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Christopher Langan's Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU) was first published no less than two decades ago. Unfortunately, however, this work has received little attention from contemporary academia. Mr. Langan is often lambasted for his ostensible prolixity, obscurantism, and his writings' supposed "lack of rigor". However, if one holds steadfastly to one's own curiosity and powers of intellectual discernment, one will unearth a theory that will indeed shake this very world as we know it. In this book, I endeavor, through a cross-analysis with Langan's work with that of Ludwig Wittgenstein, to illustrate the CTMU in all of its metaphysical and spiritual grandeur, leading the reader to form his own conclusions about the theory.


“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same

way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.”

—Alan Watts

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

—Carl Jung

Metaphysics: the fundamental means through which we can

model and understand our reality. But our goal here is neither

to write an introduction to metaphysics nor to survey the field

of contemporary theories. Our interest herein lies in

further analyzing and ultimately advancing a novel

“theory of everything”, first published no less than three

decades ago. The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe or

‘CTMU’ for short, advanced by the autodidactic,

unaffiliated philosopher Christopher Langan, purports to

not only re-frame our entire foundations of knowledge but to

prove the existence of God himself in the process. Though it

is reasonable that one should approach such claims with

incredulity, one cannot categorically deny such claims, as has been

done by more than a few members of academia. Moreover,

to categorically deny such claims would be to disgrace the

very undergirding of scientific inquiry. As the Brazilian

theoretical physicist, Marcelo Gleiser has recently stated, “I

honestly think atheism is inconsistent with the scientific

method. What I mean by that is, what is atheism? It’s a

statement, a categorical statement that expresses belief in

nonbelief” (emphasis added). But, as insightful as this point

may be, it is merely a platitude, often used to buttress a

resolutely agnostic position. Instead of proclaiming the

irrationality of atheism we must prove the rationality of

theism if we want an ultimate answer, if any is to be found.

Indeed, within the coming pages, with the help of the

scintillating theories of both Christopher Langan and the

Austrian philosopher of contemporary metaphysical lore,

Ludwig Wittgenstein, we will show (and say, to those who are

already familiar with Wittgensteinian terminology) that there is

an ultimate, metaphysical answer. Utilizing Wittgenstein’s

remarks on logic and language as scaffolding upon which to

introduce Langanian concepts, we will eventually “throw away

the ladder” of the former’s theorizing, beginning a gradual yet

inspiring climb up the middle of the CTMU’s interminable


Structurally, the book will be organized into four main

sections, comprising a total of five chapters. The first section

will consist of an introduction of each theory, both the

Tractatus and the CTMU. During this section, there will be no

cross-analysis; we will simply provide a relatively brief

overview of each metaphysical system. In the second section

we will begin to cross-analyze. The second and largest section

will present propositions or “numbers” from the Tractatus,

grouping them by topic and addressing them through the lens

of Langan’s theory. From discussion of “The Containment of

Reality” in subsection 3.1 to analysis of “The Evolution of

Reality” in subsection 3.5, all crucial elements of a coherent

and comprehensive metaphysics will be explored, as both the

Tractatus and CTMU will be laid against the “ruler” of the

world. Following this in-depth contrasting, we will introduce a

synthesis of sorts in the third section. Borrowing the structure

and style of the Tractatus, we will introduce a list of CTMU-consistent

propositions; the propositions won’t be grouped by

topic per se but will follow the Wittgensteinian convention of

general interconnection. In the closing pages, within the fourth

section, we will discuss Langan’s notion of God and his

conception of what he terms “metareligion”. Various religions,

from Christianity to Hinduism will be analyzed and seen to be

logically related to one other under the umbrella of

metareligion. We will also see how the notion of faith is

radically transformed, as God is proved to be no chimera.


About the author

Independent scholar of the CTMU movement & political analyst and writer. Fusing logic, creativity and intuition. UNT Philosophy B.A.. view profile

Published on November 30, 2019

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80000 words

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