Somehow, this book ended up in your hands. I am sure you either stumbled upon it by accident, heard about it, and felt a bit of morbid curiosity, or you are in prison, and the only two options on the book cart were either this or "Free on the Inside!" Whatever the case may be, you’re in luck because I have quite an unbelievable story to tell you, one I'm confident will capture your intrigue, and at the very least, you will find it entertaining. It is an intimate narrative about my life story and how I’ve become the person I am today. Who am I, you ask? No one special, no one famous. I haven’t invented a billion-dollar company, gone from rags to riches, broken any world records, or have an earth-shattering secret that can change your life. I am just one of over eight billion people in the world who each have their own stories to pour out and let everyone else drink in, and this is just one of them. We all have a unique life and an interesting story to share, and we all carry our own cross to drag and bear. Everyone’s process is the same: you’re born, you live some years, and then you die. While the born and die parts of life are universal for every human, there is only one birth and one death, but it is the living of life that separates each person and creates a snowflake life that is unique to no one else. Like every snowflake that falls from the sky, our lives and experiences are all very different, and our snowflakes are shaped by a combination of what we actively choose to do for ourselves and reacting to what other people do to us. However, as you will soon discover, my snowflake has been strewn and shaped by some harsh, extraordinary, and incredible things along the way. My story is a unique one; it’s a heartbreaking and messed up one that may, at times, seem too far-fetched and unbelievable to be real. It has a little bit of everything that makes a trainwreck hard to turn away from, and you might think it’s a Hollywood script or some B-rated movie. Occasionally, I find myself wishing it were merely a made-up movie. But, sadly, sometimes life can be more intense and depressing than any fictional story or lousy movie. Just as the adage goes, truth can indeed be stranger than fiction. For this reason, do not worry about offending me by questioning what I am writing because, if I had not lived it, I would find it dubious at best. It is all true, though, and one of the best things about the truth is it never changes. We all know that there are always two sides to every story, and unfortunately, people only know the wrong side of mine. And that’s not right, or fair. So, this book is my attempt to set the record straight and offer my side of events, and let the reader decide. But before we take this little stroll down my memory lane and before I get intimate and share my very personal thoughts, feelings, and secrets with you, we need to set the foundation and expectations for our new relationship as a writer and reader. Do you see how I carefully said "writer and reader" instead of "author and reader"? Let us be upfront and clear with each other from the start; I am no author. I am not even a writer, but I must define this book in some way. I did not graduate from college with a degree in literature or writing, and I have never written anything more than high school essays and letters to friends and family. Therefore, if you are hoping for a sophisticated book and a masterpiece of fine literature, I am very sorry to disappoint you. So, instead of expecting to read your typical book, imagine us kicking back and having a casual chat and a friendly conversation and drinks over a few glasses of beer, tea, wine, coffee, weed, or whatever is your thing. If you can read my story in this way, we will get through this as smoothly as possible. Here soon, you will understand why I did not get the opportunity to go to college, and who knows, I may have missed out on becoming a great author. Basically, if you lower your expectations for me now, you might not be disappointed and possibly let down later. I apologize in advance. This is my flaw and what I lack to bring to our new relationship, along with money and good looks. But, if my lack of writing skills and broke ass is not a deal-breaker and you are still intrigued enough to continue for now, let me assure you I do have some positive attributes I can offer in our relationship. I have a job, my own car, and I'm loyal. Plus, I will be open and honest with you. This part of my life will be like a literal open book to you. I kind of have no choice. No matter how embarrassing, shameful, or crazy parts there are to this story, I will be honest. I have nothing to hide, so let’s go ahead and rip this Band-Aid off now. For the last 25 years, I have had to live my life marked as a sex offender and have been unfairly judged as one of the worst kinds of human beings. The truth has not been known, and I have had to bear the consequences of my silence. Not because of shame or guilt but silence due to fear. I have personally experienced the destructive impact people in positions of power and authority can have, and if you have ever been abused or violated by authorities, you know how paralyzing and helpless it is. However, I know who I am and what I am not. I will be the first to admit I am only human and have made mistakes, and I am not even close to being perfect. And I can own up to and take responsibility for the actual and real mistakes I have made in my life. Likewise, I will not hold back the responsibility for those who have committed criminal acts and misdeeds against me. It is one thing when a regular person commits a crime, but when someone in a trusted authority does it, it magnifies it exponentially. The people whom this book is about have incomprehensibly wrecked my life, damaging my reputation by unjustly labeling me as a sex offender since I was 18 years old. At that age, I was seriously outmatched, like stepping into the boxing ring with a 20-year-old Mike Tyson. My life got messed up as badly as my face would get messed up by Tyson. But if I had to box Mike, I would at least try and throw a punch or two before he knocked me out. This book is my attempt to throw a punch back. I want to fight as best as I can with everything I've got. So why now, you might ask? The answer is that I have reached a point in my life where I do not have much left to lose. Nearly everything worth living for has been taken away, and I am left with one option or choice. To write this book, clear my name, and tell my side of this tragedy. If I don’t, everyone will only know the lies and believe I'm some sex offender and villain. The reality is I am just an ordinary guy, no different from any other respectable and decent man. And the best way I can show the world the truth is to expose myself in the right way, share some of my most personal, intimate memories, and let everyone drink in a few glasses full of Timmy Life and hope they can stomach it. So, here’s to revealing the truth and to my brother Ricky, Cheers.
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