Grown Ups

By Marian Keyes

Laura Doe

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2022

Must read 🏆

A standard Marian Keyes book! I’ve never read a book of hers that I’ve hated

Marian Keyes never fails to disappoint me with her books, and this one is no exception. 

Her humour is injected beautifully into this book, whilst still dealing with issues of infidelity, an eating disorder, financial problems and imperfect marriages. All of the issues in the book are dealt with so delicately while also ensuring that the issues should not be taken lightly by the reader. 

Marian Keyes always makes sure that her humour is in the book, and there are some ridiculous bits that made me laugh out loud while reading but also some serious parts that reminded you about life and the things other people have to deal with. 

I loved the story being about three different marriages in one family as well as their kids and loved that it was from the point of view of seven characters - Jessie, Johnny, Ed, Cara, Liam, Nell and Ferdia. I felt that by the end everyone’s stories were tied up quite nicely… except for Nell and Ferdia! I had hopes that things would work out for them, but I doubt we will ever find out unfortunately! But i do have hopes that Marian might come back to their story because I can’t be the only reader who wants to know what happens with them in the end.

Another amazing Marian Keyes that has been added to my growing collection of her work. I haven’t found a Marian Keyes book that I haven’t loved so far, she is a writer who is consistent in her writing and also her humour shows throughout her books. I will definitely keep growing my little collection of her books, they are such good pick me ups that never fail to make you laugh out loud whilst still having a serious theme underlying the silliness throughout.

Reviewed by
Laura Doe

I’m a bookworm who has started reviewing the things that I have read. I have only been reviewing properly for just over a year so I’m still getting the hang of writing longer reviews but I am enjoying being able to big up the books that I’ve loved! I will read any genre if the book’s interesting!


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