The year is 2112, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. After natural disasters knock out the majority of the world’s population, survivors struggle with what is known as the Infertility Epidemic.
In an effort to save mankind, the United States government implements the National Fertility Agenda and the Department of Propagation, an organization that monitors fertility and sex compliance. Women and men alike are forced to comply with the Mandate by performing their civic duty of procreating at all costs.
At almost 30 years old, Bette Donovan has all but accepted that she will never be pregnant, and will never contribute to the survival of the human race. A freak accident changes all of that when she finds herself whisked away to the Birthing Center where she learns that being fertile isn’t as glamorous as it seems. What happens when the measures taken to save humanity risk destroying it in the process?
Eudaimonia was a fast and thrilling read that explored the horrors of a not so inconceivable future. When sex becomes a transaction and women are nothing more than objects to be used and taken from, it isn’t hard to believe that suicide would be the number one cause of death.
The world Godwin created was both terrifying and realistic. Ms. Tyler sent cold chills down my spine every time I witnessed her unnatural cruelty. My jaw continued to drop the longer I read about the innumerable lines crossed at the Birthing Center and the idea that anyone can justify an evil deed if their reasoning is strong enough.
To top it off, I really enjoyed the relationship between Bette and Roya and how it was different from most books you read. In other stories, it seems like the roles of the main character and her friend are reversed, where the main character is the one who believes in more and is determined to initialize change. Bette isn’t that person; she’s lived her whole life believing in the government’s lies and has no hope for change. Roya, on the other hand, believes that change is possible and implores Bette to hope in something more. It’s always touching to know that even in hell we might find a loving friend who's capable of bringing out the best in us.
I would recommend Eudaimonia to people who love dystopian, post-apocalyptic novels, and a fight against corruption.