Elephant in the Kitchen by Aleksandra Starling is a fun and interactive introduction to healthy foods that kids will love!
A young girl is shocked to find a tiny lemon-sized elephant in the kitchen. Day after day, she finds Al the Elephant hidden amongst the fruits and vegetables. Lounging in the fruit bowl, playing blueberry soccer, even napping in a bed of lettuce. Al's love for fruits and veggies shows no bounds. Where will she find Al next?!
This is a spectacular introduction to healthy fruits and vegetables. The tone remains silly yet informative for young readers ages 2-7. The illustrations are spot-on and lend an air of playfulness to Al’s shenanigans. Kids will love joining in on the fun as they search for Al themselves and guess where he’ll be hiding next.
Any parent, teacher, or child who has done Elf on a Shelf can relate to this little elephant stirring up innocent trouble in a different location every day. Teachers will love the open ending that allows for further discussion or writing prompts in the classroom. Meanwhile, parents will be grateful for an off-the-wall and ingenious take on healthy foods that will (hopefully!) entice kids to eat their fruits and vegetables.
I highly recommend Elephant in the Kitchen for readers ages 2-7, parents, and teachers.