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Destined To Change: Purpose. Progress. Happiness.

By Antonio Rosario Ortiz

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Destined to Change is a book about finding progress, looking
for the opportunity, creating paths of blessings, leading a life
of success, setting a blueprint for generations to come,
seeking health and wealth in all aspects of life, joining
forces with individuals who can bring purpose to pass, and
more. Leading a life of success, from my experience, takes
time; even though some people are born into it, others
fi nd purpose gradually as they grow, and still others, well—
some never take the time to find it. That is the principle:
If I only take the time to find it, if I take a leap of faith
that takes me where I want to go if I only look in the right
places, success will find me, too; action is required wherever
we go, and energy comes out of us whether we want it to
or not. Life is energy, and it is essential for us to place our
limited and unlimited resources into efforts that accumulate
interest over the years. Interest, compound interest, revenue,
and anything else that multiplies over the years, including
your state of mind, emotional state, and physical health,
are foundations that require wisdom.


Destined to Change is a book about finding progress, looking for opportunity, creating paths of blessings, leading a life of success, setting a blueprint for generations to come, seeking health and wealth in all aspects of life, joining forces with individuals who can bring purpose to pass, and more. Leading a life of success, from my experience, takes time; even though some people are born into it, others find purpose gradually as they grow, and still others, well— some never take the time to find it. That is the principle: If I only take the time to find it, if I take a leap of faith that takes me where I want to go, if I only look in the right places, success will find me, too; action is required wherever we go, and energy comes out of us whether we want it to or not. Life is energy, and it is essential for us to place our limited and unlimited resources into efforts that accumulate interest over the years. Interest, compound interest, revenue, and anything else that multiplies over the years, including 1 your state of mind, emotional state, and physical health, are foundations that require wisdom. Why wisdom, you ask? Wisdom is the principle of all understanding, and understanding is the principle that will guide you to make good decisions. Who invented wisdom? That is a great question! Remember how I mentioned the infinite source of energy? If you are wise enough, you will invest in that area of your life, independently of what you believe; I came to understand that having a support system and religious or nonreligious beliefs will help anyone survive a tough time when it comes. That’s right! Tough times will eventually come your way, but with the right support in place, a positive mindset, a healthy amount of energy, life-work balance, and associations with the right people, you will surpass hardship in a way that only God can understand. What is energy without the correct approach? What is leadership without followers? What is faith without a hope? What is a leader without character? What is energy without a place to reside and people to share it with? What is love without understanding and compassion? What is hate without indifference? What are you without purpose? What are we without a support system? As mentors are necessary to develop leaders, energy is necessary to be placed in the right direction. It is imperative for you to understand the course of your life, and it is vital that you share your thoughts with the correct people. Do not give your jewelry to pigs; do not share your most valuable thoughts and beliefs with people who cannot comprehend; do not give your heart to those who will corrupt it. “How do I begin?” you ask. Well, it begins when you take the time to read what I have to say—no expectancies, no attachments—just the thoughts of a stranger with the hope that you find something valuable and hear words of encouragement. I congratulate you on the first step toward change in your life. However, I want you to understand that the purpose of this book, and my intention, is to guide you through different perspectives, questions, and stories that might uncover strengths that you might not know you have, or maybe to give you a different perspective on how to live with good expectations, understand your mind and heart, and follow your own patterns to discover why you are the way you choose to be or think, as well as how to change it if you want, but mostly to give you a direction and discipline that I believe are necessary for success in all aspects of life, including those that only you know you need. Let us begin.

The Golden Child

The golden child made friends with the unfortunate child. They had nothing in common, each thought differently, and both were destined to live together in either harmony or indifference, anyway, they wanted, under circumstances determined by their actions. The golden child was as curious about the unfortunate child’s life as the unfortunate child was curious about the golden child’s life. What a journey both souls began to experience—sharing thoughts and stories; becoming friends, then enemies, then friends again; alternately arguing with and embracing each other, with love. What a blessing to discover themselves, and what a joy to have such a friendship! So, the unfortunate child and the golden child became one, and they knew each other to the extent that words were not necessary to explain what one of them was feeling. The other one would feel the same without words or actions; each just knew. My friend, let me interrupt this story to tell you that the golden and unfortunate children are part of me and you; both possess parts of our minds that generate misfortunate thoughts, actions, and events. When part of your brain, either good or bad, is not running the way it is supposed to, you will know. There will be no need for words, expressions, or actions; you’ll just know because both children reside inside of you. Aren’t you glad that we are so connected? Aren’t you glad that if your life is not progressing the way it is supposed to, your own spirit can feel it? That’s your mind and body beginning to express in a positive or negative way to get your attention. Aren’t you glad that we are so beautifully and wonderfully made? My friend, while this story teaches us many lessons, the one that I will emphasize is that all areas of our lives, physical and spiritual, have both a golden side and an unfortunate one. But there is a necessary purpose for both to reside in the same place, as even when we try to rely on just the golden one, the unfortunate one always reminds us that he is also there, and it is important to understand that there are two sides to every situation. What are the golden sides of your personality? What are the misfortunate areas of your life? Can you change them? Can someone help you change them, or can only God help you change your life? Is compassion more necessary in your life than doing exhaustive exercise, or finding ways to change? What do you take away from this story?

Looking Beneath the Surface

The most attractive person in this whole area has an interest in me; what a delight to know that someone wants me, and the most attractive one at that! After getting to know the other person, I discovered that insecurity, obsession, possession, negativity, and lots of talking without saying much made up a big part of that attraction. I was so attracted to this person that their personality was a fog before my eyes, clouded in my head, and inaccessible to my spirit; I could not hear the warning signs until it was too late. We embraced, but little did I know that the death of our love was already on the way; little did I know that I was one of many, many victims. Now, I hold immense regret in my heart; what was I thinking? I am breaking without repair, and as a sickness consumes my body, I see what a terrible life I am living. If only I had listened to the lessons of my ancestors and others. How foolish to believe that true love is based on appearances! How foolish to believe that love means abuse and pain! How foolish to believe that I knew it all. I know nothing! Don’t be so hard on yourself, friends; this story has happened to most of us at some point in life. Do you remember when kids would ask if someone else liked us by writing a letter with a choice question at the end? “Do you like me?” Yes No, What a beautiful time of innocence! In reality, most of us experience disappointment until it is too late; we are drawn from all aspects of life and left out to start at the beginning but do not be discouraged. There is great power and greatness within you that can unfold things that you cannot begin to imagine, if you just believe, have some compassion for yourself, and remember: It is not how we get to our destination; it is that we get there at all.

Take courage! “Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.” - Jesus Christ  

Valuable Life Through the Eyes of Admiration

The hundred-dollar bill has three important aspects: First, independent of what the bill looks like, where it has been, and how clean or dirty it is, the value remains the same. Second, this bill’s value depends on people’s beliefs; that is, it is not the material, color, or shape that makes the bill valuable, but the universal belief that it represents a certain value. Third, in the center of the bill is the expression “In God, we trust.” You see, independent of appearance, color, shape, and condition, the bill knows whom he belongs to and who he is, as well as his universal value. Friends, with this short and direct story, I would like to emphasize two things: First, regardless of your background, lot in life, location, or appearance, you must understand that you are valuable, and you are enough. You are the most precious being with greatness within you that you cannot comprehend; the number of nerves, neurons, and connections in your body surpasses the number of stars in the heavens, and you are the most priceless part of all of you can see and not see, created in the image of God. Second, do not—and I repeat do not—let anyone tell you otherwise, not in words, and not by arguments, but by knowing the truth about who you really are, and by knowing that independently of what has been said about you, in the past, present, and future, you are a precious, valuable, essential aspect of this life; you are unique and highly favored.

“One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation, and compassion.” - Simone de Beauvoir

Born Into Slavery

I experienced all of the aspects of inhumanity: being used, mistreated, disrespected, and regarded as “less than.” I knew that I should have hope—hope that all of us would eventually pass to a better life—but my life as a slave was unbearable. My feet bore the soreness of my soul, and my back was scarred and callused from all the lashes unleashed by my oppressors, as I called them; what a delight it would have been to know that in generations to come, a hopeful future, one where diversity and difference are highly valued, would be available to all of us. What a delight to convince my heart and mind that someday, my experience—everything I see, hear, and feel— will not be part of the struggle of future generations; what a delight to know that peace of mind and happiness reside inside of me; what a delight indeed to understand that, independently of situations or surroundings, I am my own master. I am not who I appear to be, and I am 11 BORN INTO SLAVERY not the victim of the circumstances chosen for my life. Friends, remember the history of slaves’ endurance of oppression, and that we no longer need to worry about being sold into slavery . . . or do we? If we do not take action and change the current circumstances, history is bound to repeat itself. Even today, between 21 and 45 million humans are forced into slavery. Are we better than before? Have we made any significant changes in life as we are supposed to? Aside from the story and the data provided, all I can contribute to you is encouragement, so be the best version of yourself, looking for ways to live your purpose, pray, and be a blessing for others.

“I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted.” —Frederick Douglass

References End Slavery Now. (2021). Slavery today. learn/slavery-today#:~:text=There%20are%20an%20estimated%20 21,is%20slavery%20at%20its%20core Hodal, K. (2019, February 25). One in 200 people is a slave. Why? The Guardian. modern-slavery-trafficking-persons-one-in-200 “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy 


About the author

My purpose is to contribute to different ways in helping others achieve their goals, discover themselves, and get closer to God, and I love to have meaningful conversations and common grounds in every situation. The purpose of my books is to teach and help in any possible way to make life easier. view profile

Published on July 30, 2021

30000 words

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Christian Fiction