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Worth reading 😎

Don't feel like messing around with a lot of plot and just get to the steam? This short erotica may hit the spot.


Niki’s new boss thinks he’s right about...EVERYTHING!

First, he calls her out on her work. Then, he lets her know her choice of lipstick isn’t working. When he busts her butt for her choice of a dress, she’s all but ready to walk out and tell him where to stick all his “observations,” but the fact of the matter is he is right...about EVERYTHING!

What’s the trick to his success? He makes it seem so easy.

If she’ll lighten up and submit to his mentorship, she might learn a thing or three.

Erotcia Office is intended for adults 18 and up.

We all have those reading moments when readers want to cut to the chase. In erotica, that often means reaching sex scenes as soon as possible. No fuss, no muss. Well, maybe a little muss. After all, if an author doesn’t heat things up fast, it is not an erotica. In Erotica Office, L.W. Bordeaux sets up main characters Niki and Tyler so they get busy pretty fast. Not lighting speed though, because Niki had to first be hating Tyler’s guts.

To Nikki, her handsome new boss comes off as a condescending jerk, rightfully so. It’s amazing that she gets ... thrilled at all. He spent the initial few minutes of their conversation letting her know what he found wrong with her. Grown women would peep his dump session for what it was, a playa move to make her self-conscious and easy to manipulate. They would call him out on his bull and send him on his merry way.

Nikki doesn’t behave like a grown woman, or at least a confident one. She luxuriates in toxicity from Tyler to the “friendly” women around her further tearing her down. I wondered if there had been some kind of “mess with Nikki’s head” meeting. The book reinforces a dysfunctional Shades of Gray narrative that entitle rich and successful men to a pass on behaving civilly or treating the women they encounter like anything but commodities. In the world of erotica, it plays into a twisted submissive fantasy, supposedly in all detached fun. Sure, if this was someone’s friend, sister or daughter, all bets would be off, but Bordeaux takes advantage of the vicarious nature of literature and offers readers an erotic frame they can enjoy at a safe distance and with a quick read allowing readers a chance to get ... flustered during a commute ride or lunch break.

For readers who can refrain from any pesky critical thinking about plot and character development, Erotica Office gives a fast path to the bedroom like a ‘Dear Playboy’ letter. 

Reviewed by

I have a B.A. in Historical Studies and Literature, an M.A. in Liberal Studies, and an AC in Women and Gender Studies. I am an adjunct instructor, writer and content editor. I have a strong background in literary criticism and have been reviewing books for several years.


Niki’s new boss thinks he’s right about...EVERYTHING!

First, he calls her out on her work. Then, he lets her know her choice of lipstick isn’t working. When he busts her butt for her choice of a dress, she’s all but ready to walk out and tell him where to stick all his “observations,” but the fact of the matter is he is right...about EVERYTHING!

What’s the trick to his success? He makes it seem so easy.

If she’ll lighten up and submit to his mentorship, she might learn a thing or three.

Erotcia Office is intended for adults 18 and up.

The Office

“Looks like we’re all here,” said the president of the company. “Niki, you want to put that phone away?” 

“No problem,” she said as she sneered at him

“I’d like to welcome the new head of the marketing department. Your department, by the way.”

“He’s helped raise three different companies from fledgling  nobodies to multimillion dollar brands in less than two years each, and he’s here to help do the same for ours. Without further adieu, let’s welcome our new marketing chief and your boss, Mr. Tyler Berman.”

Tyler stepped up from behind the mammoth creatures that run the joint. Anytime you’re in management, you’re expected to tip the scales 250 plus. Tyler was 200 at the most, but not an ounce of it jiggled.


About the author

My first stab at writing fiction came 10 years ago. I wrote a children’s book about a boy with a magic pen. The things he wrote came to life when he signed his name to his work. Another rather obscure children’s book, some SEO work, copywriting, blog writing, etc. eventually brought me to Erotica. view profile

Published on March 23, 2020

Published by

5000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️


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