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Coney - A Trip to Luna Park

By Jeffrey Lindberg

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Coney - A Trip to Luna Park by Jeffrey Lindberg offers the viewing audience suspense, adventure, and comedy with a fantasy twist.


It is 1904, and a new amusement park is being built in Coney Island. Unfortunately, the construction is happening right on the dunes that Selena, a scrappy little rabbit, calls home!  From her trolley car one day, Millie spots Selena, and the two become fast friends. Together, they discover and confront the men and the machines that are doing something extraordinary– building a modern, even futuristic,  theme park - while also doing something destructive to the land and its inhabitants. 
Filled with historical accuracy and a captivating tale in and of itself, this book  takes readers on a ride through the old Coney Island. We follow Selena and Millie as  they explore the sights and thrills of Luna Park for the first time. Against the fantastic and extravagant backdrop of creator Fred  Thompson’s Luna Park, the story reaches a dramatic height in the nighttime Coney  Island, lit up by thousands of Edison bulbs!  Can Millie and Selena preserve the land and still reach for the stars? 
  Join Millie and Selena for a trip back in time to Luna Park, when for a few pennies, you could travel all the way to the MOON!  

Coney - A Trip to Luna Park by Jeffrey Lindberg was a period piece based on clothing and design that also contained elements based on fantasy. The flying boat was a cool idea but, sadly, not an actual mode of transportation. Yet. But if and when this becomes a reality, I'm buying a ticket!

Okay, I wouldn't encourage my daughter to play a prank on someone to teach them a lesson about being nice. However, I did find it amusing the tricks Millie and Selena played on the mean man in the suit (Skip). The exploding cake was humorous. 

I would tell your young listeners never to try these stunts at home. Fire is dangerous, and so is making someone trip on a high structure. Plus, pulling pranks could land you in hot water! 

In Coney - A Trip to Luna Park, Selena's home is in jeopardy due to construction. In real life, many animals lose their homes to humans. Rest assured, Selena got her happy ending. Skip learns to be nice to people and animals. And everyone lived happily ever after.

Coney - A Trip to Luna Park by Jeffrey Lindberg offers the viewing audience suspense, adventure, and comedy with a fantasy twist. Children too young to understand the dialogue and plot have plenty of animals in the story for them to look at. Jeffrey Lindberg did a remarkable job on every single image. Each page was beautifully designed.

When I submitted my review to Reedsy, Amazon did not have this book on their site. Therefore, I do not know the author's intended audience. I would suggest sharing Coney - A Trip to Luna Park with preschoolers and up. 

I will be recommending Coney - A Trip to Luna Park by Jeffrey Lindberg to family, friends, and our local library.

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I've been constructing reviews for over a decade and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Most of the reviews will be featured on my blog (Kam's Place), Pinterest, Instagram, BlueSky, and Goodreads. Don't forget to tip your waitress! :D


It is 1904, and a new amusement park is being built in Coney Island. Unfortunately, the construction is happening right on the dunes that Selena, a scrappy little rabbit, calls home!  From her trolley car one day, Millie spots Selena, and the two become fast friends. Together, they discover and confront the men and the machines that are doing something extraordinary– building a modern, even futuristic,  theme park - while also doing something destructive to the land and its inhabitants. 
Filled with historical accuracy and a captivating tale in and of itself, this book  takes readers on a ride through the old Coney Island. We follow Selena and Millie as  they explore the sights and thrills of Luna Park for the first time. Against the fantastic and extravagant backdrop of creator Fred  Thompson’s Luna Park, the story reaches a dramatic height in the nighttime Coney  Island, lit up by thousands of Edison bulbs!  Can Millie and Selena preserve the land and still reach for the stars? 
  Join Millie and Selena for a trip back in time to Luna Park, when for a few pennies, you could travel all the way to the MOON!  

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Jeffrey Lindberg – I wanted to thank the people who have taken the time to upvote my book, and to take a look at Coney, which is my first self-published children's picture book. For many years I worked as an illustrator for book covers in the YA children's book field where I was able to develop my craft and technique to suit the needs of the market. But I have always had ideas for picture books that I had to put on the back burner (is there really a back burner?) Being in the industry I understood how hard it is to get a book submission seen, let alone published! But now, technology, social media, and the internet, allows those of us with a book idea, to do it on our own. I welcome any and all questions about Coney- and what went into making it happen. (Years of hard work!) Thank you again for your upvotes- a new term for me but it's very encouraging.
over 2 years ago
Kameron Brook – Best of luck with your book launch! #KamsPlace
over 2 years ago
Jeffrey Lindberg – @kameronbrook Hi Kameron! I wanted to thank you for the wonderful review of Coney. I not only appreciated the positive parts, but also the critiques that point to some concerns that I did have in writing the story, mainly with how Skip is treated by Millie & Selena. I had hired an editor to help me improve the story, and she suggested having an adversary- a villain! Initially I had Fred as the bad guy, but realized that in my mind he was the creator, and therefore the good guy. So Skip became my villain. When Millie and Selena played pranks on Skip, I thought of Home Alone as a use of slapstick in the narrative. But I always had concerns about how children might react to that part of the story. I hope to be able to speak with the public in presentations about my book- and to open the dialog about this aspect of the story. Some reviewers, including yourself, have zeroed in on this aspect of the narrative- and I agree. Fortunately, it all ends up OK, and unlike the real world, the bad guy repents! And yes it it too bad that the Trip to the Moon doesn't exist today. But it did- way back then. Thank you again! Jeffrey Lindberg
over 2 years ago
samantha pillay – Greetings, I am interested in establishing connections with fellow children's book authors. If you would also like to stay informed about my new releases please follow back. Warm regards, Sam
about 1 year ago
About the author

Jeffrey Lindberg is a professional illustrator and author whose new book is Coney - A Trip to Luna Park is forthcoming from Flying Rabbit Press in early fall, 2022. Coney is a 48-page, fully illustrated picture book; it will be printed offset in hardcover. view profile

Published on September 30, 2022

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Genre:Picture Books

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