I freaking love this series. I regret pushing back reading this series.
Book 1-
I would give Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling a 5 star review. I had put off reading them just because, I was afraid of reading them and not like them but my mother and twin brother finally were able to convince me try to them I told them that if I didn't like the first book I wouldn't read the others but into chapter 2 I became addicted and couldn't stop listening too it since I was listening to Sorcerer's Stone on audio. By the end of Sorcerer's Stone I was inlove with the series and could see why everyone loved this series. Overall Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is, one of the best books I've ever read and regret not reading this book sooner
Book 2- I would give Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets a 5 star review. The story follows Harry Potter who is, staying at his aunt's and uncle's house during the summer before his second year where he receives a warning from a mysterious creature named Dobby that tells him he can't go back to Hogwarts because, he will be in danger. And after arriving danger does come to arrive in Hogwarts where new torments arrive, a new professor, and a ghost who haunts the girls bathroom. Overall this book is, truly magical. J.K. Rowling really does know how to write a book.
Book 3-
I would give Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling a 5 star review.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends at Hogwarts where they investigate a guy named Sirius Black who is, after Harry but not everything is, how it seems.
Book 4-
I would give Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling a 4 star review because, I loved all the drama and especially loved the part Sirius played but for some reason I just didn't like the idea of this book it didn't really appeal to me.
Book 5-
My favorite quote from this book is, "Like the fact that the person Sirius cared for the most about in the world was you, Said Dumbledore quietly." This is, my favorite quote because, Sirius and Harry had such a strong bond together even though they didn't spend a lot of time together until the end that needs to be remembered.
I would give Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix by J.K. Rowling a 5 star review. This book follow Harry Potter during his fifth year at Hogwarts where he faces losing someone very close to him, visions of a mysterious door, the threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and a new Defense Against The Dark Arts Teacher who is, way too pink. This book isn't my favorite but it has such a wonderful plot and amazing characters that everyone must read. Even thought this isn't my favorite there are 3 parts of this book that I absolutely love. First Sirius and Harry has you know Sirius and Harry had such a strong bone that you could practically feel while reading there moments together. Sirius was my favorite character since he first appeared and it made my cry when he died and I couldn't bear to continue listening because, of the sadness of Harry losing Sirius. The second part was Dumbledore's Army I hated the fact that Dumbledore was ignoring Harry but the fact that Harry and his best friends took it upon themselves to teacher their fellow students what the pink lady wasn't teaching them was just wonderful and their name was amazing. The third part is, Dumbledore yes he ignored Harry a lot until Sirius death but when he does interact with him you could just tell that he cared a lot of Harry almost has most has Sirius did.
Book 6-
I would give Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince a 4 star review because, first there was so much going on that you wouldn't get bored, and second there were dark parts in the story line that just helped elevated the story line, and third we learned more about Tom Riddle(Voldemort) who was a shadow in the dark.
Book 7-
I would give Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows by J.K. Rowling a 5 star review because, first the ending was surprising but good, second I hated Severus all throughout the series but I loved him after everything we did in this book, third the story is, so well written with dark parts and everything that I forgot I was reading. Overall I loved this book and it's my favorite book in the series.
I had one favorite quote from this book "“Albus Severus....you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew" because, after everything Severus did some good and some bad he gained respect from Harry.
I'm Lilly, I'm a bookstagramer in Instagram, I love to read fantasy, YA, Fairytale retellings, true crime, Fiction, Horror, and LGBTQIA.
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