Interstellar Civilian Transport Vessel Emerald Pearl
A jolt of electricity yanked Rae out of hibernation. She gulped the icy air as if she had just burst to the surface of a deep, dark ocean. Where am I?
Her arms flailed. She searched for something, anything, to make sense of her world. On all sides, cold metal and glass met her fingers. It was several inches from her face so it was not suffocating. Not yet. Confusion assaulted her mind. If only she could see! Am I dead?
She breathed deep. Cool, crisp air filled her lungs. She smelled ethyl alcohol. A tanginess offended her tongue. Calm down, Rae, calm down. Remember what Mom said. Think before you act. Deep breaths. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in… She was breathing, feeling, smelling, tasting. Okay, not dead, it seems! Two senses remained. Sight. Hearing. She opened her eyes, but saw nothing. But there were noises. Muted, muffled, but present. She recognized none of them except the thump, thump, thump of her own heart.
Something pulled at her skin when she moved. It made her cease her frantic movements. Rae carefully ran a hand up the length of her left arm. She found a small tube and a string. No, a wire. Then another. She discovered several more tubes and wires jutting from her body. A chill ran down her spine. Her breathing quickened. Pull them out or leave them in? She didn’t know the answer. Maybe they are keeping me alive?
A yellow flash filtered through her eyelids. What was that? Rae held her breath. A pulsing in her neck matched the now pounding sound in her ears. She opened her eyes again. Or had she? Do my eyes not work, or is it just too dark in here?
Where is here!?
She counted her racing heartbeats to calm herself. One, two, three— Another flash. There it is again! Her arm dropped to her side, and the familiar texture of clothing brushed against her palm. Her hand instinctively returned and pinched it twixt her fingers. Is that my blouse? The violet one? My favorite? She remembered picking out her favorite top for… for what? First day of seventh grade at her new school? No. Not yet. A trip? Yes, the long trip from Earth—
A sound louder than her own heavy breathing crept into her consciousness. It was an alarm. No. A klaxon, like on a sea-going vessel. That’s right. I’m on a ship. But not at sea, not this time. The yellow flashing every three seconds now made sense. The flashing, combined with the alarm, meant one thing.
I want my daddy. Rae’s chest tightened. Where is Da—
“Emergency. Emergency,” said a muffled, feminine voice. It was oddly calm. “Hull breach detected. Life Support and Environmental Systems at risk of failure. Immediate evacuation recommended. Emergency. Emergency…”