Fighting Through to Hitler's Germany: Personal Accounts of the Men of 1 Suffolk 1944–45

By Mark Forsdike

John Purvis

Reviewed on Jun 6, 2020

Must read 🏆

A good history of a British Army unit fighting from D-Day until VE-Day

(See all my Book Reviews) - Author & historian Mark Forsdike ( published the book “Fighting Through to Hitler's Germany” in 2020. This is Mr. Forsdike's first book.

I received an ARC of this novel through in return for a fair and honest review. I categorize this novel as “R” because it contains scenes of Violence. The story begins with D-Day in June 1944.

The book follows the British 1st Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment. Part of the book goes back to when the unit escaped France at Dunkirk, but the book mostly focuses on D-Day and afterwards. The book follows the 1st as it makes its way through France, Holland, and into Germany. By that time it is part of the 3rd (British) Infantry Division.

The British generals called upon this unit time after time to 'get the job done'. As a result, the 1st suffered heavy casualties. Of the 850 who landed with the Battalion on D-Day, just 178 were still serving on VE-Day. More than 200 had died and 640 were wounded in 11 months of combat.

I enjoyed the 9+ hours I spent reading this 304-page history book. While the book was on a British unit, it reminded me a lot of Band of Brothers. Many officers are mentioned only to find that they were later killed in action. There was also a great deal about the movement of the 1st Battalion. I found it interesting to follow them on a map of Europe while I read. I like the chosen cover art. I give this book a 5 out of 5.

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Reviewed by
John Purvis

I read a lot - 120+ books a year and review them all on my blog and on Goodreads. I am most interested in science fiction and world war II era novels or non-fiction, though I also read some mysteries, thrillers, and fantasies.


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