Intensity of emotion and ferocity of character brilliantly portrayed so that it leaps off the page to capture your imagination and hold it.
My favorite thing about this book is its intensity. Everybody seems real. You can believe that these people are werewolves and you can wonder at their abilities and who they are as people. Alpha and Omega: Cry Wolf is a werewolf love story that everybody can get into no matter what their genre of choice. The emotion comes right off the page into your heart and soul and makes you wish you had a counterpart of your own like one of these in your life.
Sometimes when an author writes something this emotionally-investing they don't know how to pull back. There's an ebb and flow (similar to the tide) that you have to employ in a story like this to let the reader regroup and calm back down. Comedy works the same way. If you keep throwing out jokes without letting your audience catch their breath and reset, you'll be telling them jokes that they can't laugh at, even if they find them funny. You may know what I mean. Be confident in knowing that Patricia Briggs does NOT have this problem in the slightest. She knows exactly how to orchestrate the sweet melody of this novel and you'll love her for it.
You get to see the perspectives of both characters, Charles and Anna, and it's done in a way that you won't feel robbed, in that the back and forth into the minds of both characters is consistent and equal. True to how a good author should do something like this, neither character has any spoilers. They're in the dark about each other exactly the way they would be in real life, which is part of the magic behind the realism of this story. Did I mention that they're werewolves?
I recommend reading Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series, about the first 3 books, before reading this one (which has a prequel you should really pick up, unless they've finally incorporated it into the story), because you'll have a sufficient backstory into the world that way, but it's not necessary. The others help, but even this one will show you what it means to be an Alpha, Beta, dominant, submissive, and omega. This novel stands on its own two feet. Briggs totally sticks the landing of this one for a 10/10.
This is really the only novel I've read, I want to say 4-5 times already. I typically read a novel one time. Trust me, there's a reason it's different with this one. I highly recommend you give this a read, if you haven't already.
Stephan F. Rogers is a New York City native. He holds a Bachelor's degree in English Creative Writing, from Hunter College. He also spent a few years as an English Teacher to middle schoolers.
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