Meet Darwin, a hardworking little mouse who has a thirst for adventure and a thirst for tea. In the intro, we learn that his favorite tea blend uses vanilla, which comes from a distinct exotic place he visits only once a year. But after the adventure concludes, his tastebuds might favor lavender over vanilla.
Darwin enjoys picking berries, picking flowers to spruce up his home, and sketching wildflowers. While most people would put flowers in a vase for decoration, Darwin has another use, particularly violets. Darwin likes to put them on his biscuits and cookies to make them appear more festive. If you've watched any cooking show, you've seen chefs adding a pop of color with edible flowers. It can make a dish or dessert go from ordinary to extraordinary.
Darwin's friends knew of his appreciation for flowers. One night, as Darwin was sitting at his writing desk, his good pal Elderon delivered a letter explaining that they saw the most beautiful lavender fields during one of their flights. They've drawn a map leading Darwin to its location. Much like the adorable mouse, kids might wonder what color lavender is. What is it good for? Readers will find out both answers as they listen to the story unfold.
As Darwin sets off on his grand adventure, he bumps into Squirrel Newton, who has no helpful information regarding lavender. Still, he does advise who the mouse should talk to and gives him a parting gift: acorns, a squirrel's favorite snack. The cute illustrations keep coming along as Darwin heads to the pier. Darwin's passport was adorable, and I loved the crane's hat and pocket watch. But the real showstopper was Darwin's mode of transportation, the Windboat. Imagine a hot air balloon with a glider attached to its base. Very creative and beautifully drawn.
When Darwin's aircraft lands on Muridae Isle, the real adventure begins. He has to avoid poisonous mushrooms while crossing Webcap Creek and gain permission to pass through the Lunar Silk Forest. How and to whom grants his request will stay a secret until YOU read the story!
Darwin's travels take him to the Highlands, where he meets a very large animal (no spoilers). Lucky for the mouse, this creature's dinner preference lies with snow rabbits. Darwin was also fortunate that this animal gave him a landmark to look for that would lead him to Lavender Valley.
Darwin's journey was long, and his body grew weary with each step, but it was worth it in the end, reinforcing the famous quote, "Good things come to those who wait." The fields gave off a lovely aroma, delighting the mouse's senses. Darwin was thrilled to see lavender matched his favorite violets, too.
After you read the story, ask your child or class if they have a favorite flower, color, sweet treat, snack, or drink. Teachers can make this a "get to know me" project. Another learning project would be to ask your child or students to list the landmarks in the order the mouse traveled or create their own map and legend focusing on their city or state.
I was impressed the writer also did the illustrations. That's not something I see every day. Darwin looked dapper in his long-sleeved white shirt, green vest, and round glasses. I loved his writing desk and how the illustrator chose a quill for the mouse's writing instrument—very fancy! Darwin's bookshelf was a beauty, too. I loved the addition of a sliding ladder, a feature all home or public libraries should possess. I had mixed feelings on the map, though. I would've liked the symbols to be a different color or even liven up the map with one or more colors. It was too dark and drab, a stark contrast to the other illustrations. I also would've eliminated the highlight on the compass. It didn't elevate the image. It made my eyes focus on it instead of the compass direction.
I enjoyed reading about Darwin's journey to Lavender Valley. I recommend sharing it with children three years and up.