Does It Hurt?: An Enemies to Lovers Romance

By H. D. Carlton

Worth reading 😎

Review of Does it Hurt? by H.D. Carlton – 3 Stars on missed out potential

Review of Does it Hurt? by H.D. Carlton – 3 Stars

As a fan of dark romance, I was eager to dive into Does it Hurt? by H.D. Carlton. The blurb promised a dark, suspense-filled journey with intense characters and an intriguing setup—shipwrecked on a desolate island with a brooding, dangerous man. However, while there are some appealing elements to the book, I found that it didn’t live up to its full potential.

Does it Hurt? ♦ H.D. Carlton - A Review


First, let’s talk about the plot. The premise initially drew me in: a mysterious woman on the run, an enigmatic man obsessed with the sea, and a dangerous island where no one is safe. But as the story progressed, it felt like the plot got lost in its own pacing. The idea of being shipwrecked with a dangerous man had so much potential for high-stakes suspense and tension, but it was rarely explored in a way that felt gripping. The suspense elements fell flat, and the opportunities for deeper mystery or thrilling moments were often missed. What could have been a truly tense, nail-biting narrative instead became muddled and predictable at times.

The dialogue was another aspect that left much to be desired. At various points, the conversations between the characters felt forced and lacked depth. The exchanges were typically either too cliché or too confusing, without adding much to their development or the plot. Given the intense themes of vengeance, power dynamics, and survival, I expected more engaging, sharp, and meaningful conversations. Unfortunately, they often felt flat, detracting from the immersion in the story.

Character depth, too, was an issue for me. The protagonist’s identity crisis and search for meaning could have been rich with emotional complexity, but her motivations felt muddled and inconsistent. Also, the same could be said for Enzo, whose character never quite broke out of the „mysterious bad guy with a dark past“ mold. The internal conflicts of both characters were skimmed over, making it difficult to connect with either of them on a deeper level. The dynamic between them had potential, but it didn’t evolve in a way that made their relationship truly compelling.

Now, onto the sexual content. While I fully expect (and enjoy) steamy scenes in dark romance, this book leaned heavily into it, almost to the detriment of the story. There were so many scenes focusing on the physical side of the relationship that the emotional and suspenseful aspects were often overshadowed. I love a good balance of dark, sensual romance with suspense, but here, the focus on sexual content felt excessive. It took away from the tension that should have come from the dangers of the island, the mysterious caretaker, or even Enzo’s vengeful intentions.


Ultimately, Does it Hurt? had all the ingredients for an engaging dark romance with suspense, but it missed the mark in key areas. The plot felt disjointed, the dialogue was underwhelming, and the characters lacked the emotional depth I was hoping for. For readers who are more focused on the erotic elements of dark romance, this book might hit the spot. But for those seeking a balance of suspense, character development, and steamy romance, it might leave you wanting more. A decent read, but one that didn’t fully deliver for me.

This review was first published at The Art of Reading. 

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I feel like 1 million pages old. I have lived thousands of lives, loved, mourned and died many deaths. I had a home in almost every corner of the world and in many new worlds. I have made many friends and also fought many enemies.

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