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Conspiracy Chaos: from 9/11 to Deep State, this messy "book" takes truth-seeking on a wild ride, lacking structure, citations, and coherence


There Were No Commercial Plane Crashes On 911. I retired from Verizon and worked in telecommunications. I assisted a customer several times with several complicated issues with phones he didn’t own. It turns out he had been employed by the federal government with the extremely high-security clearance of Q. A Q clearance is a type of security clearance used by the U.S. Department of Energy to grant access to Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. A Q Clearance is equivalent to a U.S. Department of Defense Top Secret clearance. He entered the private sector and opened several security businesses. He doesn’t own a phone or computer, he cannot have any electronic footprints. We started discussing the Deep State. He said I was definitely on the right track. Some issues, he was not at liberty to discuss.
I recently found this article in the archives on my phone when I was looking for something else. This was written about 6 months after 911 by James Fetzer. He works in the Philosophy of Science department at the University of Minnesota Duluth. The article was deleted soon after I read it.

I understand that the conspiracy theory of 9-11 was an inside job is one that causes a lot of anger and division. And I understand that me beginning my review with “conspiracy theory” means this is an immediate write-off for many readers. But the way that I look at conspiracy theories is that they are written by people on a mission to find truth in something that makes them feel uneasy. An uneasy feeling is something I attribute to intuition - which is an innate search for truth. I will never criticize people who follow that calling in their search for truth.

But - truth be told (pun intended) - this “book” is really messy. Robert Hall takes an article that argues that there were never any planes at all - something that is a bit of a stretch for me to wrap my head around - by a man named Fetzer and breaks it down and debunks it using his research and evidence. But then it… becomes something else entirely.

It reads very much like a Reddit post and lacks essential editing and structure. Even the headings have periods and aren’t properly capitalized. Nothing - no “research” - has citations; he even mentions that he “copied and pasted” information but doesn’t cite this, which is essentially plagiarism. 

One entire section is a question-and-answer conversation that Hall had with Bing’s search engine (or was it Fetzer? It’s so difficult to tell because it’s so poorly structured). And then it turns into a book about the Deep State, qAnon, pro-Trump, and anti-Biden, which could have preficed the information and not followed. Is this a giant book on conspiracy theories in America, or is it about 9-11? Pages 78 to 111 are, quite literally, just generated images taken off of the internet.  It’s all so odd, disjointed, and confusing. 

The unedited chunks of writing make it difficult to navigate and digest, causing this to be a bigger chore and an even bigger mystery to unravel. My recommendation is that Hall hires an editor and proofreader before releasing this into the wild and that he adds citations to his content. It was so frustrating to read that I went from someone believing that 9-11 was an inside job to someone thinking, “Everyone trying to convince me that this was an inside job is using AI chatbots for their elementary-level research on conspiracy theories.”

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A Canadian in France, a bibliophile, logophile, and Francophile. She lives driven by joy and filling her life with passion. When she’s not reading, creative journaling, or writing, she’s lending her clairaudient mediumship abilities to others through her spiritual business Seeking Celestial Grace©


There Were No Commercial Plane Crashes On 911. I retired from Verizon and worked in telecommunications. I assisted a customer several times with several complicated issues with phones he didn’t own. It turns out he had been employed by the federal government with the extremely high-security clearance of Q. A Q clearance is a type of security clearance used by the U.S. Department of Energy to grant access to Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. A Q Clearance is equivalent to a U.S. Department of Defense Top Secret clearance. He entered the private sector and opened several security businesses. He doesn’t own a phone or computer, he cannot have any electronic footprints. We started discussing the Deep State. He said I was definitely on the right track. Some issues, he was not at liberty to discuss.
I recently found this article in the archives on my phone when I was looking for something else. This was written about 6 months after 911 by James Fetzer. He works in the Philosophy of Science department at the University of Minnesota Duluth. The article was deleted soon after I read it.

Calling 911, The Truth





911-The World Trade Center Tragedy 

The Tragedy Was Orchestrated By the Deep State.

I retired from Verizon and worked in telecommunications. I assisted a customer several times with several complicated issues with phones he didn’t own. It turns out he had been employed by the federal government with the extremely high-security clearance of Q. A Q clearance is a type of security clearance used by the U.S. Department of Energy to grant access to Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials. Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances. A Q Clearance is equivalent to a U.S. Department of Defense Top Secret clearance. He entered the private sector and opened several security businesses. He doesn’t own a phone or computer, he cannot have any electronic footprints. None.  When I found out what he did for a living, we started discussing that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911 and the Deep State. He said, for the most part, I was definitely on the right track. Some issues, he was not at liberty to discuss. 

 I recently found this article in the archives on my phone when I was looking for something else. I thought I had lost it. This was written about 6 months after 911 by James Fetzer. James H. Fetzer is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. He retired from the university in 2006.  The article was deleted soon after I read it. This certainly offers food for thought.

Mr. James Fetzer’s Commentary On 911.

Mr. James Fetzer Is A Professor Emeritus.

The reason that Rosie O’Donnell was fired from TV for mentioning the WTC 7 (not hit by a plane) collapse, would immediately expose 911 as some form of controlled demolition.  This is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

 Numerous news stations reported the WTC 7 collapse BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

 The reason hundreds of “terrorist training drills” like Tripod II and Vigilant Guardian were taking place on 911,.at the exact time of the plane crashes. Was for plausible deniability because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911

The reason that none of the voice data recorders, flight data recorders, or black boxes had serial numbers, a first in aviation history, and it happened 4 times on the same day, is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason that Every TV interview on the day of 911 was given by a military-owned media outlet personnel (watch September Clues online) is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason that all the buildings and locations on 911 appear to have been destroyed by some form of demolition or directed energy weapon (there was no jet fuel) because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911

The reason the US government allocated only 3 million dollars to investigate all of 9-11 (the Lewinsky Scandal got $50 million) is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason NORAD stood down on 911 to immediately intercept the planes was that there were no planes to shoot down because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason Every video filming the Pentagon was immediately confiscated (80+ at last count) was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.

The reason the command procedure to shoot down a rogue plane was changed just weeks before 9-11 to having to get Donald Rumsfeld’s permission first, and then was changed back immediately the day After 911 at the pilot's discretion, was because There were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason that None of the 256 passengers drove and parked their cars at Any airport on 911 is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason that Not One single video exists of any person at any airport in any way from any of the planes of 9-11 is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason that Tens of millions of dollars were made on “put options” which shorted United and American Airlines just days before 9-11 and the US Refuses to release exactly who made those financial bets is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason the US conducted a terrorist training drill at the Buffalo Intel Airport one week Before 911 which included terrorists blowing up a plane (the exact people conducting this drill just so happen to be the ones who then conducted the “rescues” at the ground zero one week later!) was that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911 

On 9-10-01 the Pentagon was being audited for a missing 2.3 trillion dollars and the 28 accounting experts would be looking into it (All 28 died in the Pentagon plane attack and all investigations were immediately dropped), because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason the Pentagon was conducting a “Mascal” (Mass Casualty) exercise On The Day Of 911 at the Pentagon involving a Plane Crashing Into, was once again for a weak plausible deniability excuse because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason the doors, fire escapes, observation decks, and All access to the top TC’s 1 and 2 buildings were closed and chained up on Monday 9-10-01, was because survivors could talk, because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

 The reason Mayor Gulliani was conducting Operation Tripod II at Pier 92 (rather than a new multiple million dollar bunkers inside WTC 7) on Monday 9-10-01 which involved terrorist attacks on the WTC and then the same exact people were then in charge of 911. was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason the FBI released the names, addresses, photos, religious beliefs, hereabouts, affiliations, professional connections, flight training schools, nationalities, personal histories, ages, and visa status of ALL the hijackers within days of 911(Unabomber took 17 years!), is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason Pa. Gov. Tom Ridge, who would then head a new agency called Homeland Security, said that the WTC debris would be buried at CDI’s smelting plant which was purchased just months before 911 in PA (no debris went overseas or to China for example!) was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911

Even though it was illegal, Gulliani banned all photography and video of the WTCs after the attacks which clearly showed serious problems with the official stories because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason Osama bin Laden denies any connection to wrongdoing and says the US government and military are sick and murderous for their aims is because he had nothing to do with 911. 

The reason there were serious issues with All the videos showing planes on 911 is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason that there will always be massive issues with the passenger lists and why not ONE of the hijackers were listed on any of them is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason there will never be a single piece of verified debris from any of the 4 planes from any of the 4 locations on 911 is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason that no engines, no tail sections, no seats, no fuselage, no luggage, and nothing from any of the planes have ever been found and verified through a serial number is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason there are massive issues with the take-off records of the 4 flights on 911 Is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11. and have never been physically verified, since there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason 15 billion dollars was paid out to the US airline companies within 2 weeks of 911 was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

 The reason the airline insurance companies have yet to pay a single penny to replace a single plane from 911 (which by the way they ONLY pay by debris verification), is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.  

 The reason it is now against US law to investigate or even contact the exact people who took the supposed “man from the street“ films, photos, and videos of planes of 911, is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason you will never have any truly independent investigation of 911 is that your legal system is owned by the same murderers, and there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason that everything will be kept in secrecy with regard to any legal procedures, covered with terms like “national security” even though the entire planet supposedly saw it, and any court cases will all have gag orders and be closed to the public because there were no commercial plane crashes on 911. 

The reason the families will never ask for verification of plane debris from any of the 4 planes from any of the 4 locations on 911 is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.

The reason that not one single family member gave or demanded a DNA sample or independent test from the planes on 911 is that there were no commercial plane crashes on 911.”

For further confirmation, "The Brian Ruhe Show: 911

I saw a video on YouTube (many exist) of a whale jumping out of a swimming pool. They used sophisticated holographic projectors to simulate aircraft. 

The source I have states that the insurers for American Airlines, United Airlines, and other aviation defendants agreed to pay $95 million to settle claims that security lapses led planes to be hijacked in the Sept. 11 attacks. I don't have any further information on whether the payment was made.


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