we do not disappear forever. Her children will carry the fate of the Fae, but she must never know of her true lineage. You must keep our affair secret.”

“How? How can I do that with a child growing inside of me?”

“You will be married soon. Consummate that marriage and no one will suspect your husband is not the father. Fae are born smaller than humans. They will merely think she came early.”

“And you’re sure it’s a girl?”

“Yes.” I kissed Corrina’s forehead. “And she will be healthy and strong and beautiful, like her mother.”

Corrina placed her hand over mine. “I will take good care of her. I promise.” “I know you will. That is one reason I chose you.”

“And the other?”

“Because I love you.” I kissed Corrina one last time and held her close. “I’ll never forget you,” she whispered between tears.

“Nor I you. Be well, my love, and do not fear. I have seen all I told you. Live well and long.”

With my final words, I departed.

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1 Comment

C.A. ClearyJen - thank you so much for taking the time to read my novel and to leave such a glowing review. I'm glad you enjoyed Destined Lovers and are looking forward to future installments of the Haunted Fate series.
over 3 years ago
About the author

C.A. Cleary has always had a love of the supernatural. Her favorite authors were Stephen King and Edgar Allen Poe. Dreaming about sharing her paranormal stories she released Haunted Fate: Destined Lovers in 2021. Finding My Wolf is her latest novel and continues her love of steamy werewolf romances. view profile

Published on September 17, 2021

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100000 words

Contains graphic explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Paranormal Romance

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