Bridging Urbanities: Reflections on Urban Design in Shanghai and Berlin

By Bauerfein

husam talib

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2017

Loved it! 😍

the book is a series of articles from two countries China and Germany discussing urban design in the two perspectives .

Bridging urbanities authors are Josefine Fokdal holds a Ph.D. from TU Berlin and is a researcher in the field of spatial theory, housing, governance, co-production, and rapid urbanization with a geographical focus on Asia. She holds a chair in the department of planning at the University of Stuttgart. She has several published books in the field of urbanism and housing. Bettina Bauerfeind works at Dipartimento Architettura e Design DAD, Università degli Studi di Genova as external expert. She has published many researches in the field of urbanism and housing with many researchers. Worked with the Urban research group and previous member of habitat international.

The book is designed to serve various audiences and readers. Many graduates from architecture fields think to proceed to a higher degree (master's degree). They refer mainly to university ranking like Top universities and others giving every university a yearly ranking based on overall and subject base ranking. These rankings evaluate master programs based on teacher’s research, citation, employment, but do not necessarily define how the program benefits the student in his development plan and career. Prof peter Herrle describes the dual master program of Tu berlin in detail making any graduate student comfortable in evaluating this master program. Researchers working on sustainable urbanism can benefit from this book if they are planning to use grounded theory in research for comparing two big cities that share the same development process and criteria. For architects in professional practice who want to get an overview of an Asian city’s architectural characteristics, development process, the role of culture, and planning regulations in the development this book is a good reference.

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Reviewed by
husam talib

Husam in his 25 years in architectural and urban design practice experience has helped several international firms in the Middle East achieve success by meeting project’s planned goals and reduced projects budgets without quality tradeoff.


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