Illegal? Unethical? Scott Newman was destined to succeed and he was determined to do whatever it took. His unscrupulous and criminal activity helped anoint him “The Benjamin King”. Newman’s obscene gifts guaranteed the loyalty of the customers he stole from his competitors while attracting the unintended attention of the FBI.
Never satisfied or appreciative of the money he made, he began creating shell companies to form his own enterprise in secret while working under the roof of his newly designated competition. . Giving the company it’s 30% while secretly pocketing the rest, allowed Scott to stay safely hidden.
His fellow salesmen spent their days on the phone making cold calls, and piling up rejections, working hard to make an honest living”. There must be a better way and Scott Newman found it. He discovered the Holy Grail, stealing from all his top competitors without them even knowing how he did it. Every day his calls were not hit or miss. Every one of Newman’s calls resulted in a sale.
The FBI spent an enormous amount of time and money investigating the lightbulb telemarketing industry. Could it, with all it’s resources, bring down Scott Newman?
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